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for UI

(...) o show generated file to a user in a preview mode. After upgrading to version 2021, the option was changed to "Download after file generation" which causes automatic file download without option to qUI ckly preview the document and print it. Is there a possibility to get that previous functionality in version 2021 ? Thanks.

(...) t I assume, that this would execute the "Upon instance deleting" trigger. This is not the case with the delete action, for which I'm grateful as the trigger allows me to prevent the deletion from the UI even for administrators. Best regards, Daniel

(...) entation from a process, I am getting the following error. What can it result from? Message=Value cannot be null. Parameter name: text Source=Aspose.Words StackTrace= at Aspose.Words.DocumentBUI lder.(String , Boolean ) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.AttributeDetailSectionGenerator.InsertAutoPostBackCell(String name) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studi (...)

(...) Hi all, I am qUI te new to webcon and I came over this. We have a form with a item list. The item list is initialized from external source. It shall represent a log file for some measured values. The lines in the item list shall be every 10 minutes, so I initialize the list with 100 x 10 minutes line. Hence, the user shall not be able to delete or duplicate records / lines from the item list. (...)

(...) It would be great to have the possibility to edit soap message header in a way the body is editable now. I came across couple of services (e.g. National Statistics Office in Poland) reqUI ring secret string to be passed in the header element. So it would be good to be able to map field values to soap header element. Currently there is no way to use standard invoke soap action with this service. Than (...)

(...) I have a reqUI rement were I need to generate a RS Report from the form data, from the image attached the user have a path 'Generate Contract' were it will generate the report and reassign/reopen the form step again to the same user. I have tried to add the 'Generate RS Report' action on 'Generate Contract' path, on exit and also on the second entry but every time the report show empty because I (...)

(...) to MS Graph, I lost the ability to format body text in html in exchange calendar events. Problem observed in version 2022.1.4.84. Manual update with Graph works fine, however, calling it from the bUI lt-in action, there is some conversion to body content applied here - please return us the ability to format body in html :)

(...) he created to another employee or generic account? Can I anonymize his data some other way? I tried with GDPR actions but "Author" is a system field and I didn't find a way to do it. Is there a bUI lt in action that could do this? Do I need to resort to SQL and would that even be wise? Thanks in advance

(...) t one, I know) when I push the button, the object runs through a path and does all the actions, but the view changes to the details of the object, losing the filtered report list. I've tried the qUI ck path while marking several objects, but in my case it doesn't work (these path passes seem to run simoultaniously, which causes problems as the actions on the path realate to another process, creat (...)

(...) stman. I want to put data to choice field, but I know only name from data source. It's possible at all? I tried to put a value in two ways: "formFields": [ { "gUI d": "c2e37260-5d57-410e-997c-1f19bb12a4c0", "svalue": "USD" } ] System always trying to fit value "USD" to Id, but ID is different, 3 for example. and (...)

(...) Hi, I want to ask an important question for my organization. Is the webcon system compliant with WCAG 2.0? Which version of webcon supports Web Content Accessibility GUI delines (WCAG)? Please give me some advice

(...) Massactions in reports are qUI te usefull, but they only support path transitions. There are cases, where you would like to apply changes to workflow elements which are in different steps. For those cases i would be great having the option to just update the element rather than moving to another step. Background of this idea is a potentially new customer where we have to replace their curren (...)

(...) ersion of WEBCON there was a filter web-part, which would filter all the reports on the page. Is this something that could be implemented in a future release to help with filtering multiple reports qUI ckly on a dashboard? kind regards, Dean

(...) Is there a reference gUI de to scaling up solr configs beyond the setup done by the installer. I have narrowed down my performance issues to the solr timeout on memory from the logs

(...) ication. They use Graph for the email configuration. Graph is capable of sending emails from multiple accounts, but can we settup this somehow in webcon? I find it strange not to be able to as it is qUI te an important functionality especialy when webcon allows multiple applications to be developed and also multiple business entities. Am I missing something? Thanks, Raluca

(...) ditable", item list row should be colored red and should not be editable (should be DISABLE). Especially, in this case, for specified ID number, cell in column "Choose" should be disabled. WEBCON bUI lt-in fuction "DISABLE" allows to disable a specified attribute, but there is no option to disable specified item list position (like "DISABLE CELL [Item list][Column]). Regards

(...) level, DicSecurityChangeReason reason, String reasonAdditional, Boolean isPermanent) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Actions.SetSecurity.SetForAllElementsAndReturnErrorMessage(IWFAction wfAction, StringBUI lder logMessageBUI lder, XmlActionsConfig config, DicSecurityChangeReason reason, XmlSecurityReasonAddMsgConfig reasonAdditional, DataTable elements, String securityPhrase, List`1 peopleToSet) at W (...)

(...) Hi, Due to reqUI rements of another system: 1. I need to change the authentication method of MS SQL Server from Windows to mixed. Any risks connected with such operation? Or Webcon should be working just fine? 2. A need to change the collation of the SQL Server. Are there any risks connected for running Webcon service here?

(...) something I really don't understand. I'm currently using BPSExt-Signing-DocuSign extension https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS/BPSExt-Signing-DocuSign/releases/tag/2022.1 When I clone the branch and bUI ld it, the bUI ld folder contains another (older) "System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll" assembly than the release. The reason for this is, that the plugin action CheckAllDocumentsStatus, which shoul (...)

(...) I've got following problems - we are using AD as an authentication tool, but because of qUI te complex, matrix organizational scheme I cannot use a supervisor data from AD, because (depending on the project) the same user can have two different managers). So I figured out, that I will be using BPS Groups next to AD: 1. I've got User A, Manager A and Manager B 2. I've got groups Managers, Project A (...)