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(...) works fine. But, for example, if you want to add an event to the group's calendar POST method https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/{group_id}/calendar/events The api needs to run in the context of the logged in user, not in the context of the application. That's why I added authorizations in webcon: screen1 I added a connection to this authorization: screen2 Then in the REST action I a (...)

Hello all, I'm trying to set up a button to start another workflow but I want to pass the current instance ID so I can relate the two instances. I'm using the info from Webcon but I don't know how to pass the ID: Legal Request Process Using this, I'm basically writing WFD_ID in the destination field. Does anyone know how to get this working= Thank you

(...) separate lines within the same field? Specifically, I would like to know if there's a way to use a newline character or any other method to achieve this. My Observatii 2 field is Multiple lines of text . Thank you

(...) Hi all, Is there any possibility to change an URL field adding the link in the address and the text we want in the name? I want to create an URL link using a field from (through Change field action) the form but I don´t to display a more friendly name than the address. Thank you!

(...) with a datarow column. Inside this column I'm creating a button like so: Basically, I'm replicating the buttons from the action column. I know I can add the title="some text " to the button to have a default tooltip. But I'd like to use the built in tooltips. Please see the attached images to see what I mean. Anyone know how to get that?

(...) uments. Examples: - Instead of rendering item list/ data tables as tables in word we could generate "chapters" - Chapters could contain other chapters - Displaying multi line fields with rich text - Displaying pictures from attachments inside the document - Conditional displaying information inside the document - Using the same template from different sources using data tables. You can f (...)

(...) hi there, how i can modify the format of the form (default) to custom form by placing the text field first and then the name of the field., see the attachment for mor explanation please assist.

(...) onment. When you export the application and import it to another environment, you may be in for a surprise (2). Comparing the configuration shows some difference. In my case the field 569 was an Atttext 4 field in the source and a WFD_Tab field in the target environment (3). Which caused the problem . By changing the columns of the report in the source database, for example clicking the "default vie (...)

(...) ing, but just for one item: 1. dictionary with shipping company: a) DHL, GLS ect. b) parcel tracking link with marking place: [tracking_no] 2. business rule is changing [tracking_no] and set to text field as hyperlink and "grab" the tracking individual string (see all screenshots) What I would like to have: the same functionality but add multiple lines (divided shipping ... :/ ) Item list, (...)

(...) hodBuilder`1.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.AutomationEngine.RunAutomationWithoutResultCleanAsync(IAutomationWithExecutionContext automation, AutomationEvaluationParameters parameters) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.Evaluators.AutomationEvaluator.d__6.MoveNext() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.As (...)

(...) Hello community I have to have in form field description text and picture. Is it possible? If yes, where to store and how to call the picture? Example will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

(...) Hello, I'm looking for a feature to be able to display images inside drop-down, or pop-up choice field. Either form Picture field, or from Single line of text in Picture mode. Use case: I'm working on a process, where sales department should specify which base product should be used as a starting point to create a new one. There is a long list of those base products, and remembering how each (...)

(...) process (1)] from wfelements where wfd_dtypeid=102[which is the form id of process (1)] and wfd_id=3557) In my second (2) process I saved the equipment Instance ID from the 1st process in WFD_Atttext 1. I want to replace "3557" with the Instance ID from Initialization process which I have in second process (WFD_Atttext 1) and it is not working.

(...) to a field, more specifically an ID. I have tried multiples methods, but i did not success... This is my response. How can i save the "value/listItem/id" to a field? (id=318) { "@odata.context ": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#sites('test')/drives('XNOnVydrSL6yetalE8-T')/root/children(listItem())", "value": [ { "createdDateTime": "2024-01-15T16:28:02Z (...)

(...) mark as required some form fields based on field Guid. Is there a way to do this easily? When I look at the signature of e.g. Hide function it just seems to take some shrinked DB name (e.g. Atttext 35) or field id (integer), which is different between environments. Appreciate any hint into right direction. Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hello Community, I've got a problem. I've got two workflows, a parent and one subworkflow. I'm trying to transfer data from the parent workflow (single line of text attributes - 'email' and 'phone') to a table in the subworkflow with the item list update action. The table has columns ('value' - single line of text and 'contact type'(selection list: 1#Mail, 2#Phone)). How to write an SQL query to pu (...)

(...) rollerActionInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContext Sealed context ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructu (...)

(...) Async(args); } public abstract Task MyRunAsync(RunCustomActionParams args); } Base config class: public abstract class MyCustomActionConfigBase : PluginConfiguration { [ConfigEditabletext (DisplayName = "BaseConfigValue")] public string BaseConfigValue { get; set; } } *** extending / 'productive' project / solution *** Custom plugin class: public class MyCustomAction : My (...)

I have problem - in dictionary I have companies with have got: name like: "ABC " - Factory Company in name is quote sign on beginning (data from polish national VAT/NIP databese) I was testing: if in string is " or ' all time I have got error if I remove from string [name] " or ' - then workflow is working [code] Dodaj Sprzedawcę / Kontakt [/code] error: url: https://w

(...) move the comments, to parent flow, as this will create a lot of mess due to lots of child flows. I thought this could be a built in feature, same as we can select last comment in buisness rules context , we could access it from reports, and webcon data sources, so it would be easy to display it.