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(...) in WEBCON BPS, they may be a situation where we would like the attachment added on the form to be stored in the cloud e.g. in OneDrive. People who are not taking part in the process will be able to aCC ess it. This article describes how to add attachments to OneDrive using the REST action. The simple workflow of sending attachments has been created.   Fig. 1. The workflow of send (...)

(...) to join or leave the group” option allows you to send requests to join/leave the group. You can indicate an e-mail address to which requests will be sent or enable the option of automatically aCC epting requests.   Fig. 4. The configuration of the Create a group action   In the “Apply permission role” option, select the permission level from the selection (...)

(...) le for business rules – it should return POSITIVE, TRUE or 1 value (if the condition is met), and NEGATIVE, FALSE or 0  (if the condition is not met). You can also define the message for suCC essful validation.   Fig. 4. The configuration of the validation action   You can dynamically display the values from the form in the “Message for validation error&rdq (...)

(...) ill have the same privileges Change - transfers the source user’s privilege to the target user. After transferring, the target user will receive privileges and the source user will lose aCC ess. In addition, the following elements are also replaced:                > Privileges                & (...)

(...) The configuration of the form consists of 1) form rules that are executed when the form is displayed, 2) visibility settings for the top bar buttons, 3) editing mode, 4) attachment settings, 5) and aCC essibility settings for transition paths.   Creating a new form configuration The WEBCON BPS platform builds a compact form by default. When you create the main form, a compact form is a (...)

(...) red when the planned cost exceeds 1,500. Fig.8 Cell collored when the value exceeds 1,500 Coloring the item list's background helps the user spot values that widely differ from the aCC epted range of values.  This is one of the methods that the application designer can use to speed up the analysis of data in item lists.

(...) template looks like this:   Fig.6 Example of downloaded HTML template with database field names   The list of fields can also be found in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. To aCC ess it, expand the process tree in the application, and press "Form fields." Please note that this view will not display system form fields.   Fig.7 Preview of the database fi (...)

(...) >.<domain>/adfs/portal/updatepassword/ Fig. 6 Enabling the ADFS site for changing password.   Once you enable the site for changing password, you have to configure an aCC ess path to it. To do this, add a description to the login site and link it to the ADFS site for changing user password. The description will appear under the Login button. This can be done with P (...)

(...) ss the "Next" button. Fig. 5 Selection of elements for export   After the export is complete, a summary window will appear. Press the "Finish" button. You have suCC essfully exported an application (or an application template). Fig. 6 Summary window after process completion   WEBCON BPS version compatibility You can import only compatible fil (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   Introduction It may be necessary to grant aCC ess to WEBCON BPS Portal and its processes to users from outside the organization. Such a user will most often not have an aCC ount in the organizational Active Directory (or in another user database). Examples of such situations are: processes of negotiating contracts with c (...)

(...) g these elements in version 2021.    What are Favorites?    As in web browsers, the WEBCON BPS platform has a list of elements that can be quickly aCC essed using the Favorites menu. Each user has the option of building their own list.  Fig. 1. Favorites button (the star) visible in the BPS Portal menu   To add&n (...)

(...) in page of the platform, the Favorites elements (applications, reports, etc.) are displayed as tiles, similar to the "Frequently used applications" section. Thanks to this, you have easier aCC ess to them – for more information about this feature, see: Favorite elements as tiles on the home page (WEBCON BPS 2021).   Fig. 1. The WEBCON BPS 2021 Portal main page & (...)

(...) or: Kinga Bożęcka WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces the mechanism of diagnostics and recording the behavior of the form and other elements of WEBCON BPS Portal. This mode is a suCC essor to the old Debug mode which was used to track all modifications that impact the visual layer.  This functionality toggles a diagnostic mode in WEBCON BPS Portal, whic (...)

(...) s can be launched from Portal.   All these forms use the same workflow. The first step allows submitting a form for creating, deleting, or editing the user. Once submitted, it is sent for aCC eptance to the Approver. If the Approver aCC epts, the action requested in the form (create, delete or edit the user) is performed on the “ACC ept” path that goes from the “ACC eptance& (...)

(...) PS 2021, the form rules have been enhanced with new functions operating on text such as: CONCAT - combines two or more text strings into one text SPLIT - splits the provided text into parts, aCC ording to a specified separator. The function returns strings separated by semicolons ‘;’ (default separator). If no separator is found in the provided text, the function will result (...)

(...)   The start step is completing a requisition form on which the user indicates who should be the approver, what item is requested, and what is its cost. In the second step, the requisition is aCC epted by the selected approver. There are two options for choosing the approver: a) the form is sent to the direct supervisor of the person who submits it, and b) the approver is selected based on (...)

(...) ed field. In the configuration, select which report and view it applies to, which value is to be aggregated and set the widget formatting. The available options for the layout scheme are: Top aCC ent Left aCC ent Info Basic After selecting the “Customize” option, you will see additional configuration to set the tile and value appearance and add a header and/or f (...)

(...) or changing the field value. Thanks to this, you do not have to manually place the cursor in the field. This article presents the operation of this function based on a business scenario – aCC ounting process. Below you can see the form at the cost invoice registration step. The edit cursor is automatically set in the “Invoice number” field.   Fig. 1. The ACC ount (...)

(...) w source   Then, create a new data row named “Edit tags” and set the newly created BPS source as the source. Next, you need to set the filter so that the system takes into aCC ount only the tags of the selected client. Fig.11 - Edit tags field configuration   In the advanced configuration, in the Instance number row, check the options “Show colu (...)

(...) Fig.4. Loading the service configuration.   Workflow configuration To present this functionality, we have created a sampleworkflow consisting of 5 steps. This workflow will be used to aCC ept requisitions submitted by employees. The approvers will be the superiors on two levels.   In the “Request registration” step, the requisition will be registered. In the &ld (...)