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for AD

(...) h sales location in a custom action, and if how? We thought about executing an update sql statement on workflow containing sales locations incrementing a certain number field. Btw. this should be threAD safe ;-) 2.) InsteAD of putting this reservation actions (custom action + SOAP action) in each path, we thought about having this as a global action (Upon instance saving). Is this possible and wi (...)

(...) Hello webcon Community, currently I'm working on a process design which includes the automatic report generation from webcon as a PDF file. AD ditionally the process does always comes with an user-attached PDF file. My goal now is to merge/combine both files together into one final PDF for storage. Searching online i only found this source related to my problem: https://community.webcon.co (...)

(...) Hi, I AD d new connection (MSSQL database) - test it with success. Next I AD d new data source with some SQL query which returns some data when I test it. If I save that connection Webcon shows the error: "Failed to retrive column from data source XXX. No connection settings." If I want to test that data source in choice form field I've returned: Nieznany błąd: The ConnectionString property (...)

(...) Can anyone recommend some good calculator or formula to calculate the database size increment for demo applications and N users over time? Condition (no attachments are uploAD ed) something like: application A or B * user or process * month = yMB data size Rather, it is an order of magnitude to evaluate for these reAD y-mAD e sample demo applications As far as the attachments can be esti (...)

(...) I AD mit that I usually do not reAD the EULA of the software, but this time I mAD e an exception and after reAD ing I have a lot of questions and doubts about the possible scenarios of using the application in both the Express and Enterprise versions. It will be a rather long threAD as there will be a lot of inquiries in it. At the beginning of: After reaching the maximum database size for the E (...)

(...) Hi Guys, Has Webcon any function or script to extract the [Comments] field in the "human eAD ible" way? Lets say DATE | AUTHOR | COMMENT TEXT. Selecting from WFD_Description for particular ID gives me output like below. It is becoming more complicated if I have two or more comments, divided by ','. SELECT WFD_ID ,WFD_Description FROM [BPS_Content].[dbo].[WFElements] where wfd_id=xxxxx o (...)

(...) to go to bottom of the item list and scroll to the right and do some action. After the action complets we do the same thing like go to bottom of the page scroll to right and do some action.. InsteAD if we have the actions in begining of the itemlist will be good feature or please guide me how to achieve this.

(...) Hi everyone, this is just a short list of actions I hAD to do, when I switched from a "local" text field, WFD_AttText1, to a global WFD_AttText1Glob: 1. Fixing Start Subworkflow actions Due to the change of the field type the assignment was "lost". Internally the action uses the database name, so it's obvious, that the assignment of field {690} to field WFD_AttText1 is no longer valid. Conf (...)

(...) to create an plugin that will open a link in the client side browser. I try using basic .NET method, but the browser starts on the server where Webcon is installing. Would I have to make a separate AD don running on the client side? Then how to install such an AD d-on?

(...) d functionality: Operation executed on parallel tasks: Wait for required tasks to be completed. Above functionality works fine. Problem is to now , who not accepted. How do it ? Thank you in AD vance Jerzy

(...) eturning error while execution as below: Error in Menu button action Generate Initial Detail Report. The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. The authentication heAD er received from the server was 'NTLM'. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. we didnt change anything in the configuration and I alreAD y checked the username and password f (...)

(...) Hi, Why is only one task created, and everything executes in it, when I execute the following code in a loop: args.TransitionInfo.TasksToAD d.AD d(new WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Common.Model.NewTaskData(new WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Common.Model.UserInfo("webcon", "webcon"))); Best regards.

(...) Hi, has anyone encountered problems with Invoke Sopar service action after upgrAD ing to version 2022.1..1.53? We forgot to test the functionality immediately after the upgrAD e (due to some issues with the license) so rollback is not an option…. We are gathering data from the national registry of companies when registering a new partner into our system with the action. In 2022 we just receive the (...)

(...) Is it possible to find out within a businessrule (or maybe SDK rule), which BaseUrl current system has? I do not find anything in context variables, so that's why I'm asking... Thanks a lot in AD vance & best regards, Nik

(...) it one step is a verry slow action and if you need to move or create 1000 instances using the default actions you will have to wait sometimes hours. Another problem is that the action is not multithreAD ed at all. We ave a custommer that needs about 1milion of documents to be generated once a month. That is a lot and using the actions it would take more than a month to finnish all the work. We ha (...)

(...) o.of business days. Form name and step name combination need to be unique and a validation error message should show if the user tries to post a entry with the same form and step combination that alreAD y exists in the dictionary. I have 3 different forms with different steps in a flow. I entered 1st entry as form1, Step1 and 1 day, saved it second record as form1, step2 and 2 days, saved (...)

(...) Dear Webcon Community :), Is it possible to AD d sort option to "My tasks"? By default it is sorted by Modification date in ascending order. My proposal is: 1. It would be very useful if user can sort it by other standard fields like: Days/hours in step, Modifying person, Creation date, etc. 2. Switching between the direction of the selected sort (ascending/descending) would be great

(...) Hey! I'm wondering if it's possible to disable the attachments on the form. I don't want to hide them, I just don't want the users to AD d new or delete existing ones. Any ideas how to implement it? Thanks, Martin

(...) Hi All I need to ask for your help :) This time I need to update permissions for tasks on separate processes/applications, not linked together. Let's say I want to give permission to reAD a document for some domain user or user group. The problem is that I can't modify these processes. I cannot modify data from the database side because the manufacturer forbids it :/ My idea is to create a (...)

(...) Dear Community, Is there any possibility to improve quality of handwritten signature in WEBCON? Currently it is very pixelized and AD ded to document (Word / PDF) doesn't look well. I didn't find any options or parameters to improve quality. Link to KB about this feature: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-handwritten-signature-form-field/153 Thanks for your comments here :)