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for login

(...) -iedebug? Is there an other way to logout from designer studio, without havin designer studio started? The problem is, studio does not start anymore and I want to try a different Url or browser login , but I am not able to change this. Best regards, Nik

(...) on is sunsetting this domain and moving to another AD forest called XYZ.local. In both domains, John Kowalsky has a separate account: in the ABC.local domain, it's abc\jkowalsky and in XYZ.local, the login is via UPN john.kowalsky@org.pl. Fortunately, we can pair accounts in both domains by email address. How can I migrate BPS and users from the ABC.local domain to XYZ.local? Are there any best practic (...)

(...) _NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [WFD_ID] ORDER BY WFD_ID DESC) rn FROM [BPS_ConfigProd_Content].[dbo].[WFElements] LEFT JOIN WFElementTasks  ON WFElementTasks.WFT_WFDID=WFD_ID  WHERE WFT_USER='user login ' ) AS tbl WHERE rn=1

(...) s what is going wrong here? // diagnostics json { "session": { "id": 565, "sessionGuid": "2c8664cd-1862-4978-9355-1d0b7c3c47d5", "userTime": "2023-08-31T05:51:09.457", "userlogin ": "xxx", "userLanguageCode": "en-US", "userBrowserData": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/116.0.1938.62", (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I tried to connect to one of our sharepoint online sites. For some reason, I get a message that the login or username is not correct. (see screenshot) If I use the same login data for our on-prem Sharepoint 2013, it works fine. (see screenshot) On the Sharepoint online site which I want to connect, I am logged in with my valid credentials and I am both in the member and the owner g (...)

(...) possible to create .bat script to run exact environment, e.g. TEST to the specific database e.g. BPS_Content_1 The script "BPS Studio PROD Database 1.bat" could then alike below runas /user:Domain\login "C:\...\WEBCON Designer Studio.exe -portalAddress https://abc.xyz -databaseID or -databaseName" That feature would be helpful :) Best Regards, Dominik

(...) lder. I am encountering difficulties in uploading the file to SharePoint using the REST action with the Graph API. I get this error: "Invoke REST Web service test (2) - Request Url: https://login .microsoftonline.com/f656719a-4d1c-482b-be59-564f8c2af72d/oauth2/v2.0/token Response Code: Exceptions: Cannot add value because header 'Authorization' does not support multiple values. " I ha (...)

(...) Hi, OpenID connect is missing custom additional url parameters management functionality. This is required for some auth providers processing definition (e.g. Auth0 - flow automatization, login customization). More information https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#RequestParameters.

(...) ntication has stopped working. WebCon BPS Portal is not located at the specified address - this is the message I receive from Designer Studio, and from the BPS Portal level, after authentication, the login window pops up again. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I will add that I restarted the WebCon service, restarted the application server and IIS. When restoring the server from a backup, a (...)

(...) nee/Manager is multiple value. If there are 2 persons assigned, it doesn't bring that instance in the report. This is my formula (SQL filter): and (WFD_AttChoose1 like trim('##currentlogin name## ' )+'#%' OR WFD_AttChoose6  like trim('##currentlogin name## ' )+'#%') Do you have any tips? Thank you.

(...) of the portal after 10 minutes. We found the Security configuration and changed the cookie expiration time (set it to 10 minutes). Successful logout occurred after 10 minutes. After logging out, a login window appears. In some cases, the user had to enter the correct login and password several times before being able to enter the portal. The worst thing is that there are cases where the user doe (...)

(...) o chcę włączyć 'Obsługę modyfikowania obiektów w Active Directory'. Czy serwer, na którym jest zainstalowany designer studio musi być w mojej domenie? Przy próbie zapisu otrzymuje błąd dotyczący login u i hasła, pomimo tego że są one poprawne.

(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured an action for Document signatures using the built-in action for Sign an Attachment with CoSign? I'm not sure how to establish the SOAP Url and login . I thought that selecting the attachment, the user would be prompt to login in DocuSign page and sign the document. Thank you

(...) ery user should follow the principles of security. In order to prevent the account from being used by unauthorized persons, any user should log out when he does not use the website and shouldkeep the login and password confidential and do not disclose them to any third parties.   1.1.       Registration account on WEBCON website Scope and purpose of personal (...)