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(...) External content by Maksymilian Stachowiak; 16.04.2024   There are still some places where low-code has identical challenges as code , one of those issues is Magic Numbers. This post is rather for beginners, those starting their WEBCON journey. It focuses on the importance of using Constants instead of typing numbers directly in filters, rules, and queries. This leads to easier maintenance (...)

(...) "Produkt": { "Beschreibung_DE": "", "Untergruppe": { "ID": "4653778a-fbb2-44dc-b866-0c59844f025f", "DisplayName": "", "Translations": [ { "Languagecode ": "de-de", "Value": "Dach - Blechprofile" }, { "Languagecode ": "fr-fr", "Value": "Toiture - Profilés en tôle" }, { "Lan (...)

(...)   The open lecture entitled "Process Design using Low-code for Students Planning to Work in Business and IT", organized by the Department of Logistics and Process Engineering and WEBCON Sp. z o.o., brought significant value to students of Logistics and Computer Science at UITM. During the lecture, Urszula Słupik and Adrian Baszak introduced students (...)

(...) the table adjusts automatically based on the data entered in the JSON. This makes the table excellent for hierarchical displays. 👍 To create this table, use the HTML field. There, input the source code for generating the table and associate it with JSON to populate the table with relevant information. 🛠️ You can see the code and demo with the table on my blog about WEBCON: HERE  

(...) es of analogous columns of the Item list. A Social Security number (SSN), Tax Identification number (TIN), identification card number, school/student identification card number, product serial number/code , Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), vehicle registration plate number, file reference, or accounting invoice/contract designation, etc. are just a few examples of the potential row identifiers. & (...)

(...) on. It is mandatory to have at least one active additional authorization method. The full writeup for this feature can be found here: Path authorization. SMS – a one-time authorization code will be sent to the phone number of the end user performing the activity that requires additional authorization. The phone number to receive the code via SMS is specified in the user’s profile. (...)

Author: Markus Jenni I came across a requirement, that only pdf files should be allowed to be uploaded. As there are other file extensions allowed in further processes, we can not only limit the extensions globally. To enforce this requirement, we first configured a validation rule, which basically did the trick. However, from a user experience perspective, it would be great if th

(...) Hi, with the introduction of BPS Portal we got a few additional options were we can add "code " and where variables from the expression editor would be useful if not even mandatory. 1. Report - SQL Filter, there are a few variables there already 2. Calculated field in Reports and BPS internal view, no option to use existing variables 3. Report - advanced formatting, no options to use existing variab (...)

(...) ns, like: - user defined left menu - pages, not just dashboards - option to turn off the default dashboard - dashboard HTML element should have some kind of HTML editor, not just a narrow window for code pasting. It's hard to make any changes without copy/paste to external editor - dashboard text element is too narrow, it should be resizable ! Almost impossible to edit large amount of text, too much (...)

(...) "Invoke REST Web service" action on a menu button. If I enable "Use proxy" in System settings I get the following error: Request Url: https://test.findynamic.com/iris/credit-card/api/buyers Response code : MethodNotAllowed (405) Exceptions: Rest service call failed. Http code MethodNotAllowed (405). Inspect log to get more information. If I disable this setting, I get this: Request Url: https://test. (...)

(...) An errors section where the community can post common errors and possible solutions for them. A search by error message or code would be great. We are building one of those blogs for errors internal, but it would be great if the community can have their input on it. Also the version of WEBCON would be an useful filed to group by.

(...) I try to implement a ConfigEditableItemList in a custom action in C#-code . When I go over the ConfigEditableItemList I get the message: "The class with the item list configuration must implement: IConfigEditableItemList". I implemented an example but when I upload the SDK into Webcon I get an error that there is the implementations missing and I can see nothing from the SDK. Has someone experien (...)

(...) colors presenting the vacation type (which in my case would be the shift). The Vacation Type data source has only 6 available colors. I need more than that. Does anyone know if we can use hex or rgb code s instead of the preset IDs? If not, is there a place where I can define new colors? Thank you in advance for your answers. Martin

(...) tion about the attachment section. Then I build myself a choice picker, where I can chose the selected file. After that I want to run an SDK action, where I get the data from my xml-file. In my code I implemented something but the file path is static at the moment and compares the file names. Normally every read in file gets an ID in the database but I don't know how to access this data. (...)

(...) the event be (everything behind #), but when trying to update the event with two additional parameters (isOnlineMeeting, and onlineMeetingProvider), I got the following response: { "error": { "code ": "RequestBroker--ParseUri", "message": "Resource not found for the segment 'QSIqpc178RLEUBwAOebtldQpXQYuXrQU7MnmzAAAAAAENAAAOebtldQpXQYuXrQU7MnmzAAGXoPJPAAA='." } } The request was: PATCH v1. (...)

(...) Gurus I'm trying to do such action: In my VS solution, I have made CustomAction that gets data from an external system as a list. I would like to return that list to ItemsList in my workflow. I have code like this: [ConfigEditableFormFieldID(DisplayName = "Pozycje nagłówka ", FormFieldTypes = WorkFlow.SDK.Objects.Enums.FormFieldTypes.ItemsList)] public List Lista_Poz { get; set; } public cl (...)

(...) ts/post/starting-workflow-from-the-sharepoint-document-library/54 I've did all the same configurations as the document to try to get it working but my Start BPS column is not displayed. The json code that is in the post needs to be formatted and my final version (for my case) is: { "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/v2/column-formatting.schema.json", "elmType": " (...)

(...) It would be great, to have some kind of IDE in the Designer Studio while editing SQL or Javascript code . Therefore it would already help if there were line numbers and code highlighting e.g. for opening and closing brackets. Sometime it is difficult to manage your own code when it reaches a certain number of lines. For example, if you have a Javascript code and only one semicolon or closing brac (...)

(...) I want to query from an Oracle DB and initialize the columns with the columns from the query: select milestone as {DCNCOL:185}, milestone_date as {DCNCOL:186}, amount as {DCNCOL:187}, currency_code as {DCNCOL:188}, amount_euro as {DCNCOL:189} from PL_Invoicing I'm trying to this but it's not working. Hope anyone has ideas for this! Thank you!!!!

(...) The Verify Process action (Process configuration test) currently doesn't check if hard code d users still exist. For example a group could be selected in a people field which limits the available users. The group has been deleted like in the attached image. But this doesn't result in an error. Best regards, Daniel