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for action

(...) Hello, I have a question, how can I change a value of a choice field using a normal action , but only giving him the Name (not ID, not ID#Name)? The choice field is configured as ID and Name. Version: 2023.1.3.29 p.s. I know in the past this was not an issue, but on newer version this become a problem especially when only ID or ID#Name works. Regards

(...) ep, because the next step might be dynamic - I'm using 'Previous step' configuration path target. Any ideas what could i try here? :) * https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/pending-in-transaction -vs-pending-after-transaction /347/3

(...) Hello! In the form, I have a list of items X that is sorted by column A in descending order by default. How can I set up an action to generate data into a .docx file or specify an attribute for the list of items in the .docx file so that the exported table with the list of items X is sorted by column A in ascending order? The descending sort by column A is because the data is being added to the ta (...)

(...) I have a case, where i need to use same mail that is already being used, but to different people. (exactly 12 contents). Right now it requires manual creation of templates by copy-pasting them from action into e-mail template. Could we have 'Create e-mail template' from configurable e-mail action ?

(...) Similar to that thread: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/969/15 on initial step on path action to count attachment did not work ... doesn't matter if element is saved or not. The attachment was added by item list.

(...) element, it would be very convenient to have access to at least 2 options such as: permission check and task completion. Now you need to perform 3 operations 1. enter admin mode 2. expand admin action s 3. select the action in question Regards

(...) I have a problem probably with permiossion for autoresponder. I used a action autoresponder with MS Graph. Wystąpił błąd wykonania akcji autoresponder na ścieżce. (Krok: Start, ścieżka: Autoodpowiedź) One or more errors occurred. (Code: InvalidScheduledOofDuration Message: The scheduled duration for sending automatic replies isn't valid. ClientRequestId: 9e12806a-64bf-4882-87f4-c831a7710e57 (...)

(...) Hi, I need your help. The topic is actually quite simple, but unfortunately I have a problem with this one process. I start a new parallel subworkflow in an action (ID is saved in a technical field), which I want to update later. In the action "Update related workflow instance" we get the message for the users: Incorrect instance ID: ''. When we execute this workflow, the ID is found and the da (...)

(...) eptions.SDKKeyNotFoundException: Specified id:280 does not exist at WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.Base.ReadOnlyItemsCollection`1.GetByID(Int32 id) at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.Customaction s.Helpers.RequestBodyProvider.AddSmsAuthenticationnConstraints(List`1 constraints, ItemRowData row, UserColumns userData) at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.Customaction s.Helpers.RequestBodyProvider (...)

(...) /2024 2:35:44 PM) Step completed: Download selected objects from Azure AD if required (duration: 118687 ms) While this is not a problem if the user is added via the Portal, executing the "Add user action " in synchronous mode leads to a timeout error in the browser. https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/5203 I don't see any reason, why adding the user to a BPS group should trigger an update fr (...)

(...) We use in one of our applications the option to generate HTML code (for example extra buttons performing some action s) in list item lines. For this purpose, data row field type was working well. For example such code: SELECT '➕➖' AS XX Generated two nice buttons with + and - that performed some action s. With the current version 2023.1.3.202 WEBCON adds extra " signs, so the entir (...)

(...) Hi, I've prepared a template using Word Classic and put there data rows and data tables fields. Unfortunately the data are not displayed. The same situation happens when I go to Admin Mode > Admin action s > Word Template Printout. No data from data rows/data tables fields are diplayed. I am using Webcon Express.

(...) ys, Is there an easy way to copy content from one process to another, e.g. using the WFDID? For example, to copy the content of a text field from process 1 to a text field in process 2 using an action . Our users would like to have a feature to copy content from older processes to current ones if it is similar content. A kind of "copy template".

(...) Message message, TimeSpan timeout) at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.RequestChannelBinder.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action , Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout) at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(MethodCall methodCall, ProxyOper (...)

(...) need to create an Excel file from an item list. Basically, this works well using an appropriate Excel template. However, I have fields in the item list that are filled from a fixed value list and the action then creates an entry in the column in the format [ID#Name]. But I only want to see [Name]. What am I doing wrong?

(...) We would like to run a PowerShell script periodically, to prepare data for selected cases in one of our interfaces. BPS Studio version 2023.1.3.202 doesn't give us an option to add that type of action in global action s (configured for the process). So currently we have to use a task, that is configured in TaskScheduler on the application server, to run it. Is there an option in BPS Studio to run a Po (...)

(...) Hi, it would really be great to add support for the hyperlink action on the attachment menu. The only additional thing which would be required is the id of the current attachment. The hyperlink action supports executing JavaScript and one use case would be to trigger the print dialog without opening the preview. While this is one there may be other use cases which is the reason why I don't reque (...)

(...) a question about the service configuration. In the Services configuration -> Services -> Service_name -> Configuration tab, the database components are configured. How can I increase the number of action threads for timeout? I would like to parallelize several timeouts and not wait for the transition after each of them is completed. Do you have any idea for this? Regards ;)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Paweł Fijał Introduction In WEBCON BPS, it is possible to change users' synchronization from an already existing source using the WEBCON BPS installer. This article presents how to change users' synchronization from AD (Active Directory) to ADD (Azure Active Directory). Before changing the configuration of BPS users' synchron

External content by: Raluca-Mirabela Lupu   Initialization Mode: Key Choices and Flexibility   Configuring an itemlist involves deciding between two initialization modes: "initialize only at the first step" or "initialize at every step." This decision impacts how the data in the itemlist is updated throughout the process. Selective and Flexible Init