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(...) The pop-up search window gives the possibility to search in a specific field or in all fields. We've found many cases where an "advanced search" mode would be extremely help ful. To achive this, the configuration section of the choice field, should be extended with an additional checkbox column "Advanced Search (PopUp)". If any field is checked in this section, the popup search window should beh (...)

(...) Form 1: Field User: X Field Picture: A Form 2: Field User: Y Field Picture B On dashboard User X show Picture A On dashboard User Y show Picture B Thanks id advance for your help !

(...) Hi everyone! Hope you're doing great! I need some help here! I want to change a selection of fields with empty value on path transition. The idea is that I have a cyclical process and I need to clean some fields in order to be available on the next step. I'm trying to use the Multiple Change Values to make them as empty, but I'm being unsuccessful here! Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you (...)

(...) ? I got the working requests in POstman, but I cannot get them to work at all in webcon. and its kinda hard to debug since error messages or logs are seemingly not available... thanks for your help in advance.

(...) n excel file, then I want to check if uploadet rows exist in the dictionary. If exists, webcon should mark a column in the item list that the entry exists. Do you know how to achieve it? Could you help ?

(...) Hello, Does anyone can help me, how can I see WEBCON tables via MS SQL Server Management Studio? What the process of connecting to the WEBCON server looks like? When I tried to enter the server name (test.company.corp) into MS SQL Server connection dialog box it didn't work. Regards

(...) Hi, I propose to add in Bussines and Form rules internal parameters like in automatizations. I will be help ful for calculating or savng data to compare, not using JS mode.

(...) I encounter a strange behaviour within the WEBCON application "help Desk" after importing it into a system with Version 2022.1.2.59: 1) Within the categories I set up a new one with a team of three members. 2) When I assign the category to a new ticket, the team leader value is copied appropriatly, but for the three team members only the first entry of the category field value is copied three time (...)

(...) disturbed and you make a mistake in the selection. Of course one could have a check list to verify everything, but even this will fail. So I'm wondering whether one or both of these ideas could help with this human error problem. 1. Changing from checkbox to a drop down with "Undefined", "Yes","No" and every value is set to "undefined". This will of course be annoying to set since you can't si (...)

(...) ached to selected tasks (with specific IDs) so that I can print them. It would be enough if I could automatically save them to the local disk. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? Plese help :(

(...) ot shown. On that system one content database has been deleted but I do not assume this to be the reason. Does the details text give any hint that I do not get so far? Appreciate any hint or help . Thank you in advance. (Details BEGIN) url: https://webcon-test./api/nav/applications/mostused | action: GetMostUsed ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while execut (...)

(...) Hi, is it possible to implement some sort of offline mode for when users are entering data into a form to help with preventing the loss of data? People will use the Mobile App while on site and it's possible they will lose connection and lose all the data they have entered before they could save or submit. For the form to work again they will need to reconnect and unfortunately refresh the form ca (...)

(...) Hi, would it be possible to have an option for radio buttons to be formatted to appear horizontally on the form instead of vertically? Would be a good addition to help save space on a form. kind regards, Dean

(...) an error. Now this error refers to the app group that has been deleted. Can anybody please suggest what I can do as I have to export several applications in ongoing projects. Thank you for your help in advance. (Beginn of Error) 9/13/2022 2:11:45 PM Environmental analysis started. Application (51) 9/13/2022 2:12:06 PM No related element for translation a98498ac-36b1-48e2-9b45-277df9ecc967 (...)

(...) , all the others are removed Question: How do I get an item list blanked, all entries removed from the database *without* one entry being inserted? If anybody has a hint for me, it will be very help ful. Thank you for your answers in advance. Best, Ingo

(...) Hi, I just want to help my friend with installation free version of WEBCON BPS Everything is fine but after install in the right corner I have error everytime. No idea what is wrong because it's a new installation. Screenshots in att. Best regards, Jakub

(...) s the attempt to reach the server through Named Pipes. This is not configured. Does anybody have (had) a similar issue and can tell me where to fix the connection string? Thank you for your help in advance. Best, Ingo (Begin Dump) C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal>webcon.bpscloud.portal URL: http://*:48439 ConnectionString: Data Source=SQLServer;Initial Catalog=BPS_Con (...)

(...) est body does not contain the item list data, even if it is visible in the portal and findable within the database. The request body should contain the item list information. Can anybody please help me with a hint what do do? Best, Ingo (Begin dump) ... Error details ... REQUEST: REQUEST (serialized object): _20002.10.2022 (End dump)

(...) _name', database 'database_name', schema 'dbo'..." Using SSMS the server where the SQL is installed, I can SELECT the data from the tables. What could be wrong? Thank you in advance for your help , Martin

(...) Hi, here is another task I need your help to get it completed: 1) Scenario A hot mailbox creates a new instance within the process and from there WEBCON BPS sends an email out. The user replies to this second email and the hotmailbox has been configured to add this reply into the original instance as attachment. This is done by adding the instance ID into the mail body and works without issues. (...)