(...) Hello everyone, I've encountered too many times situation, where i need to make really subtle change in application, to fix some kind of error/bug. Changes so small like: * AD d column on a report * Update filter on picker field * Update filter on report * Check 'wizard mode' on path * Reorder paths * and other fixes requiring less than 5 minutes of work in designer studio... Going throu (...)
(...) Hello All, as of 01.03.2024, Webcon BPS service has stopped downloAD ing current exchange rates from the NBP. Nothing has changed in the configuration (Webcon 2021.1.5). And the server has a connection to the NBP API service. I cannot find any errors in the service logs Do you have the same problem? Is there somewhere a cut-off date until when the rate should be downloAD ed? Thank you in AD va (...)
(...) ents from other flow - and connect this with dropdown list? --extra-- pick chosen attachments not all I guest I will need to do something related with: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /3240 or https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/copy-attachment-to-other-workflow or maybe is easier way?
(...) Hello, I have a form field - multiple lines of text (rich). When i send an e-mail, i set my form field - last entry text. If i write a text and AD d a new line, it multiples the number of lines in e-mail...as you can see in the attached screenshots. Do you know why is it happening? And what is there to do? Thank you.
(...) doing like that ... ) - open in new window attribute matrix .... I don't know on which step is visible or not particular attribute ... again I need to jump between designer studio "tree" .... 2. AD d option to colorize - steps (no we have got arrows (OK, I would like maybe more colors up to 16 ... bot for now is not priority for me) I would like to colorize "boxes" as light "body" of square ( (...)
(...) o, I have a global cyclical action that does some things. And in "Error handling" section i've got an automation that sends a customized email It was working fine in 2022, stopped working after upgrAD ing it to the newest 2023 version. Currently it is impossible to do such scenario. I've also tried invoking a REST API but it also fails. Those automation put somewhere else (not in cyclical actio (...)
(...) mn in this row is blocked. For that I am using "Column edit restrictions" from the "Permissions" tab in the studio. And it works great. For few rows. If there are more rows it works really slow. I mAD e some analitics. The query is executed in 20-180 ms depending on many things. So lets say it is 50 ms. For 6 columns it means it is executed 6 times, so it takes 300 ms. For 10 rows it is 3 seconds. (...)
(...) Hello! I'm trying to import Slovene language pack obtained from the https://bpstranslator.webcon.com/ What I did: 1. AD ded a new record to the Interface language packs in System settings: sl-SI (Slovene); 2. UploAD ed the .zip file downloAD ed from the BPS translator tool mentioned above; 3. ReloAD ed the configuration; 4. Reset the cache; 5. Change the language on my profile to Slovene. (...)
(...) this. In this context it would be great, if the context menu auf an attachment would have a function to copy the link of the attachment. Another cool feature in the rich text editor would be to AD d a link using the existing attachments. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi everyone, it would really be great if we could have the option to check in a business rule whether the edit mode is active. Currently we can check for: - AD min mode - Mobile device - Share mode At the moment I'm using a combination of business rule and form rule to hide /show an element which is confusing. An alternative or maybe an even better option would be to provide a rule /fun (...)
(...) Hi, I'm finally taking the time to AD d this user voice. I think it was in BPS 2020 or 2021 where the option was AD ded that a constant in a business rule would be displayed in the format Group:Constant (1). Right clicking on the name of the constant would show a context menu with all constants in this group (2). This was similar to the one which is displayed if you right click on the choose fiel (...)
(...) Hello, I have a big problem. I have an order form, e.g. for a contractor, and I have created a data source that shows all the orders of this contractor. AD ditionally, Kontrahnet has a monthly order limit entered in the field I need the system to check whether the limit has not been exceeded during the next order. Please help me how to do this
(...) ted on a localhost? I have a locally fired server, I use FastAPI (the tool is built in python). In browsers the API works. However, when I try to run a query on a form I get this message. I have alreAD y tried restarting DNS, disabling the firewall. The server is on startup and the server is listening on port 8000. I am new to webcon and just learning. Thank you in AD vance for your help.
(...) l work like that IF user opened element from the dashboard, but that's not always the case. I'm thinking about 'override returnurl' option on specific path - somewhere near 'wizard mode', but insteAD of staying in same url, we define where users should land.
(...) Hello everyone, I'm trying to create an article-based analysis. The evaluation should list how often an item is affected in a complaint. Unfortunately, although I can AD d the corresponding fields as columns for a list view, I cannot display them in the form of a chart. Why do these fields have the blue text [Positions] in front? What is it about these elements that I cannot select them in the v (...)
(...) bcon BPS, so we have some ideas to improve. 1. Issue: you cannot setup field availibility for archived instances Proposal: there could be a 3rd form editor like standard/mobile form have. Or/and AD ditional field matrix setting controlling visibility on archive form. 2. Issue: Instance level privileges are not inherited to archived instances. It is a problem as we have reAD only permission (...)
(...) Hi, Can you help me with AD vice on how to quickly delete a process that is no longer in use? I should mention that the process has form rules/business rules/actions Thanks, Raluca
(...) , and he would prefer to be notified in a different way than through email notifications. Is there a way I can implement desktop notifications similar to those from the mobile app? Thank you in AD vance for your help!
(...) curity configuration and changed the cookie expiration time (set it to 10 minutes). Successful logout occurred after 10 minutes. After logging out, a login window appears. In some cases, the user hAD to enter the correct login and password several times before being able to enter the portal. The worst thing is that there are cases where the user does not log in to his account. We use Windows (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I am trying to uploAD an attachment using the REST API. I am using the REST Web service action for this. How to do it correctly? Along with the attachment, I would also like to uploAD a json with other information. Endpoint is configured correctly, the problem is in the BODY itself. The referenced API is written in python using FastAPI framework. This is response: { "detail (...)