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for UI

(...) Let's start with a use case. I'll be working soon on a process for ordering bUI sness cards, which will include graphic, who is responsilbe for preparing files which are sent to printing company. On the bUI sness cards there should be QR code with vCard data. We want to avoid manual process of copy/pasting data between webcon and other qr generation system. Action which adds code to attachment (...)

(...) or not, but I think it might proof useful, if we could add an icon to path buttons, like they are available for the menu buttons. I just tried emojis today and I think it will help users to distingUI sh similar paths. But since these are emojis there may be problems with light/dark mode and different devices. This wouldn't be the case for font icons. Best regards, Daniel

(...) After updating to version 2023.1.1.41, errors are occurring on the portal. All processes are working correctly, did any of you have a similar problem? After analyzing the errors in GUI D, I got a log as below. url: http://lowcode/api/nav/applications/mostused | action: GetMostUsed ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Wind (...)

(...) on at the reception). By law and for company policy reasons, we have to display a "Data Protection Notice" on the form before the visitor can complete the registration. By company policy, we are reqUI red to provide this notice in each country in _all_ possible languages. [We have the Data Protection Notice in 8 languages.] What would be the best way to provide this information to a visitor on (...)

(...) How in bUI sness rule I can implemement function random my bUI sness rule? I want to set the form field randomly out of 3 choices

(...) e three different environments. This means that after each transport from the Dev/Test to the Prod environment, the attributes, tables or view names of the SQL queries affected must be changed to sUI t the respective environment. ((Otherwise, an SQL query will not work at all, or worse, incorrect data will be returned from the query.)) That can't/shouldn't be the goal, right? It is also a possi (...)

(...) colors "ColorID/VACType_ColorID" version 2022.1.4.248 - is certainly not relevant We use not only the planned absence, but also the planned attendance. So for planning purposes we have to distingUI sh between several types (colors). Currently, neither type nor color can be specified in the "planned vacations" template. Is it possible to change that? In principle it should be exactly the same as (...)

(...) ocumentation correctly action Add attachment allows copy/move attachment from another workflow to current instance. My case is opposite: 1. I have an invoice approval workflow which in the end reqUI res (business reqUI rement) adding payment confirmation (PDF) from banking systems. Manual process is very time consuming. 2. Each payment confirmation has in transfer's description instance signature (...)

(...) Hi Guys, knowing i am a newbie, i just have a maybe qUI te simple question. Can i get the ID of the 'calling' action on the entry path of an action? Would like to check which ist the caller and depending on the result send an email or not. Thats it ;-) Thanks for some hints, Gerd

(...) e stored. I am using a "Start a subworkflow (SQL)" to migrate data from our old sharepoint workflow tool to Webcon. Unfortunately, it seems that Webcon has decided that 'Choice fields' always reqUI re a GUI D#Name to be populated. (Without this format I get an error and the subworkflow does not run). Now I have some Choice fields that use Fixed values lists in Webcon and I need to concatenate th (...)

(...) Hello, I would like to bUI ld an app based on a parallel approval. (2 different tasks) 1. Approval for Manager 2. Approval for Economics The process must wait for those 2 approvals responses and then decide on condition. (continue process or stop process) Do you have any ideas / suggestions on achieving that? Thank you.

(...) like to see how it could look live - please go to the screensot Simplified history.png Core Such simple history on the form - WHO clicked WHAT and WHEN is part of our Internal Company WebCon BPS GUI delines. We put in on the every form in the processes. Is it for FREE? :) Yes, it is if you like SQLing :) Like we said WebCon BPS platform has got full history in the SQL and in history view (det (...)

(...) porting services. Such attitute with planned update to WebCon BPS 2023 (Global Role for Group Management and per Group Admin) gives as opportunity to give the "Power" of managing permissions by BUI sness (Self-Service by Business Admins). We wanted to achive the idea which we had followed in SharePoint (business is maintaining adding/removing users from the groups). And such dashboard is power (...)

(...) Hello, it would be nice to have in donut and pie charts "category" label in popup that matches the legend (beside series name). With a large number of categories, it is difficult to distingUI sh colors on chart and popup contains only series name. The label was displayed in the 2021 versions and is still displayed in bar chart. Please consider adding it.

(...) Hello community, I am bUI lding application with one Dictionary process, and one standard process with 2 workflows. I would like to start second workflow many times as subworkflow of fist workflow and assign it to the several users/users groups (one per subworkflow) selected from Dictionary process. I am trying to use action “start a subworkflow (SQL)”. My understanding is that “start a subw (...)

(...) Changing the RestAPI mode to "admin" should allow you to update fields, including readonly. The documentation however mentions the reqUI rement of "admin permissions" How to add reqUI res admin permissions?. Below are excerpts from the RestAPI documentation mode -Enum: "standard" "ignoreReadonly" "admin" Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all fi (...)

(...) action... So now I am facing the mystery where exactly this error occurs at all and what exactly is the cause. Does anyone know where I can find more information about the error? (Without ACTID or GUI D I can't search for errors in the administration tool. Where else could I search?) Thanks in advance! ** The subworkflow directly follows a path that points only to an end step. No other actio (...)

(...) Hello, I'm facing a new challenge, maybe someone already had to deal with it and will be able to help :) I've created some time ago process for handling RecrUI tments, which connects two departments - HR and IT. On starting form, there are yes/no fields for reqUI red permissions/eqUI pment for a new person. * Access to system X * Access to system Y * Laptop * Wireless mouse After the proc (...)

(...) r available, the view/desktop endpoint hadn't send a response yet but a JavaScript form rule from the previous instance was still executing. While coping with this I noticed that the response are qUI te big (1). About 50% of the 418 kb is the value of the jsToRegister property. Maybe we can do something about his our selves by providing a minified version of the JS. Nevertheless I wonder whet (...)

(...) g the substitution. Attached you find the diagnostics session and develeoper tools log. Any ideas what is going wrong here? // diagnostics json { "session": { "id": 565, "sessionGUI d": "2c8664cd-1862-4978-9355-1d0b7c3c47d5", "userTime": "2023-08-31T05:51:09.457", "userLogin": "xxx", "userLanguageCode": "en-US", "userBrowserData": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0 (...)