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for data

(...) ion after upgrading to version 2022.1..1.53? We forgot to test the functionality immediately after the upgrade (due to some issues with the license) so rollback is not an option…. We are gathering data from the national registry of companies when registering a new partner into our system with the action. In 2022 we just receive the following error »Object reference not set to an instance of an obje (...)

(...) s/applications, not linked together. Let's say I want to give permission to read a document for some domain user or user group. The problem is that I can't modify these processes. I cannot modify data from the data base side because the manufacturer forbids it :/ My idea is to create a new process and use it to update permissions on other processes/tasks, but I don't know if it is possible. Can (...)

(...) Dear Community, I have a question regarding attachments data base. Size of the data base is quite large and I'm trying to find optimizations here. Table / index compression is not a solution - compression ratio is barely reaches 0,5% level. I have found a lot of records in this data base where attachments are deleted (column ATF_IsDeleted = 1). Is it safe to remove such records from data base or it wi (...)

(...) Hi all! We have to transfer some values from old data base fields to new data base fields, since we want to switch some fields in process to global fields. We plan to do this with well know T-SQL statement (UPDATE WFElements SET ...) within a cyclic action, which can be triggered on demand. Does anyone know if there are any restrictions in Webcon SaaS (Software as a service) regarding SQL UPDA (...)

(...) load attachment - View in report (elements retrieved and displayed on reports) - Edit element - Delete element As additional auditing is likely to have performance impacts and also increase the data base quite fast, it would be better to enable auditing on process level only. Maybe it would even make sense to log these entries in a separate audit data base.

(...) On callback of popup item we want to set new workflow element id to dropdown, but obviously the new item is not in dropdown. Is there an easy way (with Javascript) to trigger reload of dropdowns data source? Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: with import excel action you can import excel tables only if you have a table container already added. Sometimes it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemlist file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one, inst (...)

(...) users to BPS, is there any possible way to not synchronize all users from the directory but instead just users assigned to an OU or Security Group. The reason i am trying to do this is because of data privacy concerns of a customer who has users of multiple subsidiaries split into different OU's and to declutter my people fields. I know i could just create a BPS Group and assign the AAD Group whi (...)

(...) able to do, the first 3 images are what is currently possible with out-of-the-box functionality. If that is already possible I'd be happy to know how without having to target precise css classes, data attributes etc.

(...) o grant permissions for using the rest api also for users and not only applications. Btw: I reused the code for the weblogin from my powershell and extendend https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS/RestApi-data Importer, but....

(...) Hi, I have a following problem. I've created a data table form field that downloads data from SQL query. In that SQL query I have a following where clause, which compares a date from Oracle table to a date from a form field that is completed by an user (it is "user's date"): "where table1.date = User's date: date acc. browser settings(text)" and it doesn't work because of different date forma (...)

(...) Hi folks, We have a Word File with three data tables from Webcon in there, which will be generated and converted to PDF, then put into the attachments. The thing I have struggled to figure out until now is, how to hide or not show a table when the corresponding data table in Webcon is empty. I know that it is possible to use Business Rules in there, but again none which use parameters. Is t (...)

(...) Hi, it is posible to export data from item list to Excel in action but only id from column value? Only way i found is map item list to excel table (Sheet1!Table1). In this way the whole (id and name) of column is exported. But I want only id or name.

(...) ut since this doesn't have an option to define target fields. I moved to the autocomplete alternative. This in turn has the drawback that the it takes 2-3 seconds to load the answers. Using the same data source and filters for the drop down choice field doesn't have any loading time. So the answers are already available. I need to combine the best of both worlds. I will probably try to use a "on (...)

(...) Is it possible to generate a QR code other than the data base document ID in Webcon BPS? I used the action described below but it is not optimal for me. I have an action (javascript) that generates a QR code and puts it in an HTML attribute. The QR code is created from the value of the text attribute. I want to insert this QR code into the attachment created from the document process. HTML created (...)

(...) flows have similar steps. When I would like to filter elements by step, but the number for elements is incorrect. When I check one value, a second value with the same name is checked too, but I see data only from one workflow.

(...) d I can choose several budget items (one - many) for them. Then I have an invoice app where on the list of items I choose the decision cards with budget items on the list that tell me the rest of the data , but the most important thing is that I would like to open the decision card after selecting the decision card and budget item. At the moment I have 2 bugs. If I set the DET_ID field in the data sour (...)

(...) only after saving the instance) it cuts all the others out which were selected.... Is there a way around this problem? I have to use the popup search window, because changing it now, would lead to data loss of all already created instances. Best regards Fabian

(...) ------------------------------------- Error details in logs, Guid: 18c4c6c0-194b-4000-a544-2254a55ec11e .. at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.PortalService.PortalService.GetPluginConfigurationMetadata (Int32 pluginId) Best regards, Daniel

(...) Dears, During installation version 2022.1.2.59 appears error System.data .SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Must declare the scalar variable "@sql". Does anyone know what the issue is ?