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for files

(...) checked out. I already checked: - All metadata is given - versioning is not active - file approval is not active I want the file to be checked in after I've uploaded it. How do you handle files when uploading them do SharePoint on premises? Or has anyone else had a similar problem? Best regards, Tim

(...) I have a rather curious scenario, when I look up an archived instance, I am able to bring up the form and see the files attached. However when I try to open/download the attachment it throws errors. Curiously if I go the history of the instance and scroll down to the attachment link, it opens the file just fine. Is this a known issue? Error during saga execution: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachment". (...)

(...) .0.0, ... The plugin uses the version, so I can understand why this fails. But I what don't understand is what artifact requires a version. I searched all .json, .config and .txt files in the directories WEBCON BPS Designer Studio, WEBCON BPS Portal and WEBCON BPS WorkFlow Service The only hits for the filename I got were in the Portal directory. Which is of no importance as the c (...)

(...) AGA! Najnowszy pakiet 2023.1.1.41 w pliku instalatora WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Installer.msi zawiera wirusa IL:Trojan.MSILZilla.11432 po instalacji wirus przenosi się z plikiem usługi do C:\Program files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS WorkFlow Service\WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.exe

(...) Let's start with a use case. I'll be working soon on a process for ordering buisness cards, which will include graphic, who is responsilbe for preparing files which are sent to printing company. On the buisness cards there should be QR code with vCard data. We want to avoid manual process of copy/pasting data between webcon and other qr generation system. Action which adds code to attachment al (...)

(...) ons, cross company alike Board Members, HR Department. Sometimes we need to use Active Directory groups (not WebCon BPS ones) to give some permissions to Microsoft Reporting Services report or some files hare. For us it was important to document all permissions connected with each Application. Above SQLing is a good basis for input as basis for something we called "Group Management Dashboard" - th (...)

(...) attachments. I don't know much about attachments database but as i saw there are two places where i can find data : [BPS_Content].dbo.WFDataAttachmets and [BPS_Content_Att].dbo.WFAttachmentfiles When im trying to add attachment like always going step by step in my workflow everything is ok - attachment is being added in both tables. But i also have a button making me back to previous step (...)

(...) Hi everyone, Does anyone know if it is possible to move the whole folder "C:\Program files \WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Search Server" to a different disk? What are the steps needed to do that? Thanks, M.

(...) Hi! I wanted to ask if the removal of the preview of XLSX files could be reconsidered? Perhaps as a toggled parameter. :) It was an important functionality for our company and after upgrading to BPS2023 we have to come up with a different solution for the preview of simple spreadsheets that are attached to BPS documents. Thanks, Patryk

(...) Hello, I have an application that creates a folder within a document library on SharePoint and needs to upload files to the newly created folder. I am encountering difficulties in uploading the file to SharePoint using the REST action with the Graph API. I get this error: "Invoke REST Web service test (2) - Request Url: https://login.microsoftonline.com/f656719a-4d1c-482b-be59-564f8c2af72d (...)

(...) action and data table attribute ability to save as excel could produce an Excel file with or without columns headers. This is sometimes useful, as some external applications accept only data in excel files and no headers.

(...) tamp: 0x00000000 Exception code: 0xc00000fd Fault offset: 0x00007ff98fcd3842 Faulting process id: 0x1140 Faulting application start time: 0x01da4d635bcdedff Faulting application path: C:\Program files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS WorkFlow Service\WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.exe Faulting module path: unknown Report Id: a2ed5b8a-9539-4d70-a83e-641676f4293b Faulting package full name: Faulting package-re (...)

(...) query does return subfolder contents if I use a regular CAML query editor (like SmartCAML) So for example in my test SharePoint 2016 site I have a library called 'testlibrary' where I can see all files with no problems. But when I point the CAML query to any sub-folder in the document library then I can't see the documents in the sub folder. Here is an example of my CAML to query the documents in a (...)

(...) th-aad-using-rest-invoke-method-and-microsoft-graph/117/18 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/adding-attachments-to-onedrive/183/4 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/working-with-onedrive-files /341/18 But this is explaining on how to configure using MS Graph and Rest API. However, in the connections area, there's one specific for Onedrive but I'm not sure on how to get the details for th (...)

(...) Hello everyone, Is it possible to set the attachment function so that users can upload files in all workflow steps? Currently, in my app, this only works if the user has editing rights for this instance. But I don't actually want that the users have editing rights on all instances and do not want to create complicated rules, that then unlock the overall rights, but immediately revoke the rights for (...)

(...) attachments. In the advanced configuration settings for local attachments, the option 'Allow adding more than one attachment' is not selected. However, despite seeing a 'deny' icon when attaching files , I'm still able to click and add more than one attachment. Is this a bug? Version 2023.1.2.68

(...) options: 1. Few words in 1 word [new] and then use word to pdf [done] 2. Few graphics files in pdf [new] 3. few PDFs in 1 PDF [new]

(...) delay with OneDrive. Questions: Does anyone have a solution or recommendation on how to avoid this synchronization issue? Is there a way to ensure that after converting to PDF, the original Word files remain in my OneDrive folder instead of being moved or deleted?

(...) now feasible to increase this limit to 2001 (header + 2000 rows) or, ideally, to 2501. This adjustment would significantly ease our workload, as we currently have to manually split the address files . Thank you in advance, Bjoern Poller P.S.: I have already submitted a similar request for the Excel export in DATA TABLEs.

(...) ed by the Controller, the personal data of the users may be transferred to countries outside the European Union.   5.   Provision of the websites and services and creation of log files   5.1.       Log files (log) Scope and purpose of data processing Each time user accesses our websites or services, our system automatically collects da (...)