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(...) Hello Community, I've got a problem. I've got two workflows, a parent and one subworkflow. I'm trying to transfer data from the parent workflow (single line of text attributes - 'email' and 'phone') to a table in the subworkflow with the item list update action. The table has columns ('value' - single line of text and 'contact type'(selection list: 1#Mail, 2#Phone)). How to write an SQL query to pu (...)

(...) rollerActionInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContext Sealed context ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructu (...)

(...) Async(args); } public abstract Task MyRunAsync(RunCustomActionParams args); } Base config class: public abstract class MyCustomActionConfigBase : PluginConfiguration { [ConfigEditabletext (DisplayName = "BaseConfigValue")] public string BaseConfigValue { get; set; } } *** extending / 'productive' project / solution *** Custom plugin class: public class MyCustomAction : My (...)

I have problem - in dictionary I have companies with have got: name like: "ABC " - Factory Company in name is quote sign on beginning (data from polish national VAT/NIP databese) I was testing: if in string is " or ' all time I have got error if I remove from string [name] " or ' - then workflow is working [code] Dodaj Sprzedawcę / Kontakt [/code] error: url: https://w

(...) move the comments, to parent flow, as this will create a lot of mess due to lots of child flows. I thought this could be a built in feature, same as we can select last comment in buisness rules context , we could access it from reports, and webcon data sources, so it would be easy to display it.

(...) Can we have a new feature to add context variables to the HTML dashboard widget? For example application ID, ID of a report etc. When copying application from Production to Test, the report IDs are different and HTML links are therefore broken.

(...) I propose that the "Multiple lines of text " attribute should include an optional checkbox that will activate character counting.

(...) ing Today instead of Close (and i can see same happens for other users), and it's frustrating that i can't type in the hour/minutes with keyboard. 'Today' could be changed to 'Now' - as we are in context of time, and 'Close' would be more readable as 'Confirm'. Pressing arrows with increment of 1 is not great :) I know it is possible to type in that time part in the field after selecting date, (...)

(...) Hello, I have set up a hotmailbox - Add to elements based on e-mail content. I am saving the BodyContent to a multiple lines of text form field called BodyContent - set always. I have created a global Menu buton which must be triggered when the value of BodyContent changes. So, on the form field - Style and behavior - Form rule to be exeuted on value change - I set "Invoke menu action - my butto (...)

(...) In Designer Studio it is possible to check the use of a single connection or data source in the context of all processes. Is it possible to get such a list for all connections and sources using an sql query?

Hi, Does anyone know how to use the 'Edit a list element' action to update a document element in a SharePoint document library that is in a sub folder in the SharePoint document library? I am trying to use a CAML query and while I can find documents in the root document library, I can't get the CAML to find documents in a sub folder in the document library. I should mention that this appears to be

(...) Hello, in the 2023.1.3.29 version, we have apparently identified a reproducible bug. In our case we are using a text field to store a time value. The goal is for this to automatically replace a period ('.') with a colon (':') after input (Style and behavior). The error occurs when we attempt to replace every period ('.') with another character using STRING REPLACE, specifically in the case of (...)

(...) rollerActionInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContext Sealed context ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructu (...)

(...) les / names - then OK, could stay but still is not perfect. other word - simplify and clear view - remove "noise" 7. If I see "Use" .. I would like to jump to Automation by duble clicking or context menu ... now I need scroll down, open tree ... find te automation click the Definition and then I see what I would like by doble click ...

(...) System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Context .ServiceExecuteWithTimeout.c__DisplayClass6_0`1.d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo (...)

(...) mentioned above; 3. Reloaded the configuration; 4. Reset the cache; 5. Change the language on my profile to Slovene. Translations done in Designer Studio are showing fine while all other system text s are not translated. Am I doing something wrong? Any tips would be much appreciated.

(...) em is affected in a complaint. Unfortunately, although I can add the corresponding fields as columns for a list view, I cannot display them in the form of a chart. Why do these fields have the blue text [Positions] in front? What is it about these elements that I cannot select them in the view page as an element to be displayed (Image 2)? Many thanks in advance. Greetings, Matthias

(...) ined in the Category enum. - file (UploadFile): The uploaded PDF file. """ id: int category: Category file: UploadFile = File(...) --------------------- @app.post("/pdf_text ") async def pdf_text (item: PDFItem = Depends(pdf_item_form)) -> dict[int, dict[str, str]]: pdf_text = get_text _from_pdf(item.file.file) logger.info(f"Extracted text for PDF item wi (...)

(...) or reading data. When we want to write data so, it's not so easy any more. For example the "invoke REST Web service" will allow selecting one connection. This connection will be used without the context of the current business entity. The only option which would work in all cases would be to use if/switch operator for each business entity and "duplicate" the action. At least I haven't found a (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a workflow where data is imported and instances are created. After the import, a timeout (minute) is defined which further delays the instance. A field value (multiline text ) is set on the path. At this point, the workflow encounters an error (Concurrency Error). However, if I manually pass the WF instance on the path, the field value is set correctly. I hope someone c (...)