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(...) llName] ,[PLF_Guid] ,[PLF_Extension] ,[PLF_PLPID] FROM [DEV01_BPS_Content].[dbo].[PluginFiles] where PLF_FullName like '%Annotation%' I'm really lost here because I have no idea : - Why an older version is requested, - How I should know this in advance, up to now I added all assemblies to the plugin.zip which are not already "used" by the workflow service and bps portal. (...)

(...) Hello, is there a possibility to use existing SOLR as Data Source? I had an idea to show users SQL grid, which would show similar items found in database, based on text typed in regular TextInput field. That lead me to Levenshtein Distance algorithm, which might be slow in SQL, but i've found that such a thing is already implemented in SOLR (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1752301/how-to-confi (...)

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone has an idea /have a hack to move the attachments / comments option to a tab? I'm currently trying to create a form, which should: - look good or at least ok - be usable with a big multi line text box - while using the task "view" and displayed info panel - has to compete with a paper based process with an arbitrary number of steps and options to write any informati (...)

(...) Hi, I'm seeking a hint, how to show in the table report that an item is assigned to more than one person. Has anybody an idea ? When a task is assigned to more than one, it is visible in the info bar in the item form, but in the tabled report (e.g. "all open instances") it shows only one name. Is it possible to show the result of a business rule in a report? Kind regards, Klaus PS: we (...)

(...) n this version the export and import button is missing in UI (Document templates report). Export and import via application does not work either. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Any idea s on how to import document templates on new environment having the same GUID? Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone has an idea , why a data source dictionary would not return all data, also "access data in the context of system account" is checked? I was banking my head on the wall, why the form validation stopped working until I noticed that the lastest workflow instances are not returned by the data source. The screenshot shows the data from the "data sources" navigation pane, i (...)

(...) ater. Ver: 2022.1.2.31 Error: Unable to cast object of type 'system.directoryservices.accountmanagement.groupprincipal' to type 'system.directoryservices.accountmanagement.userprincipal' Any idea s?

(...) is I can only configure a URL to which the send a POST command with parsed JSON. There is no way to send the first authorization request to obtain the token and only after that send the POST. Any idea s would be much appreciated. Thanks, Martin

(...) omain.pl. Part of Global Norification: [|ElementAddress|] [|WebAddress|] [|MessageBody|] Thanks for any idea that helps me to fix it. Regards Stanislaw

(...) Hello everyone, for a new idea i have in mind, it would be great, if there would be an easy build-in way to anonymize all form fields of an instance, which are marked as "Data Type - Personal data" in the Personal data storage (Style and behavior TAB). As far as i tested, there is always the need for a "Personal Data Dictonary", when using the action "REMOVE PERSONAL DATA". QUESTION 1: Is t (...)

(...) the process steps to be done. I thought maybe it would be possible to simply show and hide the container using JavaScript. Unfortunately, I have not enough experience in this area. Do you have an idea ? I tried it once statically with CSS (See Screenshot). Thank you in advance!

(...) onnection under its impersonated security context. This scenario is not supported. See "Impersonation Overview" in Books Online. The data table uses "Current BPS database". Does someone have an idea what could be the cause? Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi. I want to show in a report in a column if an item has an attachment. Does anybody have an idea how to do that? Kind regards, Klaus

(...) . This thing must be disturbing for the user. As i see, actions are executed synchronously, meaning the user interface waits for the action to complete before allowing further interactions. Any idea s? Thanks!

(...) Users will access documents that are already in the archive (finish step) and will not be assigned to anyone. In some cases I would like to know who read a document in pdf attached to a process. Any idea s on how can this be accomplished?

(...) ing as expected. Picker search mode of field2 is set to 'Contains', minimum characters = 3. Regardless of what is entered in field2, all available entries are shown and are not filtered. Any idea s why this does not work as expected? We are using Webcon version 2022.1.4.204 by the way. Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) I am attempting to change the number of decimal places in a floating point field. I am getting: System.NullReferenceException Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Any idea s how to solve this? What can I do to give you more information? Thanks

(...) Hi all, I would like to ask if anyone has configured or knows how to have a bulk update in a item list. For example, the idea is to have many lines and select the ones that will move from Project A to Project B and then all of those lines will create a subworkflow to request an approval from person X. Also, is there any option to select prior the lines that will be in the item list? Like a pop- (...)

(...) Forum and User Voice, lets make it different :) 'Ask a question' is good for forum, that's what forums are for. For User Voice maybe change it to something like 'Make a suggestion' or 'Share an idea ' ? - it will be clear what kind of input is expected in specific subsite of community.

(...) ry to work in Webcon. When copying the whole query from the Show window into SQL Studio it works just as expected, but in WebCon Designer studio the following error occurs (see screenshot). Any idea s how to proceeed here?