(...) .4.84. 2. Created doc template process 3. Imported doc template 4. checked and changed all Font for Verdena 5. changed name of column in table (from list) 6. ignored few fields (from list) 7. update d template doc 8. WebCon is ignoring font style in table (list) 9. WebCon is ignoring name column change in table (list) 9. See animation (template + pdf from process)
(...) I added few fields, which take data from other and recalculate them. I want to refesh old elements, so data will update in them. I've tried adding technical field and changing it's value so other values shoud recalculeate, but it doesn't work. This has to be done once. Any ideas?
(...) xecuting the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | href: | ex: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: Sqldate Time overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM."
(...) Hi. I have a big request. How to calculate the number of days entered in the calendar on the form, but excluding holidays - only working days Alternatively, the second way: How to validate the form: if in the final step date = holidays, a message will appear. Thank you in advance for your help.
(...) I would like to update the WEBCON Platform from version 2021.1.5.292 to 2022.1.4.297. While preparing for the update , I receive a message that there are no components installed: 1. "ASP.NET Core 6 Hosting Bundle" 2. ".NET 6" What versions to install (SDK, Runtime), where to download them? So that there are no problems with the operation of the platform and that I can update it?
(...) Hi, I'm working on preparing a report based on my process. It's something similar to task manager. I can create a task with field responsible person nad some date s (deadline and end of task). I;m makieng report, where I want to show all responsible people who have tasks divided on Active task, Active task after deadline, Finished task in time and Finished task after deadline. I've made calcula (...)
(...) expertise. I think I generally understand how Webcon works, but there are a few areas where I still fail, or have no idea how to go about it. Currently I have a process that has a field "Reminder date " with a date in an end step of each instance. Now I would like to check the "Reminder date " in all instances at regular intervals (e.g. daily) to see whether it is today or in the past and then send (...)
(...) I have a question: How to create a field/attribute with only the time selection (without the date )? Thank you in advance for your help
(...) Hello, I have an template with a simple excel file that has a table named "TableExcel". This table has 4 columns: date ,CUSTOMER,VALUE,CURRENCY. In designer I created an item list with 4 colums that have the same name. When I map the columns in designer I use "Sheet1!TableExcel" and on the right i drag the columns from the item list. Every time i run the action i get : Invalid cell name If i tr (...)
(...) se(IHttpWebRequest request) at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.PostStream(String relativeUrl, String contentType, Stream content, IEnumerable`1 parameters) [...] The operation has timed out Atomic update content: Random elements in WEBCON can't be proceeded by Solr. I have added RAM for Solr (4GB). Solr Cloud node shows: 1% CPU, 40% Heap, 1.8 Gb of Disk usage, where 1.5 are BPS_Elements, 330MB (...)
(...) se(IHttpWebRequest request) at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.PostStream(String relativeUrl, String contentType, Stream content, IEnumerable`1 parameters) [...] The operation has timed out Atomic update content: Random elements in WEBCON can't be proceeded by Solr. I have added RAM for Solr (4GB). Solr Cloud node shows: 1% CPU, 40% Heap, 1.8 Gb of Disk usage, where 1.5 are BPS_Elements, 330MB (...)
(...) gure, whether the names/translations of the columns should be used. The default value should be true. It's just a waste of time to not only provide the translations the first time but also to update these when the name/translation of the referenced column changes. Most of the time it's forgotten anyway. Best regards, Daniel
(...) s even from different content databases? In our situation we separated content databases as per organization structure, which is usually useful, but it is a disadvantage if you want to show a consolidate d high level view. I know that it is feasible with external reporting (like PowerBI), but I would be happy if there were a standard feature on Webcon portal. Or what about making related process fe (...)
(...) ned rows are working fine, some not.. This never happened to me before. To put this straight forward, the problems I notice are: 1. "Name" is returning equipment value, instead of name value 2. "date of purchase" is returning nothing NULL, even if the date is filled in 3. "Signature" sometimes is returning the signature, sometimes not. Attaching some maybe relevant pictures. Thank you!
(...) Hello everyone. Is it possible to select all authenticated users in the portal with the date and time of authentication?
(...) (id=318) { "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#sites('test')/drives('XNOnVydrSL6yetalE8-T')/root/children(listItem())", "value": [ { "createddate Time": "2024-01-15T16:28:02Z", "eTag": "\"{B83-D72096BB9BFF},1\"", "listItem@odata.context": "vvewvwvdfv", "listItem": { "@odata.etag": "\"b8209 (...)
(...) Hello, The workflow I am designing requires an email to be sent after a certain time spent in a step. Is this possible using the date Diff function?
(...) //community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2707?messageid=2707 Is there anyone here who can help me with any tips? The case is quite urgent, as the plugin has not worked for a customer since the WEBCON update last Friday and it is used intensively in applications for this customer. Thank you! Marco Bienlein, VSB
(...) er difference is that history items do not point to the original item, whereas plans allow us to link to the original element. One more difference I've noticed is that no matter what are the specific date s (from and to) of the elements in the vacation history data source - the vacation chart shows only the items date d older than today. The plans however show all date s. After this a bit long introd (...)
(...) m previous year" and "from current year" ones visible, tha chart works. It stops working as soon as I try to make "Used" visible. The problem occurs only when there is a vacaton entry which has no date s specified.