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for UI

(...) Hi, could you please extend the "WEBCON BPS System administrators" tool (exe), with a reqUI red field for the display name in addition to the BPS ID? I just spend about three hours hunting down the exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String' at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.Checkouts.ElementCheckoutsRepository.UpdateOrTakeOverParameters (...)

(...) e are no fields and workflows defined in the process but that is not true. It shows this way just because of the mentioned error. How can I delete the item list that is causing problems? I developed qUI te some functionality already and don't want to start from scratch. Thanks, Martin

(...) Hello, Can someone help with some gUI delines of how i can see assigned licenses for users and designer studio? I just see the total number of licenses and the remaining licenses, but i would like to see also to whom is that licenses is assigned. Is that possible? Thank you

(...) Hi everyone, I am qUI te embarrassed to have to ask this question because the answer is probably qUI te simple. Currently, I am reviewing a Webcon process that I created some time ago. In doing so, I started to implement some things (e.g. sending emails) in a better way. Now I have noticed that I have an "on entry" action in the step actions in some paths (which was previously responsible for (...)

(...) placeholder value via function (like form rule). As an example, I create a form rule or define actions on change value in field. Changing checkbox field value (as marked, True) I'm setting "mark reqUI red" other related field. In such situation I could set placeholder value i.e. 'fill this field with phone number' suggestion. Especially it would be useful in Item list. Today I can set row val (...)

(...) Hello everyone I was just wondering about the best way to implement this: We want to bUI ld a process (basically it is a research proposal/request process). But we also want to be able to start a new change request for "completed" requests. The change request is eqUI valent to the normal request, with the only difference that you have to select the original request in the change request (so (...)

(...) Hi, Could you please help by providing some gUI dance / documentation regarding on how to avoid duplicates in a Dictionary process? (adding from New button and import from excel) Thanks.

(...) block access to the webcon BPS platform for a specific user. The situation was a bit more complicated because the user could not be deactivated at the AD level. Of course, it can be done, but it reqUI res analyzing data, ad groups, places on configuration forms where such a person can be indicated as a functional person, etc. Maybe it would be good to implement the option at the administrative lev (...)

(...) Hi, is there a way to make the description reqUI red in case a specific category is picked for that document? Pretty much what I'm saying is that if an user is trying to add an attachment and they choose OTHER for its category, to make them complete its description as well. Thnak youuu.

(...) Basically, I'm replicating the buttons from the action column. I know I can add the title="some text" to the button to have a default tooltip. But I'd like to use the bUI lt in tooltips. Please see the attached images to see what I mean. Anyone know how to get that?

(...) Hi all, I am currently bUI lding a process in which it is possible to go back to the 'start' step from almost any step. (There are 10 steps that can go back to the 'start') Now I have an (1x) action (action template) that should be performed when someone selects the path to 'start'. Is there a better way than adding this action to every path? (Adding the same action to all paths that lead to (...)

(...) ow can we see that Webcon is functioning properly on the new servers? How can we migrate applications to new servers and test them? What about the installation process in general, is there a good gUI de for installing Webcon with SharePoint? We also plan to upgrade Webcon after migrating to new SharePoint. Thanks!

(...) prepared some PoC - you can check it out here: https://portal.webconbps.com/db/1/app/479/dashboards/75 Selecting item from the report on left, will update the view on the right. Sometimes it reqUI res double click, and side panel to loads so it doesn't look great. But it represents the idea so for now it's good enough ;) To make the control work, there should be a possibility to choose whic (...)

(...) Hi guys, I have created a subworkflow that I would like to use to implement a signing process. I copy the reqUI red attachments from the parent workflow to this subworkflow. How do I get the changed (signed) attachments back into the parent workflow and how can I then exchange the original documents there? I think it's not too complicated, but unfortunately I don't know how to do it ;-) Or is (...)

(...) using business entity 1, 2 and 3 , but when i use the business entity 4 i want them to be hidden. The only way I made it possible is by using a form rule with a Java Script, but could not see any bUI ld in Webcon options. If anyone knows other ways to make this happen, I would appreciate it a lot. Thanx

(...) Hi, The name of the virtual machine where the service was installed has been changed. Does anyone know the reqUI red steps to get WebCon working again? Thanks, Raluca

(...) isible on business entity system field in particular application. There are cases that for some reason in some applications some business entities should stay hidden. Now to achieve it you have to bUI ld additional dictionares or small apps. I see this feature as another tab in Business Entity configuration.

(...) ors.ActionEvaluator.GetActionExecutionType() at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.d__23.MoveNext() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBUI lder`1.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.EvaluateAsync() at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automat (...)

(...) Hello, While designing form I'm often getting questions about possibility to set some additional description to the field. I'm usually talking about the tooltip, but it reqUI res the action of end user - he have to willingly hover on the (ℹ️) icon, to display the message, and there is no guarantee, that he will see it. Right now it ends with creating HTML field with some description near the f (...)

(...) Hi all! I want to remove all element privileges on workflow element level (= all users assigned with Add privileges action) from certain workflow elements. Is there an easy (and maybe bUI lt-in way) to remove all these permissions without knowing the BPSId of these users? I know there is a table WFSecurities, which can be selected and filtered by WFD_ID, but maybe there is an easier way to d (...)