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(...) D as the only source of identity? I have some ideas for preparing some business processes in a cloud environment (Azure) that will never have access to classic domain controllers I need a full user data base on EntraID (AAD). I tried with the free online instance of WebCon togeter with quite outdated manual. It requires restarting some services as soon as you add AAD authentication to BPM - I didn (...)

(...) o that form, he needs to register additional forms (children). It's 2 level tree childrens are leafs, they can't be parents. On those children forms, there are validation rules, which depends on data from the parent form, and a path [Validate] which checks for required fields. To make sure that children forms are filled properly - when I'm moving the parent form to further steps I'm invoking tha (...)

(...) Hello! In the form, I have a list of items X that is sorted by column A in descending order by default. How can I set up an action to generate data into a .docx file or specify an attribute for the list of items in the .docx file so that the exported table with the list of items X is sorted by column A in ascending order? The descending sort by column A is because the data is being added to the (...)

(...) Hello, Here is something I've come across recently, if you have a report that uses a field that got changed to a data row then: 1. the report will be in an error state 2. you can't remove the column from report configuration panel. I understand that such a column is not allowed in a report, but at least let me exclude it from the report. The only way to fix this is to change the column back t (...)

(...) main Tab with tabs unfortunately not ... because I can not put in group ... 3. In each step I need to Break global order because: - step 1 i have some groups with attributes "on top" that collected data and on step 2 they are in tab in step 2 I collect data and in step 3 I put to tab 2 .. ect ... I have 70-80 attributes on form and probably I will add another 30-50 ... I would like to order th (...)

(...) otification type for a process. For example, we could define for a process that a "notification" is no longer a mail: - We could send a Teams message - Send an additional SMS - Write to a custom data base - Call a REST API to store the "notification" in an external system. I'm aware that this is not at least supported at the moment and you can achieve this already with the current options, (...)

(...) one parameter and I have no idea how I could triggere the "changeFormField" directly so that I could provide "options". Has someone else run into this? Edit: In the mean time I changed the newdata so that the checks are successful and I now stumbled about the fact, that the value is not stored in the field. Best regards, Daniel

(...) I created process where I have got: 1. Parent process with Item list: a) description b) attachment 2. I start child process a) copy data + copy attachments b) i would like to populate the same in child item list with records correlated with coped attachments ... I did SQL source: [code="SQL"] SELECT e.DET_ID as 'ID wiersza dziecka', e.DET_WFDID as 'ID Elementu Detalu dziecka' (...)

(...) Hi, I've inserted a line chart to my form. It gets data from data base (4 columns). 2 columns are presented on a chart as data series. Sometimes there are nulls in one of the columns. Then Webcon interpreters it as 0. Do you know any countermeasures to it? If there is a null value from the data base, then it shouldn't show that line at the given point in time. I attach a photo of that such graph w (...)

(...) hich I want to update later. In the action "Update related workflow instance" we get the message for the users: Incorrect instance ID: ''. When we execute this workflow, the ID is found and the data is written. So it seems to be an authorization problem? Both processes are in the same application. Greetings

(...) ments.Model.Base.ReadOnlyItemsCollection`1.GetByID(Int32 id) at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.Helpers.RequestBodyProvider.AddSmsAuthenticationnConstraints(List`1 constraints, ItemRowdata row, UserColumns userdata ) at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.Helpers.RequestBodyProvider.AddParties(ItemsList itemLis, UserColumns userdata , Boolean setUserPriority) at WebCon.Bp (...)

(...) Hi, Is there a simple way to get which environment runs a process? The data should be one of the 3 possibilities: DEV, TEST, or PROD. There are many places in Webcon settings where environment is set as "Auto", but I found no variable giving the actual name of the environment. I know there's a table and inside is a row which offers this, but I thought there might be an environment variable offe (...)

(...) Hello. I have a choice field that is appearing in 2 different steps. Is it possible to filter the returning data depending on the current step? ex: if in step A, choices to be 1,2,3 and if step B, choices to be 4,5,6.

(...) cantly ease our workload, as we currently have to manually split the address files. Thank you in advance, Bjoern Poller P.S.: I have already submitted a similar request for the Excel export in data TABLEs.

(...) Hi everyone, maybe someone of you has a guess what we can do. - We have an environment with 6 content data bases - We have a process which manages the members of a BPS group. - We use the Add/Remove single user to BPS groups to add a single user in synchronous mode (1) - Even so the action times out after 50 seconds it's marked as completed successfully in the history (2) - The duration of th (...)

(...) tried to import an application from the development environment to the production environment and got the error: "Check if the import service role (part of the core roles) is running for the current data bases". Has anyone had this error? Thanks, Raluca

(...) mall enough, the actions of the item list are collapsed to a context menu. It would be great if this popup would contain information in the DOM about the about the source. For example by adding a data -key attribute to the top element with the value item list and row.

(...) We would like to run a PowerShell script periodically, to prepare data for selected cases in one of our interfaces. BPS Studio version 2023.1.3.202 doesn't give us an option to add that type of action in global actions (configured for the process). So currently we have to use a task, that is configured in TaskScheduler on the application server, to run it. Is there an option in BPS Studio to run a (...)

(...) enu button] action, which should open a hyperlink, I get an error: "Error in Menu button action Start Counterparty Card. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_WFElementdata ils_WFD". The conflict occurred in data base "BPS_Content", table "dbo.WFElements", column 'WFD_ID'. The statement has been terminated." I have exactly same button configured in other workflow in the (...)

(...) someone know how can to create an attachment instances with content and filegroup for send in specific instances? I need for version sdk 2023 I attached the cod fromversion 2022. NewAttachmentdata newAttachmentdata = new NewAttachmentdata (args.Context,Configuration.informationNecessary.FileName, fileMerge_Necorupt); newAttachmentdata .FileGroup = new AttachmentsGroup(Configuration.informa (...)