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for 2021

(...) xcel-file/ I am aware of alternatives such as user actions / sdk, but it is about using built-in functionality that ensures consistency and is ready to go with a single click. Tested on version 2021 .1.3.205.

(...) s.WorkFlowException: An (name) action execution error on a menu button occurred. ---> System.Net.WebException: Cannot get document template for id: / DOCTEMP / {EPV: 6} It appears in Webcon 2020 and 2021 (Starter Edition). Additionally I tried with global constants but the result is the same.

(...) anyone noticed in their enviroment a rather unwanted and dangerous behavior of grouping in reports. Today an acountant showed me, that when you apply grouping something really strange happens (ver. 2021 .1.3.205). As seen on the attached screenshot the number of items in grouping is different than the one shown in the rectangle. This can be very misleading. And there is something even dangerous - in (...)

(...) Hello everyone, After updating to 2021 .1.3.205, I noticed that setting values from available columns to target fields, stopped working when the field is initialized with a default value. Setting the value only works when I manually change the value in the field. I have not noticed such change in changelog (but maybe it is), so I wonder if maybe it is a bug? Maybe some of you have noticed such a change (...)

(...) Hello, has anyone stumbled upon a problem with the formatting of numbers in Word templates after the upgrade to version 2021 .1.4.36. I was using formatting of numbers with thousand separators, which worked fine with version 2021 .1.2.101, but after the upgrade, instead of numbers, the field name is present in the output. When I leave the formatting with \* MERGEFORMAT, the values are transferred in (...)

(...) Hi, we just updated on Friday to Version 2021 .1.4.36. Just now a user called and showed me that she is getting an unknown exception error when trying to add an attachment to a manually created new instance. She has the rights to do so, and can add attachments as soon as the instance is manifested in the DB through save button that directs to the same step. So there is a known workaround, but it wo (...)

(...) Hi, In version 2021 .1.4 there was a new checkbox border color (blue). Do you know a way to restore neutral color e.g. black?

(...) ing at the moment if it is possible to import an exported application package to a Webcon installation with a different version. We currently have an exported application package (.bpe) from version 2021 .1.3.205. We are planning to use cloud services from Webcon which is supposed to be the latest version (which currently is 2021 .1.4.55). Is it possible to import an older version package to a newer (...)

(...) Is anyone else experiencing the issue? In my case it's ver. 2021 .1.3.205 on webconapps.com. If I insert the tooltip text for a path it doesn't show. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?

(...) Hi, ver. 2021 .1.3.205 I have a problem with reports. When I hide one of the columns and then I would like to change the position of the other column in the report and then I have an error... http://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/db/1/app/21/element/1037860/form/view?returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F21 url: https://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/api/logger | action: ip: xxx | msg: "stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properti (...)

(...) There is probably a bug in ver. 2021 .1.3.205 on webconapps.com. If you click Generate preview in Designer studio and save the process, the preview is available (when clicking on the step names in the Information panel in front end). As soon as I make some changes, e.g. modify a field name or any other modification and save the process again, the preview is not available anymore. I noticed also that (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I've recently upgraded WebCon from 2020 to 2021 and everything went ok except quick search. The "search everything" in our main application results in no elements founded. However when switched to "All aplication" view I can see all results and everything works fine. I suspect that the WEBCON Search service and its index is not up to date. Is there a way to rebuild that index?

(...) Hi everyone, In version 2021 of BPS Designer does not allow to run designer on the server on two different users (on two different connections to server). I get a resource usage error (in picture). Do you have an idea how to deal with it? Alternatively: I tried to start BPS Designer locally but I get a message saying no connection with the license. I need to open some port in server or something? (...)

(...) rom 42 to 0. I need to find an option that just continues to increment for our FY, or at the very least can I define what the # is for a given instance variable so we can pick up where we left off in 2021 ? Thanks!

(...) Hi, Currently we are on 2021 .1.4.55 version . Last Year 2021 big release has few bugs and the later version released after sometime to fix them. So this year we are planning to wait till the next version is being released and then upgrade to that next release. Can we directly upgrade to that next release or is it must to upgrade to 2022.1.1.41 to go to next version?

(...) Hello everyone! A problem I encountered in 2021 .1.4.118 does not give me a rest. It conserns Item Lists. When I use any type of choice field and in the picker tick "Show link to this item" it still does not show the item with the link (as it does in standard attributes). It doesn't matter if the field is read-only or writable - always no link. I suppose the solution could be a separate hyperlink colu (...)

(...) es they dont have permission to. The predefined Filter is set to all. Is there anything I can do to make SOLR reports to only show what the user has at least read rights? Oh, our current version is 2021 .1.4.36 Thanks! Chris

(...) bordinates' tasks to yourself (or another person), in order to take over and complete them. " I can view and edit my subordinates' documents but I can't "delegate to another person". Version is 2021 .1.3.188

(...) , but he is on sick leave, thus the task is assigned to a substituter, but a substituter is also on sick leave, so the task should be assigned to substituter of substituter, but isn't. BPS version 2021 .1.4.118

(...) Based on Daniel post https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021 /retrieve-ps-variable-value I figure, it is posible to retrive output value from SQL Procedure? How force "Run sql procedure" action to log ouptut to [dbo].[WFLogs] table? Write-Output in PowerShell is logged to LOG_Description column. How log ouput from sql procedure?