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for form

(...) Hi all, we created a new workflow, mainly to store inform ation about our companies and important documents for them. To make sure the users attach a structured set of documents, I created a dictionary of document types, along with translations for them which are defining which document is attached in which row of the item list. The item list is initialized with a set of standard document-types that (...)

(...) Hi all, Do you know why the Server Connection errors are displayed on the form ? The users are complaining that the errors are showing up more frequently when they access Webcon. I've noticed that the error normally occurs when my Internet drops and the connection is lost, but is this happening for other reasons? Thank you

(...) ts. When I hide one of the columns and then I would like to change the position of the other column in the report and then I have an error... http://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/db/1/app/21/element/1037860/form /view?returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F21 url: https://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/api/logger | action: ip: xxx | msg: "stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')\n at HTMLDocument (...)

(...) ere is probably a bug in ver. 2021.1.3.205 on webconapps.com. If you click Generate preview in Designer studio and save the process, the preview is available (when clicking on the step names in the Inform ation panel in front end). As soon as I make some changes, e.g. modify a field name or any other modification and save the process again, the preview is not available anymore. I noticed also that th (...)

(...) Hi everyone! I've recently heard that we are soon to have electronic invoices in XML form at (in Poland) instead of PDFs. This should shorten invoice processing in Webcon as we could read fields straight into the form with no errors and no OCR verification step. This sounds very good, but will Webcon be ready for this? Will there be actions allowing to read data from xml structure and map them to the f (...)

(...) ars] where [CAL_WorkingDate] < '{BRP:12}' and CAL_IsWorkingDay = 1 order by CAL_WorkingDate desc ) as workingdays order by CAL_WorkingDate asc The business rule can be used inside a form rule (3). The red highlighted days in the calendar are the non working days as they are defined in the calendar. Just make sure that the calendar for the next year(s) are already defined. :) Best r (...)

(...) In the portal, when editing the form , an error pops up: "Column 'WFD_Guid' does not belong to the Result table". Adding a new item fails, the window does not open, three loading dots all the time. Details: url: http://win2019web2a/api/nav/db/1/app/7/element/3036/goToNextStep | action: GoToNextStep ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agen (...)

(...) where you make reservations. I would like to do one thing - let's say you are browsing the appartments list and when you find the right one, you want to make the reservation right from the appartment form . At the moment to do this I first need to click "edit", then a menu button with the relevant action appears which I can click and all works as planned. I also made a javascript button which invokes t (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to copy an entire item list to a subworkflow? In the official guide, there is just an example of copying form fields to subworkflows: https://howto.webcon.com/action-start-a-sub-workflow/ Has anybody accomplished anything like this? Thanks

(...) item list. But there is no column visibility restriction for the delete button, so you cannot prevent deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern form s. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rules “Main form -> Behavior-> form s rule to be executed on page load” are being executed AFTER the pa (...)

(...) to subtract the value of two attributes from each other. I tried a business rule and it counts the differences between the two attributes, but I don't know how to make this difference show up on the form and refreshes after changing the value. For example, attribute 1 has a value of 5 and attribute 2 has a value of 10, and I want to show: attribute 2 - attribute 1 = attribute 3

(...) Hi, I want to create attribute where I can see company from Active Directory for a current user. In screenshot you can see which attribute do I need to see on the form for the current user.

(...) n one of parameters of apartments). When I select an apartment that has dedicated parking place I manage to check and store the ID of the assigned parking place in a technical variable on the fly (as form rule invoked on callback of the items list). However, I can not add it automatically to the list, as there is no function that allows me to do this (or I can not find it). The only procedure that al (...)

(...) How to use the mentioned function (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/function-dictionary-for-business-rules-and-form -rules/237) without sql to get the date value for the last and the first day of the current month in the default value field of datetime type attribute?

(...) e - I have application named A. I would like to get an exact copy of this application named B (or maybe almost exact becase of data sources and keywords list). I want to have all workflows and form s working exactly the same in A and B. The only differnce will be two separate sets of users. I don't like to use tenant mechanism. It must be another application. How to obtain this result ? Cu (...)

(...) I have a potential customer that would like to install the Express version locally but the registration form on the https://webcon.com/get-started-free-demo/ is not working as expected. After submitting the contact inform ation I got a "Thank you for registering to the Summit 2022 message". :( Anyone can confirm that the installation in the Platform Center section of this website is OK also for the (...)

(...) Hi there, does anybody know why this error occurs? Happens the following way: - Business rule retrieves datasource column (from [CacheOrganizationStructure]) COS_AD_name by means of a form field value (see 1.png) - Rule works fine if clicked on 'Test' button - This business rule is used in the cyclical action 'Update related workflow instance' with the goal to update a workflow's form value (...)

(...) Hello, I'm continuing my development of a form containing item list. The case is as follows: I add an item to the item list and after it is added (upon ending the edition in one item edit mode) I want to automatically add an item that is dependant (dependancy is held in one of the items list fields of the idem being added). However if edition is canceled nothing should happen. So, what approach w (...)

(...) Hi, I downloaded the Teams add-in installer from our Webcon portal and uploaded the custom app as per instructions here https://howto.webcon.com/installation-of-webcon-bps-add-in-form -ms-teams/ However, when I attempt to open the app or add it as a tab to a channel, everything is blank (see screenshot). Any ideas? Best regards

(...) Hi, We have 2 processes: Accounts and Payables . I have created a report for those 2 processes with global form fields fields. Among them there 2 people picker fields. The report is pulling all the requests without any issues but when I tried to filter on the global people picker Column, it is not showing the data. Example: we have a Requestor people picker Technical form field. There are few (...)