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for Automation

(...)   While not explicitly necessary, you may well wish to something like list of the choices each task assignee made to the workflow instance’s Comments field. You can do this by adding an Automation to the On entry event of the Workflow Control step. It needs one Change value of single field action configured to set the value of the built-in [System] Comments field to equal the outcome of a busi (...)

(...) ologies (ICT) with the expectations of the labor market.  During the conference, Aleksandra Słuszniak, Digital Transformation Director at WEBCON, presented on the topic "Low-code process Automation – changes in labour market trajectories". During her lecture, Ola emphasized how Low-code platforms are expanding the IT job market to professionals with diverse educational backgroun (...)

(...) lity of path transition authorization affects how automatic subpath transitions are handled, i.e. when an instance is started in a new workflow or subworkflow, for example, by triggering an action or Automation . Therefore, it is necessary to follow these configuration rules: It is not recommended to configure additional authorization for path transitions in subworkflows (None). However, if the user (...)

(...) , the employee who earned the XP, and the XP's value. Here's what an XP instance looks like: This is what the global XP report looks like: 2. Global XP- awarding Automation To easily incorporate the XP functionality into any already digitized process, we created a global Automation that receives the necessary data as parameters and creates an XP instance. (...)

(...) ist This action removes all rows from the Item list specified in the configuration. The action also removes rows that are not visible in approval mode. This action is not available from the global Automation level. Action configuration and execution example The action configuration window simply requires the user to indicate the Item list to be removed.   Once the menu button is (...)

(...) s are grouped by default according to the application to which they belong. However, please note that the list can also contain elements that do not belong to any specific application, such as global Automation s and business rules. These elements are grouped in a separate node and are visible only to system administrators. You can freely modify this default grouping method using the Filter editor… op (...)

(...) se the standard mail would only need to be send in the later case. I'm currently using a workaround with a conditional "hyperlink action" and conditional "send standard mail action". Thanks to the Automation s this will be easier with WEBCON BPS 2022 because I can move those two action to one Automation (1). :) In case of someone is wondering about the hyperlink action, I added the configuration to the s (...)

(...) ase reload the form. - Oh you entered some data? Sorry, the process configuration has been changed, reload the form and enter the data again. - You are creating some query inside an action template/Automation and need form field values in an instance? Sorry please reload. Are there any chances to make this a little less strict? Best regards, Daniel

(...) from using technical fields as variable replacement because of the sometimes pretty strict field limit, I was looking into alternatives. I know that with the new version, it is possible to create Automation variables which are VERY useful, but is there a possibility to create a variable ( maybe through JS formrule or something along this line ) which is usable in a whole workflow or step. Thanks in a (...)

(...) need to cancel save operation if this condition is met. Since it is a fresh workflow element it should not be persisted in database. Unfortunately I do not find any option to throw an error in an Automation or at least I don't see it ;-) Any hints/suggestions on that? Thanks a lot & best regards, Nik

(...) ditional, DataTable elements, String securityPhrase, List`1 peopleToSet) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Actions.SetSecurity.FireAction(WorkFlowObject wfObject, IWFAction wfAction, ITagParser tagParser, IAutomation DataHelper Automation DataHelper, String& message, String& logMessage) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Automation s.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.FireAction(ActionBase actionObject, String& userLogMessa (...)

(...) aScript which would could display a subworkflow which needs to be closed. - etc When writing this it came to my mind, that it may be even possible today if each validate form action is an own Automation which has an error handling. I haven't tested it yet but having an own Automation for this could be a bit of an overhead. :) Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, Is there the ability to run actions in the background without being forced to wait for them to finish in the loading screen? I have created an Automation which invokes a SOAP service and it takes some time (20 seconds). This thing must be disturbing for the user. As i see, actions are executed synchronously, meaning the user interface waits for the action to complete before allowing further inte (...)

(...) Hello, I have a workflow and a final step where i execute "On a timeout" Automation . But sometimes, it is not executing because it says it is checked out by the user. WEBCON BPS Timeout ID (TIM_ID): 2 Message: The element has been checked out by user: Is there a way to prevent this thing? So you cannot edit the form on the final step?

(...) kTrace= at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Helpers.UsageSearch.NodeCriterion.NodeOwnerCriterionFactory.GetAutomation Criterion(Automation Automation ) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Helpers.UsageSearch.NodeCriterion.NodeOwnerCriterionFactory.GetOwnerCriterion(DbNodeType type, IExportableEntity entity) at Web (...)

(...) 1. In Automation (action) I create excel file from template and add few data to specific cells. 2. The excel file is attached to the form in attachment section. 3. I would like to create pdf file from that excel file. (i don't see that option) in design studio. what I would like to do: 0. create template with excel (done) 1. from fields update excel template (done) 2. excel template save as attach (...)

(...) How to add list of Attachments from the Form to Word Template? 1. A created word template 2. If filled by Automation process 3. How to add to template DOC the Attachment section ? 4. How to add Comments to template DOC [Bonus] ? I don't see the fields in Word plugin to create template .... 11 - word template 12 - the section from WebCon Form

(...) ls) in a better way. Now I have noticed that I have an "on entry" action in the step actions in some paths (which was previously responsible for sending emails). Where can I find this "on entry" Automation ? The Automation is obviously not available in the step under "on entry" (see screenshot) - I have to delete this Automation , otherwise mails will be sent twice. I also noticed that in all steps wher (...)

(...) Hello, Is there a possibility to implement an Automation mechanism for granting application privileges, such as the "Metadata access", "Access all workflow instances" permissions etc? I have created a Global action - On start (cyclical) that is creating a group and adding a user to that group, but also i have to add that group to Application privileges so they can access the app. How can i do that autom (...)

(...) eInfo) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.DataHelpers.SDK.SDKPluginsActivator.CreatePluginInstance[T](Int32 pluginID) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automation s.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.GetPluginExecutionType(IWFAction wfAction, IWorkFlowObject wfObject, IAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automation (...)