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(...) I have problem - in dictionary I have companies with have got: name like: "ABC " - Factory Company in name is quote sign on beginning (data from polish national VAT/NIP data bese) I was testing: if in string is " or ' all time I have got error if I remove from string [name] " or ' - then workflow is working [code] Dodaj Sprzedawcę / Kontakt [/code] error: url: https://webco (...)

(...) ne, How can I find out more information about the cause using an error ID? Where can I enter the ID in the Designer Studio to get to the form field that is causing the error? I tried to adapt a data source to a "data table" form field because not all existing values ​​were displayed. Now I always get the error "Failed with an unknown exception Error ID: 6f351188-04d9-4049-bd2b-d3da66c64976" Un (...)

(...) Hello, I'm having a case, where I need to display last comment, author of the comment, and date on a data Table attribute. I don't want to move the comments, to parent flow, as this will create a lot of mess due to lots of child flows. I thought this could be a built in feature, same as we can select last comment in buisness rules context, we could access it from reports, and webcon data sources (...)

(...) Hello, I would like to import some templates in my environment but i have version 2023_1_2 and i get this error: Incorrect branch number of application's data base. Application has been exported in version 2023_1_3, currently installed version 2023_1_2. You can not import applications from older versions. Is there something i can do? Can i find these templates in other versions too? https://com (...)

(...) rowser. Maybe in the history or history in admin mode? Use case: Two users with the same display name and there's currently no option to identify which user was selected without relying on the data base. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, I don't think the "Replace Item List Values" action is working properly. When I provide a BPS source in the configuration and use a filter to select data , the filter does not work on the form. The filter in Designer Studio works during testing. This problem does not occur in the "Update Item List Values" action, so I used a workaround: "Clear Item List" + "Update Item List Values" / Add new ro (...)

(...) I have got 3 different flows but on each flow I have got the same data in one variable (key). in flow 1 is Signature in flow 2 is WFD_AttChoose5 {72} in flow 3 is WFD_AttChoose6 {692} how to do SQL request or more interesting is how to do report where I can: filter Signature = WFD_AttChoose5 {72} = WFD_AttChoose6 {692} In Webcon reports I don't see process fields if I add 2 or more proce (...)

(...) Hello, I have a question regarding: Global action -> On start (cyclical). If I create an automation that runs every minute (infinitely) - for example: syncing users from another external data base to the local BPS groups. From your experience, do you see any concerns or risks? Are these runs saved to a table in the data base? Thanks.

(...) where: Part I 1. On start, in first step, in form, in field = dropdown list, I pick te signature of other flow (different proces in particular step ID) 2. Then the fields are filled with data from that chosen flow form is full of data (thats OK) 3. And NOW In that chosen flow I have got Item list how to by picking from dropdown list filled new itemlist with data ? I created action (...)

(...) Boolean add) w System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer) w WebCon.WorkFlow.data .Caching.Collections.AttributeDocTypeAssocCacheEntityCollection.b__6_0() w WebCon.WorkFlow.data .Caching.LazyEx`1.get_Value() w WebCon.WorkFlow.data .Caching.Collections.AttributeDocTypeAsso (...)

(...) I need selec that I need to export ... what I need to modify by importing ... to make mistake ... is very simple 6. He window with importing ... yea ... do proper section I don't need to read: "data Source of name 1 ...bla bla bla will be overwrite "data Source of name 2...bla bla bla will be overwrite "data Source of name 3...bla bla bla will be overwrite (I don't know how you but I rea (...)

(...) is 50 ms. For 6 columns it means it is executed 6 times, so it takes 300 ms. For 10 rows it is 3 seconds. And of course orders can have many more rows. So I came up with an idea. I made technical data Row column. It returns 1 if the columns should be editable in current row and 0 if not. It's just a copy of an above query. Then I changed "Column edit restrictions" to just check this data Row Colu (...)

(...) Hello, I have a big problem. I have an order form, e.g. for a contractor, and I have created a data source that shows all the orders of this contractor. Additionally, Kontrahnet has a monthly order limit entered in the field I need the system to check whether the limit has not been exceeded during the next order. Please help me how to do this

(...) It would be useful to be able to group the data in the itemlist at the column level and on the main form. Currently, we can group at the level of each step, but sometimes when we have many steps, it would be more useful to be able to set it just on the main form. Thanks, Raluca

(...) -- def pdf_item_form( id: int = Form(...), category: Category = Form(...), file: UploadFile = File(...) ) -> PDFItem: """ Form parser to create a PDFItem object from form data . Args: - id (int): The unique identifier of the PDF item. - category (Category): The category of the PDF item, as defined in the Category enum. - file (UploadFile): The uploaded (...)

(...) have the option to create "child sources", by defining a superior source and a business entity. This way we can use different connections. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/ConnectionsAnddata Source/data Sources/data Source_RestWebService#3-superior-source This way we can use different connection for the "same" data source. This works fine for reading data . When we want to write data s (...)

(...) ay i upgrade Webcon to version 2023.1.3.118 and one things change. In workflow "Faktury" (Invoice) a had an action that download using Rest Api information about working time of employee. Using this data , system fill table with invoice items (eg. cost allocation ). But in this version i get error that: "No exact match was found for:..." ("Nie znaleziono dokładnego dopasowania:...") for attribute Cho (...)

(...) is and we aren't able to convince them to either close their browser window/tab or at least click "Cancel editing" after they have saved their progress. I know there would be the potential risk that data is lost if i force the discarding of the checkout but this wouldn't be an issue in my opinion since this would only reinforce the saving of progress for the users. Has any of you either done this (...)

(...) Hi is there a way to get from the data base all the permissions to all the reports that we have ? I was not able to find any column with that information and I do not know how to get such info

(...) e ) then it works but with out save and set signature menu button is invisible and can't access :/ if I start flow from other flow (start subflow acction) on path Save (Zapisz) then I have got all data like filled form and added item list ... but if on start I put in drop down list value then I can't invoke menu button - how to do it or start with saved flow and stay in "registration/start" (...)