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(...) orkflow (SQL)”. My understanding is that “start a subworkflow (SQL)” action (configuration of Data settings – Query returning data) works as follows: SELECT ‘value’ AS object of subworkflow (Database field Name) etc. • How to write SQL query / where to get ‘value’ from Dictionary process? • How to set up Step edit/Task creation/Tasks assignment to use this ‘value’ to assignment subworkflows (each s (...)

(...) Changing the RestAPI mode to "admin" should allow you to update field s, including readonly. The documentation however mentions the requirement of "admin permissions" How to add requires admin permissions?. Below are excerpts from the RestAPI documentation mode -Enum: "standard" "ignoreReadonly" "admin" Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all field (...)

(...) clic action in the Global Actions. This action contains a "Start a subworkflow (SQL)". When the subworkflow action is executed I just get the message 'Incorrect syntax near '}'.' in the *Last error* field . As seen on the screenshot There is no '}' in the SQL query of the subworkflow action... So now I am facing the mystery where exactly this error occurs at all and what exactly is the cause. Does (...)

(...) plik_pdf". In the third step I dalete the attachements from the "plik_word" category. And it work perfectly in the 2022 versions, and now, in 2023.1.1.89 it does not matter what I put in the category field , the action seems to ignore it and deletes all the attachements according to the next field (only the newest, only the oldest, all). Is this how it is supposed to work now? Am I missing something?

(...) n attachment section. 3. I would like to create pdf file from that excel file. (i don't see that option) in design studio. what I would like to do: 0. create template with excel (done) 1. from field s update excel template (done) 2. excel template save as attachment or not [see other steps] (done) 3. change excel file as pdf. ( ? ) 4. sign pdf ... [I can live with it for now ;-) ] ( ?) th (...)

(...) plate? 1. A created word template 2. If filled by Automation process 3. How to add to template DOC the Attachment section ? 4. How to add Comments to template DOC [Bonus] ? I don't see the field s in Word plugin to create template .... 11 - word template 12 - the section from WebCon Form

(...) Hi, in an Azure Active Directory environment it would be great to add an option to the people field which would configure it, whether external /guest users are selectable at all. Default value should be false. A customer worked around this by limiting the selection to a BPS group and adding AAD Groups as members of the group. No external user was a member of the AAD group. Technically this w (...)

(...) Hello :) I have an issue with attachments. I added new .xlsx file into attachment form field - this was empty file with picture inside. Now when I am trying to open it in preview panel picture is cut like below. Does anybody have an idea what can be a reason? Thanks a lot for help

(...) ities. I would like to bring in a specific report. I've checked how to do this and I came up with this query using the GET /services/data/v52.0/analytics/reportTypes/Opportunity But when I use the field as a Data table in order to check the information, the list comes empty. Anyone tried this? Do you know how to bring reports instead of using SQOL queries? Thank you!

(...) slated": "", "translations": []}, "postbackOnChange": false, "allowAddingCustomValue": false, "allowMultiValue": false, "autocompleteFirstResultsCount": 5, "autocompleteSearchChars": 3, "enablefield sOnModeChange": false, "javaScriptOnModeChange": "", "incudeTimeZone": false "includeTime": false,

(...) Hello, I copied one item list from one process to another and after trying to save the process I get the below in the attached image. There are some datarow field in the item list that are showing data coming from business rules. I guess they are causing the problem. The main issue is that designer studio doesn't show the field s anymore so I'm unable to delete the item list that I copied. As you can (...)

(...) e same, but I had to change attributes (different process) It would be great to have Bulk Edit possibility like in Postman (https://i.postimg.cc/nh60WG6d/Postman.gif), to just copy/paste multiplle field s at once (maybe only in advanced editor mode) - updating them row by row have been tedious.

(...) I can relate the two instances. I'm using the info from Webcon but I don't know how to pass the ID: Legal Request Process Using this, I'm basically writing WFD_ID in the destination field . Does anyone know how to get this working= Thank you

(...) Hello, Is it possible to input two different values into the 'Update Related Workflow Instance' action in Webcon BPS Designer, but have them appear on separate lines within the same field ? Specifically, I would like to know if there's a way to use a newline character or any other method to achieve this. My Observatii 2 field is Multiple lines of text. Thank you

(...) e just installed WEBCON 2 days ago. Please help! I want to add in a item list rows from a SQL database but: Querying data is ok. I want to select a product name based on that query (from a Choice field ) and get the correspondent price from the query... Also my query is based on another field as a filter When I change the value of that filter, the list of products should change but it doesn't. (...)

(...) Dear Community, You can set value for empty field (aka. placeholder) in Style and behavior section. Would it be nice if I could enable and set such placeholder value via function (like form rule). As an example, I create a form rule or define actions on change value in field . Changing checkbox field value (as marked, True) I'm setting "mark required" other related field . In such situation I could (...)

(...) Hello, we use the actions "Convert word to PDF" and "Generate/Update a word file" and we assign the documents to a dynamic category. The category is not saved to the table WFDataAttachmets, the field (ATT_Attribute1) stays empty. in version 2021.1.4.55 it did work fine. Thank you! Balint

(...) w to set a filter in the data source for a data table so that search-filtering by date works. The usual filtering according to the scheme does not work: 1. "some date (iso or browser settings)" = "field in the data table with a date" (like attachment) 2. "some date (iso or browser settings)" like "field in the data table with a date"

(...) by specific BPS groups. Problem arise, whet person to whom job is assingned stops working. He's automaticli removed from AD and any atempt to move proces is an error. We circumvent that by adding field : Owner, and using it as source of job assigment. This way if such situation ocours we as Admins can change persona and unlock process. Is there a beter, more automtic way for this? I should say th (...)

(...) Is there a way to have more control over the styling of the forms? For example - how to change the color of disabled field s or how to remove or change the border of inputs.