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for data table

Applies to version: 2023.1.3 and above   Introduction This article concerns the system data source <Users and Groups>  and its effect on the Person or group form field from 2023 R3 onwards. The system data source <Users and Groups> (distinguished by the triangle brackets) is meant to act as a filter on top of the list of synchronized users -

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Designer Studio is a powerful programming tool often used within companies by multiple developers engaged in unrelated projects. Since access to all the extensive functionalities of Designer Studio is often not necessary when developing dedicated applications, and unauthorized access to certain asset

External content by Raluca Lupu; 10.05.2024 Have you ever wanted to display information hierarchically? I want to share how you can create accordion-style tables in the system. I built an accordion table using HTML and JavaScript. The table is generated dynamically by fetching data from a JSON. What does that mean? 🤔 Simply put, the table adjusts automatically based on the data entered in

Hi everyone, is someone here how understands power query? I got a task to retrieve data from a BPS report in excel to use it for additional analysis. I was able to retrieve the data but transforming the json response to a table is beyond me. Just in case there's someone who would be able to do it but doesn't know how to retrieve the data I add the logic below which can be put into the advanced

Does anyone know if it's possible to show data not present in an application on the report? I have read the article about calculated columns (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/using-calculated-columns/196/3) but that's not my case. What I would like to do is join the items from the report to a table in a different database (on the same server) or to an existing MSSQL data source. In many p

It would be great if there would be a "Usages" options for BPS groups like it exists for the most other objects like Rules, Fields, Action Template, Data sources and so on. I'm already using two workaround 1) I created a constant for each bps group so that I can use this constant wherever possible. Unfortunately there are some cases where this is not possible. For example in a "Person or group"

We are implementing a solution of Master Data Management and are trying to use Webcon as a User interface with all the logic behind forms. The database is prepared in MS SQL with different tables. The challenge we are having is to update entries with foreing keys. Scenario: Table 1: Country has one column (apart from ID) – 'Country' Table 2: City has two columns 'Country ID' (Choice column from t

Hello, I am using an itemlist to show some data to the user. In some cases, the list contains over 50 elements. Because it also has a lot of columns, it is very hard to follow sometimes. I would like to at least make the table header sticky. How can I do that? Thank you in advance! Best regards, George

Hi everyone, I just noticed that for some reason step names are no longer displayed in reports or data grids using internal views. The root cause of this is that I used the REST Designer Studio. When you save a process using the REST designer studio unset translation of changed objects are saved as a blank string instead of null. This may lead to empty Step and Form Type columns in reports and ot

(...) Hi there, I have a data source of MSSQL type, that populates a data table . The SQL query is quite complicated but it works. However it currently takes about 33 seconds to complete. Thus when executed in SQL Studio, I get the output table. When I try to execute it in a bps process, it fails. When testing in Designer Studio, I get an error of execution timeout. Is there a way to tell Webcon to allow a little (...)

(...) Hi, Do you know how to make rows in a 'data table ' field colorful? I get some data from subworkflows by the table field and I want to color some rows depending on their status: open - blue, closed-green ... Is there such posibility?

Dear Webcon Community! Problem: with import excel action you can import excel tables only if you have a table container already added. Sometimes it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemlist file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one,

(...) Hi, I have a following problem. I've created a data table form field that downloads data from SQL query. In that SQL query I have a following where clause, which compares a date from Oracle table to a date from a form field that is completed by an user (it is "user's date"): "where table1.date = User's date: date acc. browser settings(text)" and it doesn't work because of different date formats. I' (...)

(...) Hi folks, We have a Word File with three data table s from Webcon in there, which will be generated and converted to PDF, then put into the attachments. The thing I have struggled to figure out until now is, how to hide or not show a table when the corresponding data table in Webcon is empty. I know that it is possible to use Business Rules in there, but again none which use parameters. Is there a (...)

Hi, it is posible to export data from item list to Excel in action but only id from column value? Only way i found is map item list to excel table (Sheet1!Table1). In this way the whole (id and name) of column is exported. But I want only id or name.

Hello, I have the following scenario: - Webconapps - Data Sources > Connections > MSSQL Database > Azure_SQL: I have server name, database, user and password filled. When I click Test, I get "OK" so Webcon can connect to the database. However, when I try to create a MSSQL database Data Source and chose the above connection, I get the following error: "Unknown error: The SELECT permission

Is it possible to create at the finish stage word file using data from WFHistoryElements table? Where should I store data regarding stages, time of the stages and person details assign to this stage to be able to used them in document template?

(...) Hi, I have an item list with a "date" column. I figured out that filtering (or even showing it in a customized date format in a data table ) is tricky as the daty type of the column is actually nvarchar(1000). What I want to reach is to filter the data table based on a "date picker" field, but I don't manage to. Kind regards, Klaus

(...) Hi community! I am struggling with Word Add-In and data table s. The requirement is to show a table of order positions, each position contains an image field with a barcode (which should be shown in table) and some other fields. Is that even possible and if so how? Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

Hello, in the "Absences" application I have two processes: Employee file, Holiday request. I wanted to ask you, how do you organize data sources for such a process? 1. Should the source of data be an employee's file with a list of items that reflects holiday leave limits? In this case, each submitted application should update the parent workflow (Employee file), but I am afraid that over