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for Configuration

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Jakub Okrzesik   The article is an update of the already existing article, it shows the Configuration in version 2020.1.3. For the original see: https://howto.webcon.com/action-templates/.   Introduction Action templates is a feature that allows you to save a lot of time when implementing processes and reduces the possibility of (...)

(...) WEBCON BPS is used to send e-mail notifications to system users. This allows for communication and the efficient performance of tasks. This functionality is often used in different processes. During Configuration , you can block e-mail notifications to the end recipients by using the deployment mode function.   What is deployment mode and what is it used for? The deployment mode functio (...)

(...) nary process, a predefined data source is created, which returns all instances of the dictionary which are marked as ‘active’ via an unremovable checkbox form field.  The data source Configuration contains all form fields defined in the process and is updated whenever the Configuration of the dictionary process changes. This process is created by using the wizard and its workflows are always s (...)

(...) dash; from the internal database The form is presented in the following way: Fig. 4. The form   Let’s go to the action of sending documents to be signed. Enter the action Configuration window on the “Contract preparation” step and on the “Submit for signing ” transition path add the “Send for signing” action. These actions have been prepared (...)

(...) em.   Description Default color and application color section settings The screenshot below shows the default view of the form opened through the “My tasks” page, in this Configuration the application color is orange.   Fig. 1. My tasks page/form view with orange as the application color   To change the application color, go to the WEBCON BPS Designer Stud (...)

(...) aiting for signature” system step   After approval, the document is automatically sent to the next step (the “Signed” step) and the attachment is downloaded.   Configuration The following diagram presents the simple workflow which can be added to any existing process.   Fig. 3. The workflow diagram   First, add an action which allows you to s (...)

(...) he global system administrator has the ability to modify these elements of the site. This article describes how to add logo to Portal – and replace the WEBCON logo in the top left corner. Configuration In the previous versions of the system, setting a custom logo required copying the graphic file to the server and providing a link to it in the site settings. In 2020.1.3. there is the ability to (...)

(...) roces, there is the ability of adding a logo, picture, or other image decoration to the form – the simplest way to this is by using the “Picture” form field.   Form field Configuration To add a picture to the form, select the “Picture” form field.   Fig. 1. The “Picture” form field Configuration   Adding a picture to the form is (...)

(...) ic license depending on the version being used. It is a good practice to store the Skribble connection parameters in global or application constants so that they may be easily used across multiple Configuration s, according to the example table below.   Name Example value Description [Skribble] API URL https://api.skribble.com/v1 (...)

(...) table: DET_ID – a main key (row ID) DET_WFDID – an instance ID. The main key (WFD_ID) in the WFElements table DET_WFCONID – item list ID. The main key (WFCON_ID) in the WFConfiguration s table   Storing data Each form field in WEBCON BPS has its unique ID assigned – it allows you to configure workflows with Item list types of form fields.   Fig. (...)

(...) ; AttPeople column, varchr(1000) type Numerical fields: Integral number – AttInt column, int type Floating-point number – AttDecimal column, decimal(21,6) type   Configuration A simple Car Fleet Management workflow has been used in this example. It consists two workflows: Car Management and Use Registry – they are used to register a car and submit the requests for (...)

(...) forming that the document has been signed. The signed attachment is downloaded after going through the “Signed” path.   Fig. 3. The form with a signed document   Configuration A simple workflow of signing a document has been created using the SDK actions dedicated to the integration with DocuSign.   Fig. 4. The signing document workflow   The f (...)

(...) new functionality for managing BPS groups and users has been added to supplement this process. This articles described how the actions related to the BPS groups can be used.   Workflow Configuration and creating an example BPS group A BPS group was created with two users:   Fig. 1. Users in the “Managers_test” group   For more information about creating g (...)

(...) F1 key – a context help. Using the F1 key allows you to open a window with help related to the element of the system in which you are currently/configuring. For example while on the Configuration tab of the chart form field, you will receive information about their Configuration and the types of charts to select from.   Fig. 1. Form field Configuration   Fig. 2 (...)

(...) nked and used as a related process in others. Being in a different application does not exclude it from being used in presentation elements – related processes can be referenced in presentation Configuration like any native process.   Configuration   Creating the processes Three processes have been created in two applications. The next step is to create a separate application tha (...)

(...) analogical to the names of these form fields on the form – this increases the readability of the preview The view is constantly updated by the system, always provides a preview of the current Configuration   b) The V InlineBUsinessRUlesUsages view This view contains information about using business rules. It consists of five columns: RuleID – the ID of a business rule Obje (...)

(...) you to select if the group name will be displayed above them or not. In the second case the group will be separated from the rest of the form fields by using a horizontal solid line. Fig. 1. Configuration of the group view   When the user decides to set a name as visible, the “Group header height” option allows you to select the distance of the text (in pixels) from the line (...)

(...) vileges per business entity. Assigning privileges at this level means that they will apply to all types of forms and workflows created within it. Go to the “Privileges” tab in the process Configuration .   There is also the ability to define the privileges at the associated form types level – these privileges are limited to relate the form type with the workflow. They allow user (...)

(...) n, and the one we will be taking a closer look at– setting up a form rule on the path. This article describes the use of this functionality.   Description the functionality During Configuration the workflow path, in the “Parameters” tab there is an “Additional path validation form rule” field.   Fig.1. The “Parameters” tab   This (...)

(...) r on top of the rest of the application, and will instead be fitted into its surroundings As mentioned above, by clicking on the report rows, an instance preview will open by default. The report Configuration does not have to contain any additional Configuration . However, if you want the click on a value to open the full form, in the options of the report view you should select the “Link” opti (...)