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(...) , {DCNCOL:467} as {DCNCOL:463}, {DCNCOL:468} as {DCNCOL:464}, {DCNCOL:469} as {DCNCOL:465} from WFElements join WFElementDetails on WFD_ID=DET_WFDID where DET_WFDID = {WFCONCOL:3295} (form field in the subworkflow where I save the ID from the parent) and DET_WFCONID ={WFCON:3192} Second issue is that, even trying to save the ID from each subworkflow in the item list select ​​{WFCON (...)

(...) lates after the upgrade to version 2021.1.4.36. I was using formatting of numbers with thousand separators, which worked fine with version 2021.1.2.101, but after the upgrade, instead of numbers, the field name is present in the output. When I leave the formatting with \* MERGEFORMAT, the values are transferred into the document. Did anyone else notice the problem? Best regards Aleš

(...) Hi, I have created a report, in which i am only interested in showing the Year-portion of a datetime-field . This works good until i try to group for the shown values in there. The groups are not built by the years in this case, but still on the entire value. It would make more sense to group according to the display option the grouped column is set to. Especially because i dont know how to do calcu (...)

(...) nerate preview in Designer studio and save the process, the preview is available (when clicking on the step names in the Information panel in front end). As soon as I make some changes, e.g. modify a field name or any other modification and save the process again, the preview is not available anymore. I noticed also that the preview quality (generated image) in front end depends on the designer studi (...)

(...) I have a report that displays data from several processes. If I want to filter by a column which is a global or computed field , for example, the data is prompted only for those that have been loaded. if the data in the filter has been read to the value, e.g. 'o' trying to narrow down to a word that starts with the letter 'p' the search doesn't work. It works well if we filter by column, e.g. author, af (...)

(...) It would be great having an additional field "Description" for local groups.

(...) o me, how this is expected to work. I added one time out action with Type: Minute, Interval (minutes): 1, Repetition count: Infinite and 1 action below which basically changes the value of a single field . My expectation was, that this field change should happen on every workflow element every minute, but this didn't happen. What did I do wrong? I know this is a dangerous scenario, but it is for te (...)

(...) We have to iclude the Google Tag Manager into the Head and Body of the generated Webcon site of a dashboard. Including into the body seems to be possible via a HTML field . But we seemingly have no option to put it into the page header. Does anyone have any experience with Google Tag Manager and Webcon?

(...) Hi everyone! I've recently heard that we are soon to have electronic invoices in XML format (in Poland) instead of PDFs. This should shorten invoice processing in Webcon as we could read field s straight into the form with no errors and no OCR verification step. This sounds very good, but will Webcon be ready for this? Will there be actions allowing to read data from xml structure and map them to the fo (...)

(...) ave multiple employees working on it, therefore I created a multi-user selection in the project dictionary. When selecting the project I want to get all projects where my account is in the employees field , like: Filter: [Employee(Login)] is in [Data source columns(Employees)] This will give me the project where I am the only one. I need also the project where others are selected as well. See screensh (...)

(...) A feature we think will save a lot of time for our developers would be the ability to double click the on the usages actions and open those actions in a popup. All kind of ussages (field s, Busines entities and so on...).

(...) ależy do tabeli Result. w System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName) w System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(String columnName) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.Formfield s.Choose.ChooseValuesLoader.c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0(DataRow row) w System.Linq.Enumerable.c__DisplayClass7_0`3.b__0(TSource x) w System.Linq.Enumerable.c__DisplayClass7_0`3.b__0(TSource x) (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to copy an entire item list to a subworkflow? In the official guide, there is just an example of copying form field s to subworkflows: https://howto.webcon.com/action-start-a-sub-workflow/ Has anybody accomplished anything like this? Thanks

(...) Hi, we have a column visibility/edit/requirement restriction for every field in an item list. But there is no column visibility restriction for the delete button, so you cannot prevent deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rules “Main form -> (...)

(...) s a way to chenge the text of the Item List init button. Now it sais something like "+ Restore defaults" and I want to change it to "Update details", as the functionality in my list is to update some field s on the list if they were changed outside of the process (in dictionary).

(...) //community.webcon.com/posts/post/function-dictionary-for-business-rules-and-form-rules/237) without sql to get the date value for the last and the first day of the current month in the default value field of datetime type attribute?

(...) Hi, we have created a data dictionary with people picker field . This people picker field has few team member names. I need to setup a process to check the dictionary everyday if there inactive users. If inactive users found, send email notification to Admins. Please suggest the best way. Thank you

(...) Hi there, does anybody know why this error occurs? Happens the following way: - Business rule retrieves datasource column (from [CacheOrganizationStructure]) COS_AD_name by means of a form field value (see 1.png) - Rule works fine if clicked on 'Test' button - This business rule is used in the cyclical action 'Update related workflow instance' with the goal to update a workflow's form values (...)

(...) Hello everyone! A problem I encountered in 2021.1.4.118 does not give me a rest. It conserns Item Lists. When I use any type of choice field and in the picker tick "Show link to this item" it still does not show the item with the link (as it does in standard attributes). It doesn't matter if the field is read-only or writable - always no link. I suppose the solution could be a separate hyperlink colum (...)

(...) While trying to cope with problematic hyperlinks to different items in one item list row, I came up with a solution that might come in handy. Explanation: The item list contains one key choice field ("Symbol") which is configured to populate several other field s in the list. Among the populated field s are "Przypisane komórki (BPS)", "Przypisane garaże (BPS)", "Przypisane miejsca postojowe (BPS)" - (...)