(...) Adding possibility to add SQL row as a column could be also a workaround to achieve that. Right now (BPS 2020...434) is is only possible to add instance number from system field s to mass notifications.
(...) What type should be predefined in the input parameters to read a type field itemlist/enum in a sdk BPS 2020 Exteinsion Logic- BPS Custom Action utilizand ConfigEditableEnum/ ConfigEditableItemList?
(...) not my case. What I would like to do is join the items from the report to a table in a different database (on the same server) or to an existing MSSQL data source. In many processes I have a global field with the unique identifier. I would like to use this key for a 1:1 join. I can show the join results on the form (using Data row field type) but not on the report. Is something like that even possib (...)
(...) Duble click on any field or action templates in the left panel, could open configuration of that field or action.
(...) n to implement and configure a SDK extension for reports, which would allow to execute an action based on the current selection. In my case the SDK extension would receive the selected rows with all field s and generate an advanced Pdf report. Like configuring the mass action, there should be an option to configure the SDK action. Like picking the right extension, title and maybe an icon. Some functio (...)
(...) Hey everybody! Does anyone already created an action to add news values in an item list? I'm trying to add a new line in one item list but one of the field I'm copying into is a Person/Group one and it doesn't get the value. I'm using the following query: select '{WFCONCOL:1769}' as {DCNCOL:105}, 'Requester Manager' as {DCNCOL:104} from WFElementDetails where DET_WFDID='{WFD_ID}' and DET (...)
(...) able via javascript. I'm wondering, because there is this form from the offical 2021 release paper (see below) with the nicely presented workflow steps on top of it. And I believe that this a Html-field with some javascript. Does anybody know how to get to this data?
(...) tions by passing in some parameters. It would be a great having a similar kind of dialog menu action, where we can configure some informational text (e.g. as header/footer) and of course one or more field s as parameter. The configured parameters we then can use to execute an action. The dialog could contain a cancel and a okay
(...) When adding or updating elements via Rest Api, for picker field s it is required to provide Id and name. Quite often the name is known, but not the id. As picker field s are usually based on datasources, it would by great, when the api would be extended with methods to query datasources. There should be at least two methods: 1) getting a list of all available datasources (overall / by application) 2) (...)
(...) "message": "Resource not found for the segment 'QSIqpc178RLEUBwAOebtldQpXQYuXrQU7MnmzAAAAAAENAAAOebtldQpXQYuXrQU7MnmzAAGXoPJPAAA='." } } The request was: PATCH v1.0/users/[user id]/calendar/events/field value (meeting ID - raw) I also tried to create a meeting with an API and then update the meeting with additional parameters, and that worked. Probably there is something in the procedure of how Web (...)
(...) It would be great if there would be a "Usages" options for BPS groups like it exists for the most other objects like Rules, field s, Action Template, Data sources and so on. I'm already using two workaround 1) I created a constant for each bps group so that I can use this constant wherever possible. Unfortunately there are some cases where this is not possible. For example in a "Person or group" field (...)
(...) I'm banging my head on the wall... I'm sure there is an easy solution but can't figure it out at the moment. I would like to prevent users entering duplicate values in a field when starting a new workflow and I don't want to use the Instance Number to achieve that. I have a process ABC with field WFD_AttText1. How do I prevent the user to enter a value that already exists in the field WFD_AttText1 of (...)
(...) I have a structure where a meeting (parent workflow) has many Agenda Points (Subworkflows). On each Agenda point, I have (inter alia) two field s that I would like to include in Meeting Minutes (an item list on Meeting), where each line item corresponds to one Agenda Point. When I finish an agenda point I would like to create a line item in the items list (meeting minutes). SELECT '{1805}' AS {DCNC (...)
(...) Currently, views do not allow dynamic filtering on views for datetime and people-picker field s. It can be done by extending the query in the datasource. The datasource can only be changed by administrators and designers. For end-users it would by great having the possibility to use placeholders for filtering datetime and people-picker field s. My idea is having placeholders like [now] / [today], whic (...)
(...) We are about migrating content to WEBCON BPS. I would like to have at least the last modifying users migrated as well. How could i achieve this? Was thinking about setting a technical field to the last modifying user and then doing an SQL Update on the element after migration. Sure this is not the way that is officially supported. But is there another way?
(...) City table, we have one foreign key that shows on Country table. Issue: When we update the Country name in SQL – Name of the Country is not automatically updated on the City form. We can update the field with a form rule on page load, but only when we go into Edit mode. Is there a way that his is also done in read only mode, when we jus to open the Form. A quite similar scenario applies when prin (...)
(...) am trying to clear the contents of a technical itemlist which I use to put data into a word document. This itemlist works as a buffer and takes the rows of another itemslist which have with a YES/NO field selected as YES. The source itemlist always has different values so i need to refresh the buffer. I need an easy way to clear the contents of the buffer itemlist. Also, the buffer itemlist has to be (...)
(...) JOIN UsersCal as A ON G.COS_BpsID = A.UCL_BpsID where WFD_ID = '{WFD_ID}' I actually want to get the UCL_LicenseType (Integer denoted license type) associated with the user, I've changed the form field to ID, Database ID/ Name and it retrieves an error all the time. Does anyone tried this before? Thank you all
(...) Hello everyone! Have u stumble upon this error when u make a request through the action and map the body on a field ? In the body field as mentioned in the picture should be the body , the json but, is shown the type of collection ( System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object] )
(...) r in TEST and PROD. Just reindexed the entire Test-DB . --> Still no luck with the SQL-report. --> A SOLR report gets filtered, but it's grouping ignores the filter, plus I can't use SQL-calculated field s in these? Is this a bug or am I missing something? If someone can confirm this is working for them: please let me know ? Thanks!