(...) 'webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp' Solution Deployment : Missing one or more of the following attributes from the root node in solution webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp: assembly '', type ''. The configuration data base was queried for a non-existent object with the id d0d745af-6efd-429c-8072-59d3d392bba2. Most commonly, this is caused by removing an SPFeatureDefinition without writing upgrade code to remove r (...)
(...) Hi, I want to use the action - Send a custom email and get email addresses from a Dictionary. I checked "Selecting addresses by SQL/CAML query" and as data source: i chose my Dictionary When i write a SQL query it doesn't filter. It shows all columns and rows. In my workflow i have a choice field Vendor name (from a Dictionary - it contains Vendor Name, Vendor Email). When i pick that vendor, (...)
(...) rnType, JsonSerializerOptions options) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.AAD.AadCloudsConfigurationDeserializer.Deserialize(String json) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.AAD.CacheAadConfigurationProvider.Getdata baseConfiguration() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.AAD.AadConfigurationProviderBase.GetConfiguration() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.ADSynchronization.AdSyncConfigDownloader.GetConfiguration(IContentD (...)
(...) a process for ordering buisness cards, which will include graphic, who is responsilbe for preparing files which are sent to printing company. On the buisness cards there should be QR code with vCard data . We want to avoid manual process of copy/pasting data between webcon and other qr generation system. Action which adds code to attachment already exists, so i can always have empty pdf file to wh (...)
(...) At Webcon BPS, on the form's list of items, I have a checkbox field and a second field of dropdown(choose) type. The second filed - dropdown field retrieves data from a data base and allows for adding values outside of the data base. The first filed - checkbox field determines whether the value in the second field is from the source or added externally. How can changing the value of the checkbox fiel (...)
(...) ) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | href: | ex: System.InvalidOperationException: ServiceLocationProvider must be set. at CommonServiceLocator.ServiceLocator.get_Current() at WebCon.WorkFlow.data .Solr.BPSSolrServerProxy.GetInstance[T]() at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.SolrEngine.BpsSolrQueryExecutor.QueryWithPerformanceLogAsync[T](IBPSSolrServerProxy solrProxy, String queryToRun, QueryOptions opt (...)
(...) d environment, the attributes, tables or view names of the SQL queries affected must be changed to suit the respective environment. ((Otherwise, an SQL query will not work at all, or worse, incorrect data will be returned from the query.)) That can't/shouldn't be the goal, right? It is also a possible source of errors if a query is forgotten in this process. How do you do this in your environmen (...)
(...) Hi, i've to create a vacation report and three problems: #1 data source template „business entities structure" and #2/#3 vacation report . Problem #1. we have employies in two or more departments (with different workload/department ~25% of employies). Now I must put one user with different depatments in the data source template „business entities structure", but that is not possible. For now, on (...)
(...) le with a status of 0. I do not want all outstanding e-mail notifications to go out after changing the password. Is adding to the send queue based on the WFMails table, or is there another, dedicated data base table for this purpose? UPDATE I have already found some important information: This queue is stored in the data base in the WFMails table. Are messages with status 0 then retried?
(...) ormToFlatUsagesList(ISearchableEntity searchable, Int32 processID, Boolean processUsagesOnly, Boolean filterOtherProcesses) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.data SourcesDocumentationGenerator.PopulateUsages(Int32 processID) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.data SourcesDocumentationGenerator.Generatedata SourcesDocx(Proc (...)
(...) w with all (planned) attendances and (planned) absences must be created. For better visual differentiation, an extension of the standard colors "ColorID" is desirable. Is this easily possible via the data base? The types that _we_ need to distinguish, but it should be possible to create as many color definitions as you like. Types of attendance: * Office * Home office * Business trip * Furthe (...)
(...) . So far so good... Now to the question: In case the customer did not accept the change request, there is a process step back to regular process. In this step back it is necessary to delete all the data for the change request, especially the "quantitiy for change request". Is there a way to delete these entries in the table? I cannot find any action to do that. Is there any other solution? Thanks (...)
(...) ch a problem in version 2023? I don't know whether to look for the cause in the environment configuration or if it's a general problem. The problem occurs on different processes and different content data bases. Thanks for any information.
(...) Hello, I have a short question. I want to generate an Excel file with my data from the BPS data source. I created an Excel template with a worksheet(test) and a table(myTable) and a action create excel. I write the assignment like this: test!myTable and my data to the right cell. But I always get an error. (Invalid cell name) If I just want one data set and just write the cell names for each (...)
(...) Hi, I really need to understand and find out where in BPM_Content I can find all my BPS Internal View data sources, because I would like to use some columns from there that don't exist in WFElements (like STP_Name). But seems like I'm failing to find it everytime I try. I understand that all my dictionaries are stored in Views folder.. which makes me think that BPS internal views are stored somewhere (...)
(...) I have a choice field and it is populated from a data source with autocomplete activated. I want to limit the choice field to only the data from the data source. The user can't manually type any other text. How can I accomplish this?. Thanks
(...) y form in the processes. Is it for FREE? :) Yes, it is if you like SQLing :) Like we said WebCon BPS platform has got full history in the SQL and in history view (detailed one). Custom SQL taking data from WebCon BPS SQL data bases can give you such SIMPLE overview on the form. It is also configurable - with subworkflows or not, which columns, etc. BUT basic version is about WHO clicked WHAT (and (...)
(...) view how it is done :) BPS 2023+ It would be perfect if such an overview could be added out-of-the-box (e.g. such dashboard) of the groups (at least the ones directly used which can be SQLed from data base) - alike in the kb article by Mr. Baszak :) https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/checking-user-and-group-privileges/258/3
(...) HI, When installing Webcon, the SQL Server compatibility level is set to 120 (default). To use advanced functions like `string_split` and data processing functions from JSON, it is necessary to manually change the compatibility level to 150. These functions are essential in developing more complex processes. If we manually upgrade the compatibility level from 120 to 150, Webcon will no longer pr (...)
(...) Hello, Is there a way to ensure uniqueness of items in Webcon's dictionary when importing data from Excel, to avoid duplication? Thanks.