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(...) I recently noticed a problem with sending emails from my environment. The most likely cause was the wrong password for the application pool aCC ount. I see a lot of entries in the WFMails table with a status of 0. I do not want all outstanding e-mail notifications to go out after changing the password. Is adding to the send queue based on the WFMails table, or is there another, dedicated database tab (...)

(...) ms.Control.InvokeMarshaledCallbackHelper(Object obj) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSynCC tx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSynCC tx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(Execut (...)

(...) orkflow. To pass the process to the next workflow step, we use an action "on timeout". Checking for a date field works. However, we need a condition for the timeout that takes both date fields into aCC ount: If date field 2 is non-empty take this date for the timeout, otherwise take date 1 for the timeout. Can this be implemented with an "on timeout" action and if so, how?

(...) ve a BPS installation on Active Directory called ABC.local. The organization is sunsetting this domain and moving to another AD forest called XYZ.local. In both domains, John Kowalsky has a separate aCC ount: in the ABC.local domain, it's abc\jkowalsky and in XYZ.local, the login is via UPN john.kowalsky@org.pl. Fortunately, we can pair aCC ounts in both domains by email address. How can I migrate BPS (...)

(...) Use case: We are using an offer process/workflow, where we fill in the costs in a table - e.g. columns "descripition, quantity, price per unit, total price." In case the offer is aCC epted and we'll need a change request of the costs we need a two separate process steps. The first step will start the change request, opening two additional columns in the table - "quantity for change request, total (...)

(...) pe ID is changed correctly. Did you encounter such a problem in version 2023? I don't know whether to look for the cause in the environment configuration or if it's a general problem. The problem oCC urs on different processes and different content databases. Thanks for any information.

(...) Hi All! Does anyone have experience with integrating WEBCON with SAP SuCC ess Factors, particularly Employee Central?

(...) Hi everyone, I was wondering if it is possible to create an entry in an Outlook calendar with Webcon. I saw the action "Exchange Events" and as I understood it aCC ording to the documentation, it should be possible with this action. However, I do not fully understand the different settings for this action. How can I specify, if I have multiple calendars in Outlook, in which calendar I want to w (...)

(...) eld and it is populated from a data source with autocomplete activated. I want to limit the choice field to only the data from the data source. The user can't manually type any other text. How can I aCC omplish this?. Thanks

(...) Hi, I have a problem installing upgrad. I get a message : "User 'public' does not have permission to run DBCC CHECKIDENT for object 'ActiveTasks'. Anyone know what's going on and how to solve it?

(...) mething that should be there, but was somehow forgotten. Calculated values make no sense in the calendar reports now If they can not be chosen in any dialog, especially for coloring. Has anyone came aCC ross this problem? Can it be overcome somehow?

(...) tance. For example I pick project 1 and change its status. Person X comes after, picks project 1 and change again its status. Now there will be 2 instances. I want to be able to give to person X aCC ess only to instances of project 1 and 2, person Y aCC ess only to instances of project 1 and 3 and person Z aCC ess to instances of project 2 only. How can I filter which instances are visible to whic (...)

(...) rrect syntax near '}'.' in the *Last error* field. As seen on the screenshot There is no '}' in the SQL query of the subworkflow action... So now I am facing the mystery where exactly this error oCC urs at all and what exactly is the cause. Does anyone know where I can find more information about the error? (Without ACTID or GUID I can't search for errors in the administration tool. Where else c (...)

(...) After installing a new development environment, I have a problem with performing an SQL query to the BPS_Config database. The environment was installed with my administrative aCC ount. From the database level, I can also see that the users of the service and the application pool (db owner) have permissions to the database. The application pool is the aCC ount indicated in the installer as the user to (...)

(...) ord" category. And it work perfectly in the 2022 versions, and now, in 2023.1.1.89 it does not matter what I put in the category field, the action seems to ignore it and deletes all the attachements aCC ording to the next field (only the newest, only the oldest, all). Is this how it is supposed to work now? Am I missing something?

(...) ated some time ago process for handling Recruitments, which connects two departments - HR and IT. On starting form, there are yes/no fields for required permissions/equipment for a new person. * ACC ess to system X * ACC ess to system Y * Laptop * Wireless mouse After the process have been running for a year my users came to conclusion, that we need to have 3 possibilities to choose from to (...)

(...) m usable again. In the screenshot the "Owner" field uses the sql datasource. The drawback this has is, that it's no longer a people field and everywhere I have to select the column containing the aCC ount name now. Which his not necessary for a people field and can easily be forgotten. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hello, Does anyone has a rest api configured to aCC ess Sales Force? I have a connection and I use it in a process but I'm getting the data from Opportunities. I would like to bring in a specific report. I've checked how to do this and I came up with this query using the GET /services/data/v52.0/analytics/reportTypes/Opportunity But when I use the field as a Data table in order to check the in (...)

(...) g some internal JavaScript objects and if this is the case, check whether you are using window.initialModel and make adjustments. In R2 it's gone. Most of the objects of the initialModel can be aCC essed via the liteModel. /api/nav/db/${parameters.dbId}/element/${parameters.instanceId}/desktop If you have no idea what I'm talking about, than everything is fine. :) Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hello everyone! I have the following challenge. I need to open the pdf attached to a workflow in a popup. I suCC essfully managed to do so using the base64 encoded string and some javascript. Now the problem is that the pdfs are larger than expected. Some of them are 5MB and even more. For those large pdfs the script is not working, nor is effective to try make it work. I can go the Python way, (...)