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for dashboard

(...) Hello again, Is there a possibility to add an HTML Button to a dashboard , which leads to another dashboard ? I Implemented an simple button, but when I add an href with the URL from dev system and import this version on prod, it doesn't work anymore, because the URL doesn't match anymore. Greets Georg

(...) ield on the form level, like https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/41/15 - HTML fields can't be displayed on reports so we are creating other workarounds - It's not necessary to load these via dashboard s - Single point of failure instead while providing a consistent user interface - With this we could fix small issues ourselves for example: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/380 Best rega (...)

(...) gned users. This works quite nice this way. However, it would be great, when this option would be built-in. Could be either in the same place as for the admin or a widget which could be added to a dashboard

(...) ion) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.FillApplication(ApplicationEntity applicationEntity, IEnumerable`1 processes, IEnumerable`1 permissions, IEnumerable`1 dashboard s, IEnumerable`1 linkedProcesses, IEnumerable`1 starts, IEnumerable`1 reports) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.GetApplicationGroupsStructure() at WebCon (...)

(...) n) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.FillApplication(ApplicationEntity applicationEntity, IEnumerable`1 processes, IEnumerable`1 permissions, IEnumerable`1 dashboard s, IEnumerable`1 linkedProcesses, IEnumerable`1 starts, IEnumerable`1 reports) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.GetApplicationGroupsStructure(Boolean witho (...)

(...) Hi folks, As you (to my knowledge) cannot add a html field, like you can do in dashboard s, I wonder how to get code into the very first page of Webcon. Our goal is to redirect directly into a specific application, but we cannot use the URL rewrite module of the IIS. Best regards Fabian :)

(...) bout 300-500 thousand documents to modify, recently when I filled the queue with 80 thousand, it was unloaded for 4 days: / My configuration: Webcon 2020.1.3.434 Solr (version 8.3.0) info from dashboard : Physical Memory (63%) - 32GB Swap Space (48%) - 36GB JVM-Memory (54%) - 8GB

(...) ntLog(WriteToSystemLogParams args) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Solr.SolrLogger.AddWithDirectSolrAdder(BPSActivity activity, ActivityTypes activityType) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Solr.SolrLogger.Opendashboard (Opendashboard SolrParams parameters) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.SolrEngine.ActivityLogger.ActionOpendashboard (Int32 dashboard Id) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at Microsoft.As (...)

(...) Hello, my dashboard includes a three column design with one report in each of the columns. The problem i'm facing now is that because the columns are too narrow, the reports get displayed as tiles rather than a compact table row list. I can change the view mode when viewing the dashboard in the browser (see image), but I would like to define it as the default view. Is there any way to change this beh (...)

(...) n Anroid App" / "Visible in IPhone App". That solution would enhance Mobile user experience not be overhelmed via full list of application which e.g. mostly could not be foreseen/designed from form/dashboard level as Mobile optimized. Best Regards, Dominik

(...) Dear All, Would you like the idea having global application home on Webcon portal, which means you can include reports/dashboard s for multiple applications even from different content databases? In our situation we separated content databases as per organization structure, which is usually useful, but it is a disadvantage if you want to show a consolidated high level view. I know that it is feasible (...)

(...) Dear All we have a lot of pie charts at our dashboard s and when someone has a lot of cases in different instances of pie chart dimenssion e.g. depo, country, acceptacne path it is difficult (esspecially since WEBCON2022) to select certain part of data. it would be nice to have option to select one lable from the graph legen or deselect all and then select one instead of deselecting several + recent dispay (...)

(...) Hi, Does anyone know where in the database I can look for recent activities? I mean the ones that are on the dashboard , specifically "Delete of instance".

(...) Hello everyone, I've got a use case, where users want to make a specific path always redirect them to a specific dashboard . Right now, the returnurl parameter is built dynamically, and we (developers) don't have almost any possibilities to change that behavior (we can create our custom links, so there is some). In most cases it will work like that IF user opened element from the dashboard , but that's no (...)