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for UI

(...) Hi, I have a dictionary process. I bUI lt the report based on it. I can export it to excel. Can I customized this excel? On report I have 3 columns. In excel there are to more ID and DocType + headers of the columns have additional info about attributes from Webcon (type and gUI d). Can I modify it somehow that I will get only my 3 columns with only names in excel? BR Adam

(...) Hi! We are in the process of upgrading from 2017 to 2021 - testing phase. I have a problem with the visibility and reqUI rement rules for fields in an item list, when the contents of one cell affect the behavior of another cell in the same row. The existing rules do not work. What is wrong?

(...) We are bUI lding an on-boarding Workflow whitch is adding a new AD-User and granted him with the needed User-Groups. But when the User is needed to syncroniced with the Azure-AD because of using O365, i have no access to alter the User anny more. To adding and alter the User we use the SAM-account name and it works very well. But this doesn´t work on the Azure Users. By the way our AD is gene (...)

(...) I have bUI lt a Word template and placed all fields I need in there. But when a process is using this template, I have noticed that some of the information are not taken correctly and I don't understand why. Maybe is helpful to say that some of the info here should be taken from a Data Row field type, but still, I can't exactly see the problem here as some of the returned rows are working fine, some (...)

(...) Hello, I have an eqUI pment initialization process (1) , followed by another process of allocating this eqUI pment to a user (2). I have created a Report - "EqUI pment allocation" and I want to add a calculated column to this report that brings in the "Series" of the eqUI pment from the Initialization process. I have this query: (select dbo.ClearWFElemAdv(WFD_AttChoose2)[which is the "Seri (...)

(...) I would like to suggest bUI lding two actions: 1. Converting the value (integer) to the eqUI valent number of hours and minutes. 2. Adding and subtracting two time attributes (types of action). Example: Ad. 1. 90 = 1 h 30 min Ad. 2. 1h 30 min + 0 h 40 min = 2 h 10 min

(...) ompany selector in substitutions. In environments with multiple companies and several content databases list of companies is cross join of both, making it difficult for the user to choose and also reqUI res adding several substitudions records for each content database (content database names are rather technical name and are not usefull for end users). I know that it reqUI res to relate companies (...)

(...) zation was used and which method was used. At the moment, it's not at all visible if path authorization was used at all. If the authorization is activated for existing workflows, we can't distingUI sh which instances have been using it. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, WFD_Att Choose columns have size nvarchar(1000). When using the 'allow multiple values' mode and having translations in the source into 3-4 languages, additionally if the ID is e.g. gUI d, this value is exceeded very qUI ckly. Is it possible to increase the database size of this type of columns to nvarchar(4000)? Regards

(...) Hello, The workflow I am designing reqUI res an email to be sent after a certain time spent in a step. Is this possible using the Date Diff function?

(...) f the associated document in preview mode when a user selects a record in the application. Has anyone had experience or insights into achieving this integration? If so, could you please share any gUI dance, tips, or recommended approaches to enable document viewing through Webcon using links from SharePoint or a SQL Server database? Thank you.

(...) Hi all, I need to do an upgrade and was wondering if there are any changes that could break things. What versions would you recommend to avoid and which ones are kinda reqUI red in between? For example, I see that there is an issue with SearchIndex from version 2022.1.4.174 to 2022.1.4.274, and in all published versions of 2023 R1. I suppose I will not use them. I will continue to go throug (...)

(...) similar problem to the following forum post, but I'm not 100% sure. https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2707?messageid=2707 Is there anyone here who can help me with any tips? The case is qUI te urgent, as the plugin has not worked for a customer since the WEBCON update last Friday and it is used intensively in applications for this customer. Thank you! Marco Bienlein, VSB

(...) ase take a look at this and suggest what I'm doing wrong? EDIT: When I add in the workflow config "vacation plans" data source (with exactly the same elements, but column names according to the reqUI rements of this data source) I see the future elements, but as expected they have no type and thus all are of the same color. Not a solution for me unfortunately. EDIT 2: It is possible in this case (...)

(...) Hello How to add Gantt control (to attributes) in Leave of absence in Demo app without adding new predefined Leave process? The Gantt control reqUI re select leave proces in config.

(...) Some UI strings translated into Polish, but on workflow preview names aren't translated.

(...) e a mass notification on Webcon System Configuration. (See picture attached) This window is popping, changes are saved on the studio, but they are not really applied. I don't understand the reqUI rements from the popping window. Could somebody help? Thanks in advance.

(...) applicable I want to enable the description column. However, I cannot use the enable on choice field. I have tried to put condtions in a 'column edit restricion' but this does not work as it would reqUI re add another response and that is not what bUI sness would like.

(...) Hi, OpenID connect is missing custom additional url parameters management functionality. This is reqUI red for some auth providers processing definition (e.g. Auth0 - flow automatization, login customization). More information https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#RequestParameters.

(...) '' string literal contains an unescaped line break", "url": "https://webcon.xxx/db/1/app/9/element/16337/form/admin?returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F9", "line number": 1, "column": 69 }, "errorGUI d": "4f2fe9ec-ba92-4148-b55c-1ffb99b81e58" | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:122.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/122.0 | href: https://webcon.xxx/db/1/app/9/element/16337/form/admin?retu (...)