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for Update

(...) Hi guys after i have Update d from 2025.1.1.23 to 2025.1.1.44 i now have a strange error when trying to export/import an application. The error seems to have something to do with the navigation bar but i can't figure out what the actual issue seems to be. Does anyone have run into the same issue yet and maybe have a clue for me? Type: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException -------------- (...)

(...) Hello community, I have a question, is it possible to Update rows in a list of elements in more than one element using only one action in Inwoke REST WEB service? For example, /api/data/v6.0/db/1/elements/1111, 12222?

(...) Hi, I have a problem with action "Update item list values" pointed on path. Workflow is started automatically base on REST API and pointed to the same path. I found information on the log "Number of replaced rows: 0' after start process by REST API. When I use web to start process, action Update item list values works fine. When I edit a document created by REST API , action also works fine. (...)

(...) Hi, how use local variables in action Generate/Update a Word file (in word template). We can use variable like {AUTP_Value:384} in html template but, it is possible use it in word template?

(...) CON BPS 2019 File Description Whitepaper Business overview of features introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019 Upgrading to version 2019 Article - How to Update your environment from WEBCON BPS 2017 to 2019 SDK Migration 2019.1 The following document contains a list of changes in WEBCON BPS 2019.1 SDK and API when compared to version 2017.1. (...)

(...) n three ways:   Fig. 8. Change of the item list value   Selecting the “Add new values” option allows you to keep the existing values and add new rows. The “Update values” option allows you to modify the selected columns for the selected rows, The last “Replace values” option is used to clear the entire list and add those that you want to sele (...)

(...) ig. 10. The configuration of the "Change value of a single field" action   The last action is “Move a workflow (SQL)” that moves the “Account” workflow to Update the amount in the “Balance” field. In the configuration window in the “Parameters” tab enter the “_Update ” technical path which moves the workflow.   (...)

(...) ich the workflow is to be moved.   Fig. 11. The "Assign new task for me" action configuration   On the “Data” tab indicate an instance ID which must be Update d.   Fig. 12. Selection of the instance to be Update d   The SQL query presented above selects the instance ID (TASK type) which is in the “Queued” step. The retur (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Jakub Okrzesik   The article is an Update of the already existing article, it shows the configuration in version 2020.1.3. For the original see: https://howto.webcon.com/action-templates/.   Introduction Action templates is a feature that allows you to save a lot of time when implementing processes and reduces the possibi (...)

(...) instances of the dictionary which are marked as ‘active’ via an unremovable checkbox form field.  The data source configuration contains all form fields defined in the process and is Update d whenever the configuration of the dictionary process changes. This process is created by using the wizard and its workflows are always structured the same. One of the most important features is the (...)

(...) lication.   Fig. 1. The quick search window on the main page of WEBCON BPS Portal   The list of hints is related to the history of WEBCON BPS Portal usage. It is created and Update d based on the most frequently selected system instances by the user. The results in the quick search window are presented in order (starting from the top): Application Views Starts Instan (...)

(...) identified by using the unique ID (DET_ID). System data that are stored in the WFElementDetails table are e.g.: The date of inserting a row (DET_TSInsert) The date of updating a row (DET_TSUpdate ) The instance version (DET_Version) The author (DET_CreatedBy) Modified by (DET_Update dBy) Selected keys in the WFElementDetails table: DET_ID – a main key (row ID) DET_WFDID (...)

(...) ange. The column names referring to the form field values are analogical to the names of these form fields on the form – this increases the readability of the preview The view is constantly Update d by the system, always provides a preview of the current configuration   b) The V InlineBUsinessRUlesUsages view This view contains information about using business rules. It consists (...)

(...) the application will activate the license service and download the available licenses. The option to download the latest licenses is also available from the application level, this option is used to Update the license of an already active service. E-mail activation – allows you to send activation data by e-mail. Select this option if the online activation is not available and you do not have th (...)

(...) opied their GUID number (Globally Unique Identifier).   Fig. 10 Document template form   Let’s go to the workflow configuration. The first action is “Generate/Update a Word file”.   Fig. 11 Action configuration window   Click the “Configure” button and on the “Template” tab select the “Create new file& (...)

(...) he mobile applications will be launched in the new mode. The refreshed interface view helps introduce new users the mobile solution. Just like the browser version of WEBCON BPS, the mobile version is Update d immediately and the mobile solution is ready to use parallel to the browser version.. This article describes the new functions of mobile applications compared to the older version.   M (...)

(...) elated.       The integration of the project management process with Microsoft Teams can be additionally extended upon e.g. by informing the team members about data Update s in the workflow by sending them an e-mail -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-post-messages?view=graph-rest-beta&tabs=http.

(...) ored Item URL (AttText3) a field in which the file name ([$FileRef]) variable) is stored   After moving to the next step, the workflow has the following actions defined: Update status – updating the Status column in the library Insert BPS link – saving the link to the WEBCON BPS instance Download document – an action downloading the inst (...)

(...) in the WFAttchamentFiles. The process of migrating attachments requires entering the data into the attachments table in the new database, removing them from the old database, and the last step is to Update data in the process definition so that attachments are downloaded from the new database. It is necessary to ensure the right amount of disc space, both for the database and for the log files (2x the (...)

(...) e assigned WEBCON BPS application will start along with the parameters provided in the address.     After finishing this step, a “Status” field value in the list is Update d to the current step in the workflow. Additionally a link to the saved WEBCON BPS instance is saved in the BPS URL column. To modify these values, an “Edit a list element” action from (...)