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for UI

(...) ersion of WEBCON there was a filter web-part, which would filter all the reports on the page. Is this something that could be implemented in a future release to help with filtering multiple reports qUI ckly on a dashboard? kind regards, Dean

(...) Is there a reference gUI de to scaling up solr configs beyond the setup done by the installer. I have narrowed down my performance issues to the solr timeout on memory from the logs

(...) ication. They use Graph for the email configuration. Graph is capable of sending emails from multiple accounts, but can we settup this somehow in webcon? I find it strange not to be able to as it is qUI te an important functionality especialy when webcon allows multiple applications to be developed and also multiple business entities. Am I missing something? Thanks, Raluca

(...) ditable", item list row should be colored red and should not be editable (should be DISABLE). Especially, in this case, for specified ID number, cell in column "Choose" should be disabled. WEBCON bUI lt-in fuction "DISABLE" allows to disable a specified attribute, but there is no option to disable specified item list position (like "DISABLE CELL [Item list][Column]). Regards

(...) level, DicSecurityChangeReason reason, String reasonAdditional, Boolean isPermanent) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Actions.SetSecurity.SetForAllElementsAndReturnErrorMessage(IWFAction wfAction, StringBUI lder logMessageBUI lder, XmlActionsConfig config, DicSecurityChangeReason reason, XmlSecurityReasonAddMsgConfig reasonAdditional, DataTable elements, String securityPhrase, List`1 peopleToSet) at W (...)

(...) Hi, Due to reqUI rements of another system: 1. I need to change the authentication method of MS SQL Server from Windows to mixed. Any risks connected with such operation? Or Webcon should be working just fine? 2. A need to change the collation of the SQL Server. Are there any risks connected for running Webcon service here?

(...) something I really don't understand. I'm currently using BPSExt-Signing-DocuSign extension https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS/BPSExt-Signing-DocuSign/releases/tag/2022.1 When I clone the branch and bUI ld it, the bUI ld folder contains another (older) "System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll" assembly than the release. The reason for this is, that the plugin action CheckAllDocumentsStatus, which shoul (...)

(...) I've got following problems - we are using AD as an authentication tool, but because of qUI te complex, matrix organizational scheme I cannot use a supervisor data from AD, because (depending on the project) the same user can have two different managers). So I figured out, that I will be using BPS Groups next to AD: 1. I've got User A, Manager A and Manager B 2. I've got groups Managers, Project A (...)

(...) 4.155 and now I can't use the Active Directory actions. Same error on add group/user and delete group/user. Where I can register this service? There is no comment in last release notes or install gUI de. My last working version is 2022.1.4.84. BTW: The new feature to add error codes to interrupt user synchronization isn't visible... Thanks and best regards Daniel

(...) Hi, We have a reqUI rement for adding scanned signatures to pdf documents we generate. There are multiple possible signatures that must be added based on the person selected during the workflow (a responsible person). What would be a secure way of adding these "pictures" or scans of signatures to the generated pdf? One option we tried was creating a form field, that generated a URL with the path (...)

(...) Hi all! We upgraded to newest version 2022.1.4.177 In this version the export and import button is missing in UI (Document templates report). Export and import via application does not work either. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Any ideas on how to import document templates on new environment having the same GUI D? Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Good evening everyone, I'm looking for a way to get the name of an ItemList within a SELECT statement. I'm planning to bUI ld a way to move an ItemList row to another ItemList in the same instance. Therefore I need an autocomplete field with ID=ItemListID(DET_WFCONID) and Name=? . I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I can't even find it under (https://developer.webcon.com/2022/resources/db/). (...)

(...) Hello again, feeling a little bit like a newbie, i have another problem with ItemLists. I am playing around bUI lding a KANBAN Board with WEBCON. Therefore i would like to move ItemList-rows between my six ItemLists (Backlog, To-Do-List, In Progress, Test, Done, Blocked). After copying the row information to the new ItemList, i would like to _delete_ the old row(s) e.g. on the "UPDATE"-Path (...)

(...) Hello everyone, for a new idea i have in mind, it would be great, if there would be an easy bUI ld-in way to anonymize all form fields of an instance, which are marked as "Data Type - Personal data" in the Personal data storage (Style and behavior TAB). As far as i tested, there is always the need for a "Personal Data Dictonary", when using the action "REMOVE PERSONAL DATA". QUESTION 1: Is (...)

(...) Hi community! I am struggling with Word Add-In and data tables. The reqUI rement is to show a table of order positions, each position contains an image field with a barcode (which should be shown in table) and some other fields. Is that even possible and if so how? Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hi all. I have the reqUI rement to create a report that aggregates process columns from multiple workflows. In the portal report configuration menu from the source tab I can choose multiple processes->workflows. However, doing so wil only allow me to pick system columns and not process related ones. Is there a way to surface process columns from across multiple workflows to bUI ld the report? (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I think any changes to JavaScript is worth a dedicated thread, since these won't effect everyone and can be qUI te technical. As everyone has read the change log, it should be no surprise that we need to apply some changes to any JavaScript based modifications. The cash-dom library has replaced the former jQuery library. The change may affect how form rules work in JavaScript (...)

(...) Hello. Have any of you done archived (completed)process migration from Sharepoint? Are there any bUI lt-in solutions? I would appreciate for any hints.

(...) nt and save it, so it triggers Solr index action, but maybe there is a global option to do it for all documents? Alternatively I can define path to add permissions to every document via actions and qUI ck path - but this is not a scenario you can use in every circumstance. Is reindexing whole process an option here (from Solr report in BPS Studio)? Will it work? Very often users receives permissi (...)

(...) from HRESULT: 0x80131040) File name: 'System.Numerics.Vectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' at System.SpanHelpers.SequenceEqual(Byte& first, Byte& second, NUI nt length) at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.LookupProperty(Object obj, ReadOnlySpan`1 unescapedPropertyName, ReadStack& state, Boolean& useExtensionProperty, Boolean createExtensionProperty) (...)