(...) editability, visibility restrictions, etc. (see full list below). Diagnostic mode is activated in the user menu by selecting the "Show diagnostics" option. All WEBCON BPS Portal users have access to it. Fig. 1 Enabling diagnostics There is an icon in the main menu that indicates when the Diagnostic mode is working. See it below on the screenshot. Fig. 2 Th (...)
(...) t us comment on the function in figure 12 now. The value “Limit” reads the approval limit set for the superior who is being checked at the moment. The ‘## login ##’ tag allows access to the superior’s login. Now, we should test our configuration. To do so, the purchase of office supplies for Mr. Adam Nowak was registered. The value of the order does not exceed PLN 99. (...)
(...) ntication page where you can select your Google account from the list of available accounts or, if you are not logged in, you can log in to your Google account. If necessary, allow the application to access user data. After logging in, you are redirected to BPS Portal page. In the user menu, you can see that you are logged in to the system through a Google account (as in the figure below). (...)
(...) approving license terms, select Tools for application management -> Users list. Select „Azure Active Directory” as the synchronization source in the configuration, and fill out access data as described in the WEBCON BPS integration with Azure Active Directory article. After saving the changes, restart the WEBCON BPS service. You can also do it from the installer leve (...)
(...) Fig. 4. Configuring the Task delegation substitution at the process level From here, you can also configure how substitutions and substitution notifications work: Task remains access ible to substitute after substitution ends – when the substitution ends, the Substitute will have privileges to read the instances in which they performed tasks for the Replaced person, Keep n (...)
(...) database. The variables from the form were added to the form using the expression editor. It is possible to enter subsequent entries in the EMSI_JobChange_UK table without the need to have direct access to the database. Fig. 8. The procedure for entering data from a form into the EMSI_JobChange_UK table. Fig. 9. The expression editor Updating an entry to the table in the databa (...)
(...) Designer Desk will remain a free tool. With the publication of the WEBCON BPS 2021 R3, licensing in two variants will be introduced: For one user 10 license pack When the free period of access expires – the unpublished projects will not be available until you purchase a license. First steps Administrator To enable access to the Designer Desk tool, go to WEBCON BPS (...)
(...) iscellaneous section Below you can see the final report view configuration: Fig.18 Final configuration for the sample report Editing and view creation on Portal Each user with access to a report can edit how this report is displayed for them on Portal. To do so, click the down arrow next to a column’s name and choose the filters you want to apply. Fig. 19 Adding fil (...)
(...) standard dropdown form field and by configuring appropriate business rules) N/A Public link - - As announced, available only in the subscription model based on Single-Use access License As announced, available only in the subscription model based on Single-Use access License Outlook Classic Add-In – 32-bit version Supported Supported Not&nbs (...)
(...) zed from the AD or AAD with those from external authentication providers, into one universal cache of all users of the system. The BPS user list serves as the base for granting privileges to view and access the system, and also contains data of the company structure. Its status has to be constantly updated to provide users with uninterrupted access . This is why a correct configuration of this system ele (...)
(...) Additionally, in the process configuration in the ‘User privileges’ tab you need to select the checkbox: ‘Make subordinates’ tasks and workflow instances access ible’. After saving the configuration in the Designer Studio (and after the first cache refresh) we will have the new functionality available on our SWE. &nb (...)
(...) ons Database definitions Set substitutions Workflow service configuration System configuration (e.g. HotFolders, HotMailBoxes, OCR AI Projects) All permission settings regarding WEBCON BPS (access to instances, workflows, processes etc.) License information Translations WEBCON BPS Portal presentation (applications, raports, dasboards etc…) In addition the BPS system (...)
(...) to export/import the contents of the dictionaries using an Excel file. Thanks to these solutions, there is no need to manually transfer data, which reduces the risk of errors and facilitates work. access to the “Dictionaries import report” in the import wizard allows you to check if the data transfer was successful, and also to solve any problems – by providing files with error logs (...)
(...) 1.x and above; author: Michał Bednarz This article describes the process of integration WEBCON BPS with Keycloak. Keycloak is an open source software that enables single sign-on using identity and access management in modern applications and services. Requirements WEBCON BPS StandAlone (version 2021) – the portal available with the use of SSL by the address in the FQDN format. Keyclo (...)
(...) rdquo; action. By using this action you can lower/remove the privileges indicated to the users (if they have them) to the defined level. Privilege reduction levels: No privileges – no access to the selected instance Read - only (can’t view attachment) – privileges to read without viewing attachments Read - only – privileges to read without editing the instance Mo (...)
(...) ST-PROD mode Data sources are another element that can naturally vary depending on the environment in which it is defined. This difference may be due to a different source address, user, or source access password. Connections to data sources defined in WEBCON BPS Studio allow you to specify various parameters depending on the environment on which they are to work. The use of this functionality mak (...)
(...) launching a function with variables. AssignSaml11PolicyToAppPrincipal $pathToInitializeScriptFile $appObjectid Granting privileges in SharePoint Users were granted access in Azure AD but they also need to have access to SharePoint Web Application. One way of granting it is on the level of website settings. To do that go into website settings and open&n (...)
(...) ws you to import data from an Excel file to the form. You can use this action in the following scenarios: Part of the information entered into WEBCON BPS is filled out by people who do not have access to the company’s internal network (temporarily or permanently). You can prepare an Excel file and indicate data to be filled out. Importing the document templates with duplicate values (...)
(...) Windows authentication is used). WEBCON BPS installation 1. License update Make sure the licenses for the new application server are available. If no licenses are available, application access errors will appear after expanding the installation. 2. Installation of WEBCON BPS components on a new server Important: The operation must be performed using the instal (...)
(...) aired with the electronic version. See - Barcode printer installation. HotFolder – a place where scanned documents are automatically sent. The account on which the BPS service works must have access to the created network share. See - HotFolders. Scanner – the device should be able to scan a document to the selected network share. Scanning in shades of grey is recommended. Th (...)