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for workflow

(...) Hi everybody. I wonder if there is a way how I can attach the message sent by an "custom mail" action as new attachment to the workflow instance? Kind regards, KLaus

(...) n for incoming correspondence registration. Registering an envelope (which has its own barcode) and some fields, I would like to add some other barcodes in the Item Lists field and I would like a subworkflow (documents in an envelope) to be created for each of the lines. I can create a subworkflow , but I don't know how to loop through the Item Lists. Do you have ideas how to do it?

(...) Activation email was delayed, I waited for some time so I imported everything when still demo. Everything worked. Now I activated free license and on each form I gave a message that: No license for workflow Fronton in version 2022.1. To gain access, please re-download license or contact WEBCON directly. Can't edit anything on any form.

I have a requirement to create dictionary to enter form name, Step name, no.of business days. Form name and step name combination need to be unique and a validation error message should show if the user tries to post a entry with the same form and step combination that already exists in the dictionary. I have 3 different forms with different steps in a flow. I entered 1st entry as form1, Step1

(...) Hi all! We have a tricky problem, so it seems. We want to redirect to edit form of another workflow (ID is known). This should be triggered with button click on current form. Button is implemented as Html field and invokes a global menu action which has the correct hyperlink action and also returnUrl to current element. After save of the other workflow element, user should be redirected to cur (...)

(...) Hello, my task is: A new workflow instance is to be started through calling a web service from i.e. the ERP system. I cannot find any howto or documentation that explains how to proceed. Is this possible in general and can anybody help with a hint what to do or where to find a documentation / howto? Thank you in advance.

(...) Hi, I can't delete one step from my workflow . First problem that I have is there is some active elements associated with this step. I deleted it on webcon portal but after that operation I still have comunicate at workflow designer: "The database contains workflow instances associated with this step. You must delete those elements first in order to delete the step". On which SQL table I can find that (...)

(...) Hi, I am trying to move multiple related child instances through an action. I tried doing that with the “Move workflow (SQL)” action. The query I used can be found in the Attachments. The table I get also looks fine, but I still get the Error "Incorrect column PATH_ID format". I already checked all of the IDs, they should all be fine. I used the following thread as a reference: https://alterpaths.com/ (...)

(...) is possible to create automation variables which are VERY useful, but is there a possibility to create a variable ( maybe through JS formrule or something along this line ) which is usable in a whole workflow or step. Thanks in advance :)

(...) Hi all! We have to update some columns in a workflow dependent on other columns from the same workflow item, e.g. WFD_AttDecimal1 = WFD_AttDecimal2 * WFD_AttDecimal3. Sounds trivial, but it isn't, especially in a SaaS system, where 'Run an SQL procedure' is missing. Another approach for us was to use 'Update related workflow instance' action, but this approach obviously leads to nowhere (maybe t (...)

(...) Hi, I have a main workflow where I have 5 text fields. Some of these fields are displayed on the sub workflow form(Sub workflow s start on a specific main workflow step) Sometimes I have to change one of the filed value on the main workflow ( on step " Wait for sub-workflow s) which is displayed on the subworkflow s form. When I change field value on the main flow, the same field is not updated on the (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to configure Webcon to send a single "summary" report about open tasks on a workflow in a single mail? Thank you!

(...) Hi all! We are currently biting our nails with the following problem: We need to delay execution of workflow for 1 minute, after 1 minute it should go to a path. Every attempt to achieve that failed up to now. The attached setting should trigger after 1 minute (as far as I understand that), but it seems to start immediately. What are we doing wrong here? Many thanks & best regards, Nik

(...) Hi, it would be great, if in a multi-tenant WEBCONAPPS environment the deletion of workflow s could be activated. I understand that it's easier to remove the whole archive action but there are cases where the delete action is necessary. For example in use case of PCG Academy during the WEBCON DAY. Deleting via REST API may be an option, I haven't tested it but I assume, that this would execute the " (...)

(...) Hello all, I know this as been asked in the forum, but I have an issue with the action Move workflow . I've read the answers for another user, but I think I can't use the example on the https://alterpaths.com/massive-update-of-sub-workflow s-in-webcon-bps/ because for my case I have 5 different chains in the Child workflow and each of them as their own Complete and Cancel step. This was working pri (...)

(...) Hi, I'm creating the workflow for registering agreements with some typical fields: counterparty, agreement no., value, signature date - let's call it Agreement Register (AR). To avoid manually register all necessary data I've also created another workflow (Import Agreements Data) with item list, which is populated using excel file and on entry of default path a subworkflow AR should start using action "f (...)

(...) fers a portal for different customers. Each customer has different persons with individual logins (BPSId). This list of persons can change from time to time, so we need to adjust rights on certain workflow elements (in different processes) to this specific list of persons. I am wondering if it is possible (with Webcon Standard actions) to replace privileges on certain workflow elements in different (...)

(...) Hi, We have a single workflow element that is not opening. On clicking on the workflow element, the browser just starts loading indefinitely. This issue appears only on this single element and nowhere else. What can I check, how can I start researching this issue? We are using classic forms on SharePoint. Thank you

(...) Hi, I noticed that the webcon workflow service logs warnings almost every time I display an element with an item list on it. E.g. I opened element in the browser and the service logged "Control not found ('SubElems_257')WFD_ID=21065". I don't have any page loading rules and there are no actions performed on this item list in the current step. It occurs in various applications and processes that I have. T (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I was wondering... Is there a way to start workflow s by an external API without the need to exchange the token first? I'm asking the question because I'm exploring the possibilities offered by using a service as MailGun. They can parse the incoming email message and post the parsed information in form of JSON to a URL. The issue I'm having is I can only configure a URL to which the s (...)