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for 2023

(...) Trying to update my current dev env to the latest version that is available on the website. I'm getting the error message below. not sure how to resolve this. Date Message 6/6/2023 9:16:07 AM Invalid column name 'S_LicenceServiceLocation'. It won't get past the error attached in this thread. It's happening on the "Components" section Upgrade- WebCon BPS WorkFlow Service. Current Version i (...)

(...) After updating to version 2023 .1.1.41, errors are occurring on the portal. All processes are working correctly, did any of you have a similar problem? After analyzing the errors in GUID, I got a log as below. url: http://lowcode/api/nav/applications/mostused | action: GetMostUsed ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Window (...)

(...) I am fetching report data from the following endpoint: https://developer.webcon.com/2023 /resources/rest_api5.0/#tag/PublicApiReport/paths/~1api~1data~1v5.0~1db~1{dbId}~1applications~1{appid}~1reports~1{reportid}/get There are properties for page and size, but information on defaults and max is missing. This seems to be explicitly documented on other endpoints, so i am questioning myself if there a (...)

(...) or page using the credentials that you supplied." I checked the security settings for SQLLowPrivilegeUser. Has anyone encountered this error in a newly configured webcon environment? 04.07.2023 Closing. The error was caused by an IIS setting. IP Address and Domain Restrictions/Edit Dynamic Restriction Settings/Deny IP Address based on the number of concurrent requests - There was a max (...)

(...) Hello, After upgrading to 2023 .1.1.89 I'm getting error "Attempting to launch workflow instance for a form type not connected with the current workflow." I found out that the reason for this error is wrong workflow ID in hyperlink function. Everything works well on dev environment but after export and import on test environment hyperlink is not working causing above error. It seems that Workflow I (...)

(...) e to jump from history into comments and have a look on action times from 2 PLACES. You got one PLACE to RULE them ALL - historical entries. Sounds cool? :) For OUR Business yes, me either :) BPS 2023 + Such simplfied history has got huge potential from Business perspective and could be really nice out-of-the-box for FREE without any custom single SQL :)

(...) lication groups, about groups shared between multiple applications, about external groups used in the process, e.g. fileshares, reporting services. Such attitute with planned update to WebCon BPS 2023 (Global Role for Group Management and per Group Admin) gives as opportunity to give the "Power" of managing permissions by Buisness (Self-Service by Business Admins). We wanted to achive the idea wh (...)

(...) Hi, Is anyone having trouble calling a PowerShell script that connects to MsolService? After updating WebCon to version 2023 , the action calling the script ends with the error as below.

(...) an you assist me with the following? I'm attempting to test an outgoing/sending email but receiving an issue during the installation and setup of the webcon bps. I'm now working on WEBCON BPS 2023 .1.1.89 demo version. Error image attached.

(...) Delete attachements action seems to be buggy after upgrading from version 2022 to 2023 . In my workflow I'm creating an attachement based on word template and assign it category "plik_word". After that I'm converting it to PDF, assingning the PDF a new category "plik_pdf". In the third step I dalete the attachements from the "plik_word" category. And it work perfectly in the 2022 versions, and now, in (...)

(...) embers can be shown to everyone or only group members - SharePoint.png (missing and desired feature marked blue) This feature with the links to the BPS groups described here + stopped working in BPS 2023 - hopefully they functionality will be back :) would allow to have a glance at groups and their members from one place. Best Regards, Dominik

(...) nse should only contain those form rules which are referenced. After all, the exported process will also export the used/referenced global form rules and not all. This applies at least to versions 2023 .1.2.44 and 2022.1.4.155. Moving these form rules out of the HTTP response for each element would have an even bigger impact. Although I have to admit, that I have no idea how new versions of for (...)

(...) Hi, How can I fix the Solr error "ServiceLocationProvider must be set"? This error has been occurring since Webcon installation. Version 2023 .1.1.89. Solr web interface works fine, but I don't know where to look for the cause of the problems.

(...) ype":"/challenge","title":"Challenge requested","status":403,"detail":"Request to perform challenges described","instance":"fe66c6a2-2cc5-42f9-a4ce-96bea7cd716b"} Response-Header: Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2023 07:06:57 GMT Connection: keep-alive Vary: Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers x-challenge: eyJjbGFzc2lmaWVycyI6WyJDSEF......................XRhIjp7fX1dfX0 Cache- (...)

(...) Hello, I'm trying to disable/enable fields based on the state of dropdown (using nr. 3 from this https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023 R2/Studio/Process/Attribute/Choice/Choose_field/#picker): * Allowing custom values - make fields on form enabled. * Disabled custom values - make fields on form disabled. Is there any value which i could use to check state of dropdown control? In this case i'm using (...)

(...) Did any of you try to make a chart with a sum aggregation on a calculated decimal column? In both 2022 and 2023 , we seem to get the following error. If I select count, it works, but any other calculation (sum, avg, min, max) gives the same error.

(...) Hi everyone! We are currently using BPS 2023 .1.2.44 in our office. Is it possible to exclude certain report columns from an Excel export? We need to display the columns in the Web report, but don't want to show them in Excel. Best regards, Christoph

(...) Hi, in BPS 2023 you added possibility to mark business entity as active, which is great. What about to go further and add option to assign application to business entity? Adding an application to business entity configuration would result that it will be visible on business entity system field in particular application. There are cases that for some reason in some applications some business entities (...)

(...) Hi Where can I find demo app to download for webcon version 2023 ?

(...) ticked either in the default view or in one of the custom views. Whenever it is unticked, I believe report should not multiply rows. Do you experience same behavior in older versions? Webcon ver. 2023 .1.2.68