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for link

(...) w.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.FillApplication(ApplicationEntity applicationEntity, IEnumerable`1 processes, IEnumerable`1 permissions, IEnumerable`1 dashboards, IEnumerable`1 link edProcesses, IEnumerable`1 starts, IEnumerable`1 reports) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.GetApplicationGroupsStructure() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Form (...)

(...) Hi, I really like the new default picker option "Show link to selected workflow instance". Unfortunately it's only available for the data source "BPS Internal view". If I select a dictionary and probably a template process, it's not available. Therefore I have to create an Internal view in addition to the automatically created dictionary data source. For those who don't know what this option does: T (...)

(...) t something like this: 1. Fill parent form and start flow to save and start sub-workflow. 2. Sub workflow starts and now I want tha this sub-flow opens automatically in the same tab. Probably "hyperlink " action can do this but I don't know hoe to configure it:/ Can anybody help?

(...) Hello, I have designed a solution for users so they can access their workflow documents via a simple report, that shows a list of documents with link s. This seemed to be the most user-friendly way of presenting documents list. The report shows a list of documents from specified document flow definition. Unfortunately, the report runs very slow, even though there are not many documents in the database (...)

(...) Hello, I made a report in WEBCON Designer Studio and one of the columns is "link ". However, when I export that report to excel, that column is converted to a simple text (not a link ). Can I in some way configure it to receive in the exported excel that column as link ? Best regards, Vitalii Lukash

(...) 4 different subworkflows that must start in parallel and wait until all subworkflows are done. I tried with Start a subworkflow action, but works for a single subworkflow. I don't want to use hyperlink . I must enter on the subworkflow in the start step. Is possible to start different subworkflows from a main workflow with SQL? I don't have an item list. I need to define an SQL action for eac (...)

(...) ard mode. In all other cases it's not executed in a wizard mode. Of course the standard mail would only need to be send in the later case. I'm currently using a workaround with a conditional "hyperlink action" and conditional "send standard mail action". Thanks to the automations this will be easier with WEBCON BPS 2022 because I can move those two action to one automation (1). :) In case of someo (...)

(...) Hi everyone I have question about automatic e-mail notifications - if someone has an active task, the automatic e-mail notification will contain a link to that task, but if person is in CC in the task, then the automatic e-mail notification won't contain a link to that task. Is there any posibility do add link to the task in automatic e-mail notification even if person is only in CC to that task (...)

(...) w.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.FillApplication(ApplicationEntity applicationEntity, IEnumerable`1 processes, IEnumerable`1 permissions, IEnumerable`1 dashboards, IEnumerable`1 link edProcesses, IEnumerable`1 starts, IEnumerable`1 reports) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.GetApplicationGroupsStructure(Boolean withoutProcesses, Func`2 a (...)

(...) Hi, I would like to create an plugin that will open a link in the client side browser. I try using basic .NET method, but the browser starts on the server where Webcon is installing. Would I have to make a separate addon running on the client side? Then how to install such an add-on?

(...) form of another workflow (ID is known). This should be triggered with button click on current form. Button is implemented as Html field and invokes a global menu action which has the correct hyperlink action and also returnUrl to current element. After save of the other workflow element, user should be redirected to current form element. Before redirect to the other workflow, current item sh (...)

(...) Hi All I need to ask for your help :) This time I need to update permissions for tasks on separate processes/applications, not link ed together. Let's say I want to give permission to read a document for some domain user or user group. The problem is that I can't modify these processes. I cannot modify data from the database side because the manufacturer forbids it :/ My idea is to create a ne (...)

(...) mprove quality of handwritten signature in WEBCON? Currently it is very pixelized and added to document (Word / PDF) doesn't look well. I didn't find any options or parameters to improve quality. link to KB about this feature: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-handwritten-signature-form-field/153 Thanks for your comments here :)

(...) Hi community! In some scenarios it is necessary for us to render datatables on form containing some custom link s or buttons. For this reason we built following SQL statement for testing purposes: SELECT 'Internal' AS ID, 'Click me' AS HTML UNION SELECT 'Azure' AS ID, 'link ' AS HTML And we used this datasource in a datatable field on form. However, we have some interesting results. (...)

(...) ticle in the knowledge base: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-picture-form-field/32 Establishing the fields and trying to get the image rendered within a report I had to learn: Only the link generated in the way as described in the article is shown. No matter, what type of field I use. Can anybody please help me in finding what goes wrong? 1) What exact definition does the field "P (...)

(...) a new ID within the database and you will be able to save it. This error was reproducable also with an action being added to a path. So, I assume that it is more a general aspect instead of being link ed to action templates only. The picture added shows the error message. Here follows the error message (in German language, sorry for this): Typ: WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Exceptions.Webserv (...)

(...) can change the menu of an application or not. It would be great having a Customnavigtion node under the presentation node. We should be able to create two level menus with an icon and whether the link should open in same tab or a new one.

(...) currentCultureProvider, IDebugInfoGetter debugInfoGetter, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment, IInstallationTypeProvider installationTypeProvider, ILoggerUrlProvider loggerUrlProvider, INavigationlink Repository navigationlink Repository, IPortalRunningUrlsConfig portalRunningUrlsConfig, IStableVersionInfoProvider stableVersionInfoProvider, ISupportedLanguages supportedLanguages, ITranslationsHashPr (...)

(...) question: Somewhere in my notes I saw this string but I can't recall what it points to: /api/nav/db/1/attachments/4/preview?hash=0 In other words, I seem to remember that at some point this link displayed a preview image that was uploaded somewhere. But I don't know by which means an attachment was uploaded to this path. Right now, calling this link throws: {"type":"https://tools.ietf (...)

(...) wish. In addition, these use cases would get some tags, for example so that you could get all use cases by industry. Besides these use cases, I would add a section for “SDK actions”. This could be link s /descriptions to SDKs provided on GitHub or whatever source. Another side effect could be that we could do a little diagram how many companies have implemented 1-5, 5-10,10-20, 20+ applications. (...)