(...) ould open a hyperlink, I get an error: "Error in Menu button action Start Counterparty Card. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_WFElementDatails_WFD". The conflict oCC urred in database "BPS_Content", table "dbo.WFElements", column 'WFD_ID'. The statement has been terminated." I have exactly same button configured in other workflow in the same application and it w (...)
(...) Dear Webcon Team, The new To-Do list feature is excellent. However, adding the ability to assign/delegate tasks would significantly enhance team collaboration, efficiency, and aCC ountability. This feature would allow clear assignment of responsibilities, ensuring better workload distribution and improved project tracking. Best regards, Konrad
(...) Hello there :) I have yet another problem, regarding the form validation. I've attached the rules that I've applied. What I want to do is I want to block the oCC urence of choosing current day while it's after 9.00 A.M. Otherwise If the day is than Today() then the result is TRUE, which means, you are able to go further. Best Regards, Igor
(...) it easier to identify the session. It would nice if the user could provide the details but it shouldn't be in the "end and save session" dialog. It happened to me a few times, that the a JS error oCC urred and the dialog wasn't displayed. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hello, I have a weird situation, I gave the user aCC ess to application and then to the process for aCC ess all instances and attachments. If I use the impersonation option, I can see the application, I can aCC ess it as well as reports. When I open any instance I can only see all info but no edit option. The purpose is not to manually aCC ess instances from this process, but to search for them us (...)
(...) At the end of the approval process I'm sending email with some details and all atachments to specific mailboxes. But from time to time I'm getting error "ErrorACC essDenied Message: ACC ess is denied. Check credentials and try again". Credentials are ok - it is sending 100 emails and giving this error on 10 another cases. Might be connected that Webcon app is sending 100 emails in like 2-3 minutes an (...)
(...) , I can select the last comment entered. But I want to create a SQL rule to active/inactive the timeout. For that, I want to check if new comments were actually added. Do you have any idea how to aCC omplish this? Thank you
(...) he installation. Does anyone have experience with troubleshooting these issues? I also check this: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/c-and-javascript-components-in-webcon-bps/245/36 Once I suCC essfully install Webcon, I'd like to ensure optimal performance. Could you share any essential configuration settings or best practices to keep in mind? Any advice or tips would be greatly apprecia (...)
(...) ot. I did the bugging from step and if anyuser go ba save then: - action on save is done - condission check is done to see what was the path thats fine it went throw save and path grup of aCC tions but ... if any user went by "next step" then "holds" ... waits for others and did not use save step action :/ so if I have wait for others to finish the validation is not working :/ is not (...)
(...) Today I was asked if is posible to set Webcon to: - if you are in "My tasks" where you have got: New / My / CC https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Portal/MyTasks/ to set webcon to not be in edit mode just in read ? I remember i was read about that - but this setup is for whole process (form) https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2975 OK: - for step - for whole process Question is (...)
(...) Hey, have anyone suCC esfully configured LDAP as source for users? * https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/SystemSettings/GlobalParams/UserSynch/SynchConfig/LDAP I'm trying to make it work, but all entities (users, and groups) are being synchronized as groups. From the error log it seems like Webcon is generating LDAP query with an error - the OR - | - operator seems to be in wrong place (...)
(...) ouble on adding a MSSQL Database data source on Data Sources -> Connections -> MSSQL database as I keep getting the error message below: "Unknown error: A network-related or instance-specific error oCC ured while establishing connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not aCC essible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections (...)
(...) Hello, I'm trying to import user data from the import WF (1) into the employee WF (2) and route based on whether the user has an Active Directory aCC ount. Depending on whether the user has an Active Directory user or not, the user should either be sent to the blue path or to the purple path in WF (2). The issue is that the business rule in the 'Start a Sub Workflow (SQL)' actions, which checks (...)
(...) hello, I'am importing process form test to production environment, but after i import process page can load beacuse i got error: action: Get ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has oCC urred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/ | href: | ex: System.ArgumentExce (...)
(...) lastname - text domain - choice field And one technical field to which an action is assigned: concat[name][.][lastname][@][domain] The action works correctly but takes Polish characters into aCC ount. Is it possible, and how, to remove Polish characters in the technical field, i.e., replace "ą" with "a," and so on?
(...) lowing Daniel's post to add the pluggin in Webcon but I'm having some errors while importing the zip file. What SDK pluggin you're using? Thank you all https://github.com/Daniel-Krueger/webcon_CC lsactions/releases
(...) ould like to understand more about authorization, invoking REST methods, and specifying the path for importing data into the correct dictionary. I’ve attached an image of my sample script, which suCC essfully retrieves SharePoint data, but it encounters an error with Webcon authorization. I would appreciate guidance on what specific steps I should take or modifications I need to make. Thanks an (...)
(...) Hi, I tried to work with Webcon API on the trial but only what I retrieve is empty list of tasks. I suCC essfully authenticate by app client context and receive token which I used to read tasks. I cannot register by user context and I cannot read other data from Webcon. Is it a standard behavior for trial or is there something I missed?
(...) m currently upgrading processes to WEBCON BPS 2024. I was expecting issues with custom JavaScript but encountered also one with the "Add attachment" action. While testing I got this error: Error oCC urred in add attachment action: Copy attachments. No attachments I'm not sure when, but it seems that WEBCON BPS now checks whether any attachments exist which can be copied over. If they don't (...)
(...) Dear Community, I'm trying to connect with REST API to SAP API. ACC ording to SAP API documentation this should look like this: POST https://localhost:50000/b1s/v1/Login { "CompanyDB": "SBODEMOUS", "Password": "1234", "UserName": "manager" } In response I receive receive 2 HTTP Cookie items (B1SESSION and ROUTEID) that I have to submit with every REST API call to SAP API. (...)