(...) ave that rejected to make changes in the form. The step is only handled by the approver and I don't want to use admin options to change the status for a specific request. I thought about adding a time out to check if New comments were added in the request. I know that in the notification configuration, I can select the last comment entered. But I want to create a SQL rule to active/inactive the ti (...)
(...) s might be a big one, but on one of latest webinars I've heard that there is open 'Designer Studio' project at Webcon, so I'll give it a shot - if not now, then I'm not sure if there will be a better time ;) I think most of us have used SQL Server Management Studio or Azure Data Studio to test some queries, and maybe a VSCode / Notepad++ for some powershell - all of those support autocompletion (whic (...)
(...) 1 Still, this does not refer to a report basing on SearchIndex. How can I achieve the same effect in my reports? Of course, I can create an attribute an update it in each step, but this is very time -consuming, as I would have to update it on every path. Is there any other solution?
(...) Hello all, I would like to ask if there's an option to send an email everytime that a new row in an item list is sent. Thank you
(...) job get's added to the [UserSynchronizationQueueItems] of the current content database and it maybe get's deleted when the job is processed. At least I thought so, because the job got deleted some time after the BPSGroupRelations in the config database had been updated. Unfortunately, the [CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations] in the content database still contains the old members for a few sec (...)
(...) Error code: 100 Thread was being aborted. at WebCon.WorkFlow.Actions.Engine.ActionObject`1.d__9.MoveNext() at System.Runtime .CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Actions.Engine.ActionObject`1.DispatchAsync() at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.d__23.MoveNext() Thread (...)
(...) ying to edit attachments that are larger than 28 MB? I have a process where a detailed picture documentation is provided using wordfiles which can get very large very quickly. Today for the first time ever i have encountered an error saying "Attachments larger than 28 MB cannot be edited". Has anyone an idea how to get around this limit without having to download the attachment an reupload it a (...)
(...) Hi, I have been interested for a long time in the topic of how the Superior type (Form) functionality works. I have not found any description anywhere of how it works. Has anyone used this and is able to say something about it?
(...) Table entry from the previous day excluding weekends', 'Displaying graphics in a report', or 'Limiting the maximum number of text lines in a multiline text field using RegEx' would be sufficient. Sometime s, just three sentences and a screenshot are enough. What do others think? Best Regards, Bjoern Poller
(...) folder while the column "Category" is used to display the filename. select Top 3 ATT_ID , ATT_FileType as ElementName , ATT_Name as Category I'm not using these option very often but each time I'm looking at the names in the info icon and get confused. My suggestion would be to add alias and update the documentation, so that only the alias would be used. "ElementName" would get the al (...)
(...) Hello there :) I have fairly an easy question. I want to set up the time out action which would remind users to do their step while the step would have the "Active" Status or onhold. The current logic did not work unfortunately :( Any tips on that? See attached. Igor
(...) 04 -- NEW -- THE LINE I WANT TO DELETE THE SECOND time 5 -- 05 -- NEW 6 -- (...)
(...) went by "save path" then when you pick something from dropdown list then invoke menu button and I have filled Technical itemlist. the technical item list i use if you go from start step by "run x-time s sub flows" the subflow is signed to each person from tech item list row ... now I can go by path: save >> revive element ID and menu actions appears ... run subflow >> sub flow is using technic (...)
(...) ollection and it is working, but when I go to all business rules and open it i will see something similar with the first example. (picture 2) The actions work, but they might look broken the first time you see them. Is this normal? Best regards!
(...) the cell in an itemList. But when i move between tab panels, JS is not working anymore. On page loading/Refresh, it is fine. Do you have any tips? Thank you. let itemList = #{BRP:151}#; settime out(() => { var itemListElement = document.getElementById(itemList.fld + "_" + itemList.id); if (itemListElement) { const provenientaElement = itemListElement.querySelector('th[data-key="#{ (...)
(...) There is automation in the operator that starts a new cycle (Start a subworkflow). I have 4 actions here because when I start a new element, I use 4 different paths. This is due to the fact that sometime s I assign a task to one person, and sometime s to two people per company. 5. In the data tab, I indicate the collection columns on the basis of which I complete some form fields. 6. The technical pa (...)
(...) so I move step forward .. but again error ... so .. how to calculate: D = (A*B)*a + (A*B)*b+(A*C)*c ? why I don't have rulle in a,b,c to "fix" D" ? .. I did not JS and ten I had error multiple time run rule ... so next idea was change in transaction on path
(...) m in the domain\user format and none of the permissions granted to him work. By the way - when we "manually" change COS_Login to the domain\user format - everything works fine. However, after some time , WEBCON updates the entries in the CacheOrganizactionStructure anyway and everything falls apart. Dear colleagues, does anyone know how to force IIS to use the UPN format for user authentication (...)
(...) rvice.SolrIndexer.Processors.SolrPipeline.c__DisplayClass5_0.d.MoveNext() --- Fin de la trace de la pile à partir de l'emplacement précédent au niveau duquel l'exception a été levée --- à System.Runtime .ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() à System.Runtime .CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) à WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.SolrIndexer.Processors.Sol (...)
(...) Hey Webcon Community! I have hard time finding solution so hope you can give me some hints. I am building application for business trips. Users will have to fill out two type of data: personal data and many other information's like purpose of the trip, transport and so on. Is it possible that users have to fill out personal information only once (first time they are using application) and in (...)