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(...) ocess is using this template, I have noticed that some of the information are not taken correctly and I don't understand why. Maybe is helpful to say that some of the info here should be taken from a data Row field type, but still, I can't exactly see the problem here as some of the returned rows are working fine, some not.. This never happened to me before. To put this straight forward, the proble (...)

(...) tivation error occurred while trying to get instance of type ISolrOperations`1, key "" ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'SolrNet.ISolrOperations`1[WebCon.WorkFlow.data .Solr.Collections.BPSActivity]' was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at SolrNet.Utils.Container.DoGetInstance(Type serviceType, Stri (...)

(...) the action runs it returns an error "Can't send e-mail: Column 'mail' does not belong to table Results.". The field used in the action is named "Procedujacy" and is the type "User or group" with the data source . I am sure it worked before, what can be the problem here? EDIT: Seems that when I opened the action config and changed the used field to another one and then back, I was allowed to save (...)

(...) Hi. I would suggest to simplify company selector in substitutions. In environments with multiple companies and several content data bases list of companies is cross join of both, making it difficult for the user to choose and also requires adding several substitudions records for each content data base (content data base names are rather technical name and are not usefull for end users). I know that i (...)

(...) ng the 'allow multiple values' mode and having translations in the source into 3-4 languages, additionally if the ID is e.g. guid, this value is exceeded very quickly. Is it possible to increase the data base size of this type of columns to nvarchar(4000)? Regards

(...) Hi all, Is there any way to export data from Webcon to Excel WITHOUT column headings? Can't see such an option neither in export from data table attribute nor from the report. Can this be done in any way?

(...) esponse to a field, more specifically an ID. I have tried multiples methods, but i did not success... This is my response. How can i save the "value/listItem/id" to a field? (id=318) { "@odata .context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata #sites('test')/drives('XNOnVydrSL6yetalE8-T')/root/children(listItem())", "value": [ { "createdDateTime": "2024-01-15T1 (...)

(...) Specifically, I am interested in understanding whether there is a possibility to visualize a document by providing a link that points to a document stored either on SharePoint or within a SQL Server data base. My goal is to enable the automatic display of the associated document in preview mode when a user selects a record in the application. Has anyone had experience or insights into achieving th (...)

(...) Hi Everyone! When I try to update BPS from version 2022.1.4.377 -> 2023.1.1.89, in the step: "data base verification" the following error message appears: "There is no update path between versions."and the installation process stops. Where could I check which update paths are valid? Best regards!

(...) template cofiguration uses vacation history and no vacation plans. Can you please take a look at this and suggest what I'm doing wrong? EDIT: When I add in the workflow config "vacation plans" data source (with exactly the same elements, but column names according to the requirements of this data source) I see the future elements, but as expected they have no type and thus all are of the same c (...)

(...) In template configuration of vacation template generated process we have 2 important data sources - vacation history and vacation plans. Their display on vacation chart is different - history has legend and colors for different types of absences, whereas plans are displayed just in one color and there are no types. Another difference is that history items do not point to the original item, whereas pla (...)

(...) It would be very helpful if excel generating action and data table attribute ability to save as excel could produce an Excel file with or without columns headers. This is sometimes useful, as some external applications accept only data in excel files and no headers.

(...) Hello Community, I've got a problem. I've got two workflows, a parent and one subworkflow. I'm trying to transfer data from the parent workflow (single line of text attributes - 'email' and 'phone') to a table in the subworkflow with the item list update action. The table has columns ('value' - single line of text and 'contact type'(selection list: 1#Mail, 2#Phone)). How to write an SQL query to pu (...)

(...) ello, I have a process (start - finish) that creates an instance and remains in the "Finish" state. Here, I have the following form fields: "Quantity TOTAL" (Floating-point number) and "Quantity" (data table). In that data table, I have other instances from a different process, and in one column (Quantity Requested), I calculate the sum. How could I save that sum in Quantity TOTAL and have it c (...)

(...) hboards and when someone has a lot of cases in different instances of pie chart dimenssion e.g. depo, country, acceptacne path it is difficult (esspecially since WEBCON2022) to select certain part of data . it would be nice to have option to select one lable from the graph legen or deselect all and then select one instead of deselecting several + recent dispaying of the values on pie chart doesn't brin (...)

(...) Hey. We've ran into an issue with the Drop-down choice field within an Item List. Simple way to get the error: Clone a row with some data -> Try to modify the drop-down attribute value in the newly created row This results with a checksum error pointing at the choice field (see picture provided with the thread). It has happened in different applications/processes before too. We're using ve (...)

(...) Hello, At the moment I've split up a bigger project into smaller pieces so I can test out everything I need separately. I'm trying to add a new attachment to an instance using this API /api/data /v4.0/db/{dbid}/elements/{id}/attachments. I have 2 fields into this form: contentBASE64 and fileName. All I'm trying to do is to use these values from my fields together with the API action so I end up (...)

(...) Hi, I've cases where one choose field updates another choose field. If the data source is not a SQL data base this can take some time. Setting the first field takes about 1 second, (1) in the attachment. Getting picker search results 540ms Validate picker control 460ms The setting and validation of the target field (2) takes again 1700ms and another 390 ms for executing a form rule. Setting t (...)

(...) Hi, Does anyone know where in the data base I can look for recent activities? I mean the ones that are on the Dashboard, specifically "Delete of instance".

(...) ! I have a question regarding OneDrive. I've set up a path that loops back to the same step. On this path, I have the action 'Start editing a file using OneDrive'. Additionally, I have established a data connection to my OneDrive in 'data Sources', which works when tested. However, when I execute everything, it loads for a bit, and then I receive the error message: 'Error transferring the file test.d (...)