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(...) ed it. -- Activation summary Service -MS-L-***- Activate roles EmailsService MassNotifications RecurrentActions Timeouts LicenceService WCFService WCFLicenceService OcrAi Ocrtext Layer OcrAiLearn Archiving MobilePushNotifications UserSynchronization PersonalDataRemoval SolrIndexer Import MasterQueue ElementsRemoval WCFCsomService -- Activation summar (...)

(...) used this in 2021 version, but it generates error: Method not found: 'WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.Base.ReadOnlyEntitiesCollection`1 WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.NewDocumentData.get_text Fields()'. System.MissingMethodException at WebCon.SRC.CustomActions.ADEmployeeSID.Run(RunCustomActionParams args) at WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.ActionPlugins.CustomAction`1.WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Interfa (...)

(...) akcji typu dodaj załącznik: Dodaj załącznik. Object reference not set to an instance of an object." the flow ID from where I would lite copy attachments is = 20008 I try use tech_filed set as text or drop down list ... and all time failure if in tech field I have "20008" then "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." if I have signature of flow "ZAM/2024/03/00188" then "Th (...)

(...) tory, it mentions that the email was not found in the database. If I write an outside email in the configuration, the notification is sent, but it it's dynamic, it doesn't work. I've tried with a text field, email field, nothing changes. Does anyone got a similar issue? Thank you

(...) Hi I am looking for a good toturial and is it possible to create a list of items where the item contains many attributes, e.g. a date field, text field, one below the other and not only just next to each other? That is, the distribution of attributes vertically and not only horizontally in the items. Found only this: https://developer.webcon.com/docs/2019.1/sdk-custom-control/

(...) lobal automation error handling. By this I mean the ability to enable such an option in the global configuration and, for example, add an email notification action about automation errors in the context of the whole system. In the email it would be possible to use process/step variables and specify the recipients. Such a configuration would work in addition to, and independently of, other error (...)

(...) We also tried to insert the logo directly in the Generate PDF action in the tab Appearance => Show header => Html: It's the same here. The only thing that is displayed in the PDF is the alternative text for the image but not the image itself. The logo is located as file in a template process directly in Webcon and we put the url in the src Attribute of the image tag. We also tried several other loc (...)

(...) to refresh and displays the data for the previous criterion. How do I solve this problem? I don't want to use an item list filed because there is a character limit for a field of multiple lines of text Regards, PAWEŁ

(...) ou know that .bpe is just zipped file? ;) Change that .bpe extension to .zip, and use any tool like 7zip, or built in windows features. Inside you will find a file without any extension - it is a text file, especially xml - open it up with any text editor, and search form PackageVersion node (see attachment). Based on BranchNumber, and BuildVersion you are able to specify which Webcon version hav (...)

(...) .AssistPhrasesOrderApplier.OrderByIndentDfs() w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.BusinessRules.BasicDesigner.IntelliSense.AssistPhrases.AssistPhrasesProviderFromCollection.GetAssistPhrasesTo(String text , IAssistPhrasesFilters filters) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.BusinessRules.BasicDesigner.IntelliSense.AssistListBox.d__71.MoveNext() ------------------------------------------------------- (...)

(...) he process of addressing an issue related to unexpected changes in the component state. In the initial state, I have a field that is of type "list". Upon clicking an icon, the field type changes to "text ", and the selected value disappears from the field. Clicking on the function triggers a modal, but after closing it, the icon that was changed does not revert to its initial state. I would apprec (...)

(...) ail with a task can not bused at all. My suggestion would be to provide an plugin/extension for the existing "send mail actions". Provided options of the plugin: - Current information of the context like, process, workflow instance, recipients, settings etc. Basically everything which is configured in the custom notification but not only for this but also for the "send standard notification" act (...)

(...) Hi, does someone of you use a FormFieldExtensionJS for a multiline text field? We used this one to store a JSON as a string and in 2023.1.3 the plugin no longer works. I haven't checked the WEBCON BPS JS code in 2023.1.2 but in the new version: 1. the change function in the plugin triggers controller.change 2. this calls validateCCValueModel 3. Since the hasCustomModel is undefined 4. The (...)

(...) Hello all, I have a data table field where I'm selecting the fields using a SQL query. One of the field is a picker and I want to show just the text and not the ID. I've tried many options but as soon as I try using the Database-Name, it's giving errors. I believe it's because the option has space on it : 'Non Ok'. But the system should overcome this right? Even using the DBO function, it doesn't (...)

(...) x2796;' AS XX Generated two nice buttons with + and - that performed some actions. With the current version 2023.1.3.202 WEBCON adds extra " signs, so the entire code is quoted and displayed as text and not intepreted as HTML I would appreciate any idea how to solve the issue

(...) Hi guys, Is there an easy way to copy content from one process to another, e.g. using the WFDID? For example, to copy the content of a text field from process 1 to a text field in process 2 using an action. Our users would like to have a feature to copy content from older processes to current ones if it is similar content. A kind of "copy template".

(...) '+ 'button tag'+ 'strong tag'+ '' + '' as test Supported are: a div i img p span strong Not supported are: button input style Elements which are not supported are rendered as text . This also applies if the elements are nested. There's probably sanitization applied before rendering the result. Affected fields are: 1) Data table 2) Data row 3) Item list column: Data row (...)

(...) Hi, as always, when there's a new functionality, there will be immediately requests for a second improved version. :) - Additional widget type 'text ', which will output any text and not only numbers. For example to display information like "open/closed" sub workflows: 2/4. - A form rule can be executed what should happen when the user clicks on it. We could display a tab for example or execute (...)

(...) Hi, I'm currently reducing the execution time of a long path transition in version 2023.1.2.44. In this context I noticed that saving the instance executes "recalculate rows". In our case this causes another execution of data rows which are only used for displaying information. They are not used in any other combination, even the usage tab is empty. It would be great, if we could have a checkbo (...)

(...) with content and filegroup for send in specific instances? I need for version sdk 2023 I attached the cod fromversion 2022. NewAttachmentData newAttachmentData = new NewAttachmentData(args.Context ,Configuration.informationNecessary.FileName, fileMerge_Necorupt); newAttachmentData.FileGroup = new AttachmentsGroup(Configuration.informationNecessary.GropuName.Split('#')[0], Configuration.in (...)