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for query

(...) s copy – replacing existing databases. If the databases were recreated under different names than the production ones, updating their names in certain tables will be necessary. The following query highlights which areas need to be updated:   /*Configuration database e.g. BPS_Config*/ select CD_Name from ContentDatabases /*Attachments database e.g. BPS_Content_Att*/ select P (...)

(...) guration database (BPS_Config) and navigate to the AdminWFEventLogs table. This table should contain all entries related to user logins to Portal. To easily locate relevant entries, use the following query :   SELECT * FROM [dbo].[AdminWFEventLogs] ORDER BY 1 DESC   After running the query , the table will display entries related to Portal logins, including details such as the (...)

(...) chnical folder for temporary files (will be removed after the script execution) $zipFilePath – the full path, including the name of the ZIP archive where the resulting file will be saved $query – SQL query that will select the filename column ($nameColumnName) and the binary content of the attachment ($valueColumnName). Special attention should also be paid to the $connectionS (...)

(...) Hi everyone, is someone here how understands power query ? I got a task to retrieve data from a BPS report in excel to use it for additional analysis. I was able to retrieve the data but transforming the json response to a table is beyond me. Just in case there's someone who would be able to do it but doesn't know how to retrieve the data I add the logic below which can be put into the advanced edito (...)

(...) itive. I thought about using the advanced settings, but I have no idea how. Documentation: You can also define the path dynamically. To do this, select Use advanced settings and create a suitable SQL query in the Advanced path choice field. When is this executed? a) When the first sub-workflow is started b) When one sub-workflow finishes c) When all sub-workflows are in state finished Verification pa (...)

(...) o add news values in an item list? I'm trying to add a new line in one item list but one of the field I'm copying into is a Person/Group one and it doesn't get the value. I'm using the following query : select '{WFCONCOL:1769}' as {DCNCOL:105}, 'Requester Manager' as {DCNCOL:104} from WFElementDetails where DET_WFDID='{WFD_ID}' and DET_WFCONID={WFCON:1652} with the unique value set to be (...)

(...) tachments is checked-in (so the version will be different than 1) before moving the workflow to the next step. In the validation form, I don't have the attachments system so that I can construct a query to verify this. Does anyone have an idea? Thank you!

(...) Currently, views do not allow dynamic filtering on views for datetime and people-picker fields. It can be done by extending the query in the datasource. The datasource can only be changed by administrators and designers. For end-users it would by great having the possibility to use placeholders for filtering datetime and people-picker fields. My idea is having placeholders like [now] / [today], whic (...)

(...) on for the new candidate. There are some issues with this, I'm not able to initialize the item list with the dictionary details (only DB or Sharepoint is available), I don't want to do this by SQL query because in the future I will need to do maintenance work if something changes. And the user doesn't want to click Add for all the options needed. I don't have many ideas on how to this. Hope (...)

(...) he time it is possible they would change the company and so also the business entity. I found a dirty way by using an SQL Update directly on the WFElements table, but I am struggling by running this query by (cyclic) action on a separate path. The path is walking through fine according to the history, but no changes in the end. If I run the query with the "Test" functionality in the webcon Designer ev (...)

(...) time I experienced this error. Everything worked fine until Users list configuration step. When I try to configure the local AD as source for synchronization, I receive the error "The parameterized query '(@Email nvarchar(4000),@DisplayName nvarchar(4000),@BpsId nvarch' expects the parameter '@DisplayName', which was not supplied." I assume, that for one of my service accounts the property display n (...)

(...) te duplicates neither empty rows. For my case, the information to be checked will be Customer Name and Address (because a customer name can have more than one address). I was trying to follow the query below but I'm not sure on how to add the dictionary there (in the database documentation I have, I don't find alias for a dictionary=) if exists ( select 1 from WFElementDetails where DET_WFDID (...)

(...) ut they only work as form rules and for action (even creating a business rule, form rules don't work as it needs to a TRUE/FALSE result). Even using SQL Command I think it would only work for a subquery because I need to check the value on each row. I've used the Select Values in combination with GetNames function but I was not successful with my idea! Hope anyone has an idea on this!

(...) each new record entered. I can't seem to create an "application wide" variable that I can reference, create a new proposal # and then increment by 1. Now that I think about it like that, can I SQL query the # of records for the workflow? (Still fairly new to queries in webcon, any help would be appreciated). Thanks

(...) act match, contains phrase, starts with). In my company, we collect customer data from several CRM systems. For one of them, we have the customer's data materialized in the dictionary database. We query this data about 9 - 30 thousand times a day, on average one execution takes 3 seconds. After changing the polling method from like to exact match (mediated by the SDK add-on), it turned out that t (...)

(...) It would be great to be able to pass any attachment id to the 'show first attachment on page load', e.g. via sql query editor.

(...) Hi community! We implemented a document template with certain fields coming from a custom datarow (based on SQL-query ). We deployed the solution and the document template to PROD and everything was fine. After that we added one new field to the datarow (SQL query was modified) as a new requirement and added the new field also to document template. On DEV system everything looks fine, we deployed th (...)

(...) lumn that is mandatory to be filled whenever the item list has any rows and I tried many examples to construct a validation form rule in order to have information on that column. I was using a SQL query because: - Column cannot be required (there are cases that the user is sending documents so the item list will be empty) - Form rules using Condition By Row cannot be used inside the form validatio (...)

(...) D How do I get the (translated) step name? Is there some option inside the SDK? I haven't found one, so I'm thinking about passing ids/translations via the PluginConfiguration. I just thought about query ing a data source. Maybe I could create a SQL view which is utilized by the data source. Did someone do something similar and has some experience? Best regards, Daniel

(...) rson for the task is selected in that item list. This is bringing me many issues and challenges. First of all, I need to use 2 actions in the subworkfows to fill in 2 different Item List but my query is not bringing anything because I only get examples for the cases where we have parent and child select {DCNCOL:466} as {DCNCOL:462}, {DCNCOL:467} as {DCNCOL:463}, {DCNCOL:468} as {DCNCOL:46 (...)