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for field

(...) ave configured the companies and assigned specific employee groups in the "default for" tab. For employees from different companies, I have created several forms where I fill in the default 'company' field . Based on this, I would like to create a report that will allow employees from company A to view only the forms related to company A. I will also need an 'administrative' view that will allow a speci (...)

(...) don't actually want that the users have editing rights on all instances and do not want to create complicated rules, that then unlock the overall rights, but immediately revoke the rights for certain field s. In the field matrix I can only set the attachements checkbox to visible or invisible. Other formular field s can bet set to 'Read-only'. In my example, a sales employee should still be able to (...)

(...) for a picture of that. How I tried to realise this scenario: On the only path from the Start button i have an automation that starts a subworkflow and then saves the subworkflow ID to a technical field . (Or at least I think that it should do that, see attachments). Then in the mainform Workflow I have a step that is waiting for the Subworkflow and there a Tab that should get the status. For that (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a workflow where data is imported and instances are created. After the import, a timeout (minute) is defined which further delays the instance. A field value (multiline text) is set on the path. At this point, the workflow encounters an error (Concurrency Error). However, if I manually pass the WF instance on the path, the field value is set correctly. I hope someone ca (...)

(...) d this in 2021 version, but it generates error: Method not found: 'WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.Base.ReadOnlyEntitiesCollection`1 WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.NewDocumentData.get_Textfield s()'. System.MissingMethodException at WebCon.SRC.CustomActions.ADEmployeeSID.Run(RunCustomActionParams args) at WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.ActionPlugins.CustomAction`1.WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Interfaces.A (...)

(...) ce not set to an instance of an object." the flow ID from where I would lite copy attachments is = 20008 I try use tech_filed set as text or drop down list ... and all time failure if in tech field I have "20008" then "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." if I have signature of flow "ZAM/2024/03/00188" then "The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support o (...)

(...) it mentions that the email was not found in the database. If I write an outside email in the configuration, the notification is sent, but it it's dynamic, it doesn't work. I've tried with a text field , email field , nothing changes. Does anyone got a similar issue? Thank you

(...) (that I'm sure will not be an issue via some REST API). The question is now: Can I somehow implement the content creation into a Webcon form, i.e. is there a possibility to have a "markdown" form field or a mechanisms to translate the HTML into markdown? Kind regards, Klaus

(...) Hi I am looking for a good toturial and is it possible to create a list of items where the item contains many attributes, e.g. a date field , text field , one below the other and not only just next to each other? That is, the distribution of attributes vertically and not only horizontally in the items. Found only this: https://developer.webcon.com/docs/2019.1/sdk-custom-control/

(...) Hello, I have a little problem. My scenario is something like this: I have an item list, with 3 columns A, B(not important here) and C and I want to disable column C(data row), if column A(choice field ) has value 1#Mother, for example. Even if it's a new row just added by the user at that moment, even if it's a row added previously by other user in another step.. I just simply want that column C to (...)

(...) Hi community! I have to implement a choice field (Autocomplete or Popup), whose results should be dependent of the following: 1. Current step 2. If second choice field is selected, it should narrow down the results from a subquery (Item list) First of all Webcon doesn't accept a DECLARE statement in the first line of a custom datasource based on 'Current BPS connection'. A workaround here is (...)

(...) inion it would be great, if the Archive view /explore/all could be configured on a global level in Designer Studio. Maybe as a BPS internal view. This would allow us to define the system and global field s which are available for every process. For example I really would like to have the option to see/sort/filter the modified date and business entity which is currently not possible. I'm writing (...)

(...) , as the current action may have changed the previous behavior. The image contains an upgraded action and veterans may notice, that this is an really old workflow, from the time where there was no field mapping. The left side of the image shows the result, after the migration. Because the key is not unique, only one row was added. The right side contains a slight change, which corrected the acti (...)

(...) , for example: a value from an item list or a calculated value, and it is easier and more efficient to save the value in local parameters from an automation rather than saving the value in a physical field . (Usually, these values are needed temporarily and it is not necessary to save them in a field ). Another example : When we create a sdk type business rule and we want to use in a business rule with (...)

(...) Hello! I'm currently implementing a workflow where I first create a Word document with form field s, initiating with the 'Start editing a file using OneDrive' action. This allows me to access and edit the Word file directly from my OneDrive folder, and everything works perfectly at this stage. However, I encounter a problem in the subsequent step of my workflow. After making modifications to the W (...)

(...) Dear WEBCON Team, I would like to propose a new feature to enhance social interactions within WEBCON BPS: the ability to tag other users in the comments field . This would function similarly to tagging features on popular social media platforms, allowing users to directly mention and engage with colleagues within the platform. Additionally, it would be highly beneficial to receive alerts when some (...)

(...) tość to ProcessStage. ------------------------------------------------------- Ścieżka wywołania ------------------------------------------------------- w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Extensions.DicWFfield TypesExtensions.IsEditable(DicWFfield Types this) w WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ExpressionTree.LeafTagRepository.ObjectIDFormfield sPrefixRepository.ShouldGenerateSiblings(DicWFfield Types type) (...)

(...) Hi, I have a date & time field . I want the timeout to execute one hour from the date and time set in that field . How can I achieve this? From my testing, it seems to only consider the date and not the time. Thanks, Raluca

(...) el tree childrens are leafs, they can't be parents. On those children forms, there are validation rules, which depends on data from the parent form, and a path [Validate] which checks for required field s. To make sure that children forms are filled properly - when I'm moving the parent form to further steps I'm invoking that [Validate] path on all childrens to make sure, that data is filled correcl (...)

(...) rules. For usability reasons, it would be much better, to be able to restrict the allowed document types. With a little bit of javascript it is possible to set the accept attribute of the input field . The open file dialogue reflects the accept attribute and would filter the corresponding file types. However, this has no impact when drag'n drop a file. In this case, only the globally allowed (...)