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for update

(...) process without the user having to do this again. I know that I can start a "new" process (dictionary) after the form is completed and assign it to the user, but unfortunately I don't know how to update the standard process from the dictionary process. Do any of you have an idea how I could do this? Or would that simply be an SQL update command that I would then have to make on the field of the s (...)

Hello, I have a Global Action that allows users to Generate a copy of the form. This action worked with Read only access before we upgraded to version 2023.1.2.124. Now it is giving an error message to users and when I looked up the error it states users need elevated access.("User has not sufficient permission to edit WorkFlow instance"). Is there any work around to this or maybe a different act

(...) I used to update this table and chagne wft_user and WFT_user name. But from the version 2023 i got update or insert of view or function 'WFElementTasks' failed because it contains a derived or constant field. Is there any other way to udpate the column in wfelementtasks?

(...) An error (lack of privileges) in executing the Generate/update a Word file triggered from the Menu button by a user who had privileges to read an instance but not to edit it. This is happening after upgrade to version 2023.1.2.124. It was working in previous version we were using. It would be great if we can go back to allowing users with read only access to generate a word file. Thank you

(...) An error (lack of privileges) in executing the Generate/update a Word file triggered from the Menu button by a user who had privileges to read an instance but not to edit it. This is happening after upgrade to version 2023.1.2.124. It was working in previous version we were using. It would be great if we can go back to allowing users with read only access to generate a word file. Thank you

(...) Hi Everyone! When I try to update BPS from version 2022.1.4.377 -> 2023.1.1.89, in the step: "Database verification" the following error message appears: "There is no update path between versions."and the installation process stops. Where could I check which update paths are valid? Best regards!

(...) n that data table, I have other instances from a different process, and in one column (Quantity Requested), I calculate the sum. How could I save that sum in Quantity TOTAL and have it consistently update d? (i mean - transferring the Aggregation type Sum value in my form field). Currently, I have an issue where it's not update d unless I enter the instance in edit mode and save it after. That insta (...)

(...) Hi, We have problem after update to ver. 2023.1.2.99. We have implemented menu buttons for Help Desk and Printing. In 2022, every user who have acces to instance can push button and print form or start help desk (button in menu was accesable in every step or last steps etc). After the update buttons apear on the form but after clicking there is error... and users cant use it. Is it new feature (...)

I have got problem (I don't see option / feature) Problems: a) Item list row no ... is not related with row ... :/ - solution >> on path (I don't need earlier) add extra column with index no. to "fix" (create relation) the row no. [semi solution] any other solutions? b) sorting by status: I have got Item List with column "status" (drop down list) I have 3 option to pick: - choice fiel

Hey, anyone have any idea why the problem appeared? Version installation: current -> 2023.1.3.76 target -> 2023.1.3.118 In changelogs there was information about changes as to the columns in the AdminWFEventLogs table. Last query from profiler: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'WEL_Details_Deprecated' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'dbo.[AdminWFEventLogs]'))

I created process where I have got: 1. Parent process with Item list: a) description b) attachment 2. I start child process a) copy data + copy attachments b) i would like to populate the same in child item list with records correlated with coped attachments ... I did SQL source: [code="SQL"] SELECT e.DET_ID as 'ID wiersza dziecka', e.DET_WFDID as 'ID Elementu Detalu dzie

(...) p. The topic is actually quite simple, but unfortunately I have a problem with this one process. I start a new parallel subworkflow in an action (ID is saved in a technical field), which I want to update later. In the action "update related workflow instance" we get the message for the users: Incorrect instance ID: ''. When we execute this workflow, the ID is found and the data is written. So (...)

(...) but what if I have flow where element have assigned 4 people in parent flow A,B,C,D. A is finished B is waiting C is finishing D is waiting now I do move parent flow by tech/system path to update some field/fields [whatever] and I would like to: keep A is finished B is waiting C is finishing D is waiting only option I see is: Cancel [3] so .. A and C need to finish again Completed (...)

(...) Hello, I am trying to update some form fields and columns in an item list after some actions. On my path i have configured a FOR EACH on my item list which is creating/composing JSON payload for my REST. (rows) However, I am encountering an InternalServerError (500) when attempting to save this data using REST service on path for my current instance. PATCH: api/data/v5.0/db/#{DBID}#/elements/#{WF (...)

(...) The current version of the API allows update s for the following fields: { "name": "string", "email": "string", "phoneNumber": "string", "managerBpsId": "string", "jobTitle": "string" } It would be useful to expand the user API to include fields such as: - Department - isActive - COS_ExtensionAttribute1-20 The isActive field would be helpful for deactivation in case of WEBCO (...)

(...) Hi all, first of all: this is not supposed to be a moaning complaint, just a heads up so other people dont fall for the issue that hit us today. I wanted to share some info regarding the update from 2022 to 2023, as we ran into some very unsatisfying issues with SQL COMMAND business rules that are querying field IDs. It hit us on some neuralgic spots in our main workflow, causing quite some pain r (...)

in webcon 2022.1.4.404 - automation with action start sub flow was working in webcon 2024.1.1.130 - is not working ... I have error: Komunikat błędu akcji podobiegu Nazwa automatyzacji: >> [podobieg] Start Ankiety (ID: 890) Nazwa akcji: Uruchom podobieg Audytowani (ID: 1351) Proces startujący: Ankieta po Audytowa Wiadomość: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set t

(...) Hello, yesterday, after installing the current Visual Studio 2022 update v17.12.x (from v17.11.x), the WEBCON BPS SDK Tools no longer started when trying to open them via 'View -> Other Windows -> WEBCON BPS SDK Tools'. I've got an error message (I don't have a screenshot from this message) with a reference to the ActivityLog.xml file within the VS main program folder. On the ActivityLog.xml fi (...)

(...) Hello WEBCON community, I did some application update s (including a new workflow) in DEV environment and now I want to do the update in PROD by importing an application, but I'm getting errors. There are no active tasks in step 3091, but there are some documents in step 3090, because it's a final step. Also I didn't do any changes in these two steps. Does somebody have any ideas on what's wrong?

(...) Hello, after an upgrade to version 2024.1.1.161 the Gnerate/update word file action gives the below error. It happens when the action is configured to Download after file generation. This does not happen when the output is configured to save as an attachment . Has anyone found a workaround or can direct me to a possible solution. I have tried changing the template to using the modern word add in and (...)