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for process

(...) Use case: We are using an offer process /workflow, where we fill in the costs in a table - e.g. columns "descripition, quantity, price per unit, total price." In case the offer is accepted and we'll need a change request of the costs we need a two separate process steps. The first step will start the change request, opening two additional columns in the table - "quantity for change request, total price (...)

(...) Hello community, I am building application with one Dictionary process , and one standard process with 2 workflows. I would like to start second workflow many times as subworkflow of fist workflow and assign it to the several users/users groups (one per subworkflow) selected from Dictionary process . I am trying to use action “start a subworkflow (SQL)”. My understanding is that “start a subworkfl (...)

(...) Hi, the API endpoint returns a list of all process es inside a appliation. /api/data/v5.0/db/{dbId}/applications/{idguid}/process es It would be great, if the result would contain a property to check, whether a process in the result is only a relation. { "process es": [ { "id": 0, "guid": "string", "name": "string", >> "isRelation": "boolean"

(...) Dear Community, In one of my clients, I have an issue with registered companies. There are few companies set. If I import a process from test environments companies are added again (with new id). I have already tried to "sync" ids of companies in test and prod environment (set names assigned to id in test env from prod), but the result is the same. To get things more weird not all companies are added (...)

(...) Hi community, I am asking for help with permissions over the process . We have created an application, in the process I have set user rights (launch new workflow instances). The user has the right to delete the created process . I created the option to display the delete and save buttons at the process level in the workflow designer. The save button is displayed under the user, but the delete button is (...)

(...) Hi, Adding a configuration option to the process for the selected environment, e.g. TEST, "Always import in deployment mode" This will eliminate the mistake of not selecting this option during import and will facilitate the import without searching for and selecting this option. Regards.

(...) ello Everyone I'm writing to you because maybe someone has already had a task as wonderful as me :) I need information about which users and at what level they have access to each application and process . I searched the forum but didn't find anything similar. I'm going to write SQL because I don't think there is any other option. I will be grateful for the sql pieces :) Regards

(...) Hi all I got a process that uses values from a dictionary process in a field [picker field] (the user can select an element from the dictionary process in the form). Sometimes an element that the user wants to select does not yet exist. I have now given the user the possibility to select with a checkbox that the element does not yet exist. After completing the input (form), i.e. when the user p (...)

(...) e, I would like to ask for your expertise. I think I generally understand how Webcon works, but there are a few areas where I still fail, or have no idea how to go about it. Currently I have a process that has a field "Reminder Date" with a date in an end step of each instance. Now I would like to check the "Reminder Date" in all instances at regular intervals (e.g. daily) to see whether it is to (...)

(...) Hi, I have a dictionary process . I built the report based on it. I can export it to excel. Can I customized this excel? On report I have 3 columns. In excel there are to more ID and DocType + headers of the columns have additional info about attributes from Webcon (type and guid). Can I modify it somehow that I will get only my 3 columns with only names in excel? BR Adam

(...) Hi I have a question. I imported a dictionary from Excel from the dictionary process and it duplicated the lines. I would like to upload this data from the beginning. How to delete all dictionary content.

(...) Hello everyone I have to correct my post, it's about a problem with process cloning, sorry. I have a general question - have you ever encountered a situation in which after moving process es between environments, certain functionalities disappeared? I'm talking about moving the process from prod->test and then test->prod. Is it even possible for this to cut out recently added functionality?

(...) Is there any way to compare the Production and Test environments? To compare the configurations of the same process between systems? In order to track changes. Do you have any SQL, etc.? Do you use github or something else?

(...) Hi, I would like to import new elements into a process that is not a dictionary process , it is a list of employees, I know how to do it in a dictionary process using the import from Excels function, but in this situation I have no idea. Regards Darek

IN webcon 2022.1.4.404 I discovered error on save Action. if send config e-mail action is in "on remove item" - email is sent and revived if if send config e-mail action is in "on save workflow element" then - no email. I was try first with conduction in action , then with no condition but with "condition true / false" and on the end just with out any condition ... and in any case email wa

(...) Hi, Can you help me with advice on how to quickly delete a process that is no longer in use? I should mention that the process has form rules/business rules/actions Thanks, Raluca

Hello everyone, I have to generate a Choice Field based on a Query that have an aditional filter. The filter should only allow entries that are higher than a Decimal Field in the Form. Somthing like in the Picture. But this did not work.... Has someone an Idea?

(...) Hi guys, Is there an easy way to copy content from one process to another, e.g. using the WFDID? For example, to copy the content of a text field from process 1 to a text field in process 2 using an action. Our users would like to have a feature to copy content from older process es to current ones if it is similar content. A kind of "copy template".

(...) Daniel Krüger - Starting as a NAV Developer in 2004, Daniel turned into a full time SharePoint developer in 2010. Most projects were about creating new applications / digitalizing process es. There was always something not quite right, but this changed when he learned about WEBCON BPS in 2018. It marks the second time he changed his primary development platform to deliver faster and be (...)

(...) Introduction  E-mail notifications are one of the most frequently used methods of informing employees about new tasks in WEBCON BPS system. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from which process they were sent because they have the same sender address. In addition, they often contain all form fields from the form – even those that you would like to avoid being sent outside the system. (...)