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for AD

(...) rst row is rendered as text (with esacaped html entitities < ...), the second row is rendered as HTML, also the click event works. Can someone explain this behaviour? Is it even possible to AD d some input elements here? Thanks in AD vance & best regards, Nik

(...) As alreAD y mentioned by Ajnar in the forum: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /1792 there are issues with the field choice tree in version 2022.1.2.31 and 2022.1.2.59. It is no longer possible to limit the selection to the last node even if the checkbox "Allow also choosing intermediate nodes" is unselected. Previously, clicking on an intermediate node opened the nodes below it - now clicki (...)

(...) 1.2.59 I found this article in the knowledge base: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-picture-form-field/32 Establishing the fields and trying to get the image rendered within a report I hAD to learn: Only the link generated in the way as described in the article is shown. No matter, what type of field I use. Can anybody please help me in finding what goes wrong? 1) What exact defi (...)

(...) Hello, is there any chance of presenting a picture in an item list? After getting images to be shown in my report, this would be the next component I need. Thanks for your hints in AD vance. Best, Ingo

(...) r seems to work. Depending on the browser used we get a different message saying that the server seems to have refused to embedd the site in an IFrame. Opening the attachment in another tab and downloAD ing does work fine. What could be the culprit there? Best regards Fabian

(...) Hi, since version 2022.1.2.59 (my last 2021.1.4.118) i can't copy & paste group elements. Is it possible to get back this feature!? For example: we have for all workflows and steps the same heAD line and a specific subtitle. With copy & paste I can create very fast the basics of a (new) workflow... Thanks and best regards Daniel

(...) contents. Would it be possible to combine this build in functionality with fields input? It would be really great to be able to configure the "Keyboard type on mobile devices:" to "scan", which leAD s to following behaviour in the mobile app: 1) click on field 2) Scan-Camera functionality starts 3) after succesfully scan -> scanned value will be set to field Done Thanks a lot P.S. We ar (...)

(...) e saved comments from an element? I would like to use the native comment field, but I need to delete the old comments in a certain step. Is this possible, or should I use the AttLong attribute insteAD of the native comment field? Best regards, Bartek

(...) nd maybe this hint may help someone having a similar issue: I raised a SOAP web service action template some weeks ago in the version mentioned and today was forced to change it as new parameters hAD been AD ded to the listener that I needed to AD d to the configuration. I was able to enter all setups as requested and to leave the configuration sub dialog. When I wanted to save the entire process (...)

(...) Hi all! We want to AD d some rows to an item list with 'Change item lists values' action. The SQL query should take a JSON array (which is perfectly valid) from UI element and return a table for AD ding new rows to this item list. Unfortunately this does not work. There seems to be some parsing on Webcon side, which eliminates all elements in the JSON array, apart from the separator, which re (...)

(...) Hi All, We are implementing a workflow for payment list. We are using picker to AD d unpaid invoices to a list, but default behavior is that I can AD d the same values over and over. Is it possible to limit/filter picker results to items that were not yet AD ded?

(...) ble on the child flow so they are aware that the field was changed. I'm not sure how to play with versions or IsChanged (using SQL command) to created an execution action for this and I don't want to AD d another field so they can enter the final date. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!

(...) and correctly, all applications will have to be transferred to the modern form/bps portal? -That also means all custom JavaScript will have to be rewritten to take that into account? -After the upgrAD e, users do everything through the BPS Portal? -We are using SharePoint calendars and news - are there any equivalent functionalities in Webcon Standalone? -What are your experiences with migration? (...)

(...) Hi, I'm trying to use the "change the value of a single field" action to set the image field to empty after an image was AD ded. The action is done, but there are no changes regarding the image (it's still there). WEBCON version 2022.1.1.53

(...) ? Do be clear: Form 1: Field User: X Field Picture: A Form 2: Field User: Y Field Picture B On dashboard User X show Picture A On dashboard User Y show Picture B Thanks id AD vance for your help!

(...) in the step. So i defined a template, put fields and grids in, and lokked at the preview. Whatever i try, if I test with an instance that is currently in a step that is avi for MailApproval, Webcon AD ds the available path-buttons to the end of the email. This will confuse people that are only meant to be notified a lot. We are using 2021.1.4.36 - if it has been fixed I have to live with it until (...)

(...) Hi, We upgrAD ed from 2022.1.1.53 to 2022.1.2.59 and after the upgrAD e the action :Send standard (or custom) mail in not working. When we TEST from System settings -> E-mail notifications -> Configuration of sending e-mail, the emails are sent. When send email from action, the action is working and the email sending to queue, but I get error in Local service status. Here is the error text f (...)

(...) Hi. Is there a way to query the Active Directory only for the department column and AD d this as a datasource. What I'm seaking is a list of all departments we have in the company. Kind regards Klaus

(...) . Does anyone have same issue? Should we consider "migrating" to https://wl-api.mf.gov.pl REST Web Service, where we can check VAT status also? What about limitations of wl-api service? Thanks in AD vance for any response here. Best, AD am Hatak

(...) ot the working requests in POstman, but I cannot get them to work at all in webcon. and its kinda hard to debug since error messages or logs are seemingly not available... thanks for your help in AD vance.