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for CUT

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: J&oaCUT e;zef Cyran Introduction WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces new functionality of grouping rows of item lists. Now, users can collapse and expand groups and display subtotals when the column has been configured to display totals. This article describes how to configure and use this option on an example of a simple subscription management workfl (...)

(...) redentials” tab. The user for synchronization must have appropriate privileges allowing to read data from the domains/OU indicated in the configuration.  Minimal privileges needed to exeCUT e a correct synchronization: read account restrictions read general information read public information The default user in the context of whom the synchronization is exeCUT ed is the us (...)

(...) s equal to 38 kB. Every path transition adds a database entry whose size is 19,6 kB. Average size of an attachment (one page scan with 300 dpi resolution) is 280kB. Average size of an action exeCUT ion log is 0,8 kB.   Example: We have 1 defined workflow. The workflow has 10 steps System is used by 100 users on every workday Every user registers 10 workflow instances a day (...)

(...) target currency is selected. Business rules have been created, used in the form rules that perform the change of form field values, where the source and target currencies are selected. The rule exeCUT ing after the selection of the source currency is completed by the “[TECH] Avg. rate in the source currency for 1 EUR” technical form field.   Fig. 4. Form rule exeCUT ed on (...)

(...) uch a change. Correct synchronization means exporting the changed process from the PROD environment, and then importing it into the TEST and DEV environment. Manual synchronization, i.e. manual exeCUT ion of identical process modifications on other environments, is not a correct approach because it does not guarantee process consistency within DEV-TEST-PROD environments and may lead to errors when (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: J&oaCUT e;zef Cyran Introduction In the 2021 WEBCON BPS version, business rules were added that make it easier to work with item lists and allow you to color and dynamic style modification of the selected cells. The coloring of the item lists is shown on the example of a process for handling orders in a restaurant. Operation of the application (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: J&oaCUT e;zef Cyran Introduction The article presents two workflows, the first is used to plan absence by an employee, and the second to register absence requests (using wizard). A special workflow for creating absence plans allows the employee to plan the absence (e.g. at the beginning of the year), which will then appear on the Gantt chart. T (...)

(...) s done in the same manner as before – by right-clicking on an application or a process (which is a part of an application) and then choosing „Export”. You can also use the shortCUT : Ctrl+E after selecting the desired application/process to be exported.   Fig.1. Application export   The Export wizard will appear to guide you through the export process. (...)

(...) e element, a context menu is available:     Edit - Editing properties of the selected element in the queue. For example, it allows you to change the priority or exeCUT ion date. Copy - Copying task details to the clipboard (you can copy all details or only error message). Reset attempt count - Setting the attempt count to 0. Delete - D (...)

(...) d) Text to be filled in with barcode content – an additional expression that will be added to the barcode content and entered into the selected form field – e.g. Code: {CODE}. e) ExeCUT e outside the transaction – after selecting this field, the action of reading a barcode will be exeCUT ed only after the completion of the transaction including other actions defined at the same (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Daniel P&oaCUT e;łchłopek Introduction In WEBCON BPS it is possible to search the contents of PDF attachments containing text using the ABBYY FineReader program. FineReader converts scanned documents and PDF files into editable form, and it is responsible for generating a text layer on attachments in workflows. This allows users to easily convert (...)

(...) attachments that can be added to workflow instances due to their type and size. This option can be used to block the ability to add potentially dangerous attachments to the Portal such as scripts, exeCUT ables, spreadsheets with macros. The restriction will be set globally for all applications/processes and all places where you can add an attachment – forms, HotFolders, HotMailBoxes, API. When s (...)

(...) AU_C3”   To change the confidentiality level, global action has been added – it is available at every step of the workflow. The “Change form type” action will be exeCUT ed by using the “Change confidentiality level” button. (This action type is available only for the menu button trigger).   Fig. 5. The “Change form type” action (...)

(...) ogy for performance tests that should be considered support when sizing the equipment required for WEBCON BPS platform. The methodology assumes load testing in the environment. The tests aim at exeCUT ing two predefined test scenarios by increasing in further iterations the number of unique users. It allows for “translating” newly created workflows instances into a figure that speaks be (...)

(...) approved Workflow actors Users who are workflow actors. For example: approver, supervisor. Task An operation that must be exeCUT ed in the system by the respective user (or group of users). A task can be seen in the workflow instance in the information section. Portal It is the cornerstone, central point and end (...)

(...)  Task delegation substitutions – basic configuration rules Substitutions in 2019 version   Introduction Substitutions in WEBCON BPS ensure the continuity of task exeCUT ion despite temporary/periodic staff shortages in departments, e.g. during the holiday season. Thus, it is a tool that allows not only a better organization of work in a company, but also a long-term (...)

(...) n WEBCON BPS 2022 to add an additional dimension to our actions mechanism, and to make it easier to configure and manage groups of actions. While the concept of actions types, action triggers, and exeCUT ion conditions will remain exactly the same, the addition of automations will allow WEBCON BPS to handle scenarios that required workarounds in the past.     General Overview (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Daniel P&oaCUT e;łchłopek Introduction In version 2020, the ability to present absences of employees in the form of the Gantt chart has been added to the Modern form. Until now, this form field was available only on the SharePoint form. One of the examples is displaying the employee's approved leaves in the absence process, but there are mo (...)

(...) ion of the function is simple, the only parameter that should be given is the form field requiredness you want to change. As the following rule also applies to the field with the limit, it will be exeCUT ed on changing the value of this field as well.   Fig. 6. The form rule containing new functions - form field   Important! The “MARK NOT REQUIRED” function works (...)

(...) erated from e.g. application reports, “inlining” will increase the size of these queries to the point where the performance will drop – and in some cases, prevent them from being exeCUT ed altogether. Due to this, the option to inline scalar functions should be deactivated in WEBCON BPS databases. If WEBCON BPS databases have their Compatibility Level set to 150 or higher, turn (...)