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(...) Some context - while we bind existing processes in another application, My Task section sums number of tasks from all connected processes. I know that as user i can filter them, but my proposal is to add some option for connected processes to not appering in active tasks section at all :)

(...) eports we have the great possibility to execute mass actions by passing in some parameters. It would be a great having a similar kind of dialog menu action, where we can configure some informational text (e.g. as header/footer) and of course one or more fields as parameter. The configured parameters we then can use to execute an action. The dialog could contain a cancel and a okay

(...) . I would like to prevent users entering duplicate values in a field when starting a new workflow and I don't want to use the Instance Number to achieve that. I have a process ABC with field WFD_Atttext 1. How do I prevent the user to enter a value that already exists in the field WFD_Atttext 1 of the process ABC? Thank you.

(...) Dear WebCon Team, we most urgently need the possibility to have further authentication methods using OAuth 2.0 / OpenID in the context of REST - Web Service. At the moment the limitation does us not allow to communicate with other systems in the way of microservices. This extension would be a great increase of data communication. Thanks a lot Best regards Thomas

(...) e "single row edit" instead of using the browser integrated alert/confirmation window. This would result in a more consistent user experience. Of course it would be nice to set title, body and button text s but I would be fine with setting the body at least. :) b) Allowing html for the body. Currently adding line breaks is cluttering the form rule because we need to use a constants with >\r\n< as a v (...)

(...) Types.ItemsList)] public List Lista_Poz { get; set; } public class Nagl_OT { [ConfigEditableFormFieldID(DisplayName = "Numer SAT", FormFieldTypes = WorkFlow.SDK.Objects.Enums.FormFieldTypes.text SingleLine)] public string Sat_ID { get; set; } [ConfigEditableFormFieldID(DisplayName = "Podnumer SAT", FormFieldTypes = WorkFlow.SDK.Objects.Enums.FormFieldTypes.text SingleLin (...)

(...) progress', '', ''))", "attributes": { "target": "_blank", "href": " = 'https: //vision-box.webconapps.com/db/1/app/41/start/wf/93/dt/86/form?com_id=1&returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F41%2F&Atttext 1=' + [$FileLeafRef] + '&Atttext 2=' + [$ID] + '&Atttext 3='+[$FileRef]" } } Using the example, as my Status column is empty, the Start should be displayed. Does anyone have something like t (...)

(...) Hi there, this week i used "compact Start Buttons" for the first time. With our windows settings [FullHD, text Scale 100%], e.g. the small 'g' is cut off a little bit at the buttom. It's no big issue, but a few more pixels in the next version should work perfect. Thanks, Bjoern Poller

(...) Dear WebCon Team, the Concat function is a great advantage for text handling. Unfortunately, it is very hard or let's more say inconvenient, if you forgot a text part. In my understanding it is not possible to replace concat parts or even add text parts before or change there position. e.g. concat[Happy][Weekend!] so I would like to say "Happy easter Weekend!" for this I have to delete Weekend! an (...)

(...) Hi, After installing the web Outlook plugin I am getting some error on the "Show context item form" button. All the other action buttons work properly, but I am getting the following error on the first one: {"type":"Exception","message":"Cannot use cache in config db context ","errorGuid":"f8b38a8e-7220-461b-83f6-f2f8d65aae47","stacktrace":"","innerError":null} You can also see the attached pictures. (...)

(...) irst one and another one in German for the remaining two. If we want to send a custom mail though, I don't have an option for defining multilingual subjects/titles/contents etc. I've also checked 'Context variables\Current user\Language' it contains the language of the user who clicked on the path. While writing this I've just come up with following idea: Create multiple "custom email" actions. The (...)

(...) pecified workflow that have a datetime field NOT set (empty), but that seems to be impossible. I do not know how to filter that, a standard filter in the view with selected field equals to value in text field does not solve that. I am pretty sure there is a trick how to do that I am not aware of ;-) Many thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hello all, Does anyone tried to use the concat function using a form field? I have a form field that is single text and I want to use it plus another info like below: concat ('AaAA' 'Form Field') But I'm always getting an error saying that the rule is not correct, I tried to use a SET before and keep the information in another field but it doesn't allow to save. Anyone used this already (...)

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone have a good solution for retrieving names/translations of objects within a SDK action? Example: We have the step id: args.Context .CurrentDocument.StepID How do I get the (translated) step name? Is there some option inside the SDK? I haven't found one, so I'm thinking about passing ids/translations via the PluginConfiguration. I just thought about querying a data source. May (...)

(...) Hi. I have an old Webcon BPS. I try to create a template and I have a problem with CSS. I don't know how to change [|ElementAdress|] element to my preference. I want change text -decoration change to none, change color to white and a want to add padding and bottom. It is my code : [|ElementAddress|] [|MessageBody|] I upload how to my div with ElementAdress looks. How to change this field. I ha (...)

Hi there, i am struggling with generating a clickable link from column of same row. I would like the user to enter a link in the column LINK and a clickable link should be generated in the next row column (LINK-TEST) on every value change (see attached picture). The perfect way would be a little HTML button, so i should be able to set the "[TECH] angeschaut" checkbox when clicking. What i am s

(...) Hello, I made a report in WEBCON Designer Studio and one of the columns is "Link". However, when I export that report to excel, that column is converted to a simple text (not a link). Can I in some way configure it to receive in the exported excel that column as link? Best regards, Vitalii Lukash

(...) spelling. Sometimes it happens because I make a mistake and sometimes it happens because of latency or other issues in an RDP session. Currently I'm using the BPS translation tool and checking the text s in word. I'm wondering if native Windows spell check could be added to the Designer Studio: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.controls.spellcheck?view=net-5.0 In my opinion (...)

(...) We get an error message by using filter function in the report for calculated columns (using substring). I use the following formula. SUBSTRING(WFD_Atttext 8,1,2). The report view shows the correct values in the calulated column. As soon as I want to filter this column, I get an error message. Does anyone else have the problem or am I doing something wrong? Best regards Nancy

(...) steps where they have the general right to edit, this works, but not on other steps. To clarify, on those other steps, they should NOT have rights to edit the step, ONLY to edit this one multiline text field. And any other group should NOT have the right to edit this field. Only for internal user groups. I already tried in the editability tab to make this field editable, but this did not work. (a (...)