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(...) ading from one complete version to another (eg from 2019 to 2021 or from 2017 to 2021) check if you have the appropriate license for the WEBCON BPS version. We recommend that you activate the requi red license BEFORE upgrading the WEBCON BPS system.  WEBCON BPS 2021 Additional files   File Description SDK Migration 2021.1 The fol (...)

(...) Add/Remove a user) Add SP privileges   3. “Create a group” action The action allows you to create a group of members in the SharePoint environment. This configuration requi res that the following values be selected in the “General” tab. Name Description Owner – a person who will be able to manage the group from the SharePoint site   (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   Introduction WEBCON BPS contains a bui lt-in administration tool that allows you to qui ckly transfer or copy privileges from one user to another. This function can be used at the moment of changes in the structure of the organization or when delegating responsibilities to a new person in a given process.   Configuratio (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik The WEBCON BPS program allows you to bui ld advanced form templates. One of the features that can be especially useful is showing or hiding form fields depending on the value of another form field.  For example, you can decide that some fields won’t be shown on the form unless the user checks a field that makes them visible.&n (...)

(...) ttings for the top bar buttons, 3) editing mode, 4) attachment settings, 5) and accessibility settings for transition paths.   Creating a new form configuration The WEBCON BPS platform bui lds a compact form by default. When you create the main form, a compact form is automatically bui lt. In most cases, this solution is enough. However, the business may want to adapt the ergonomics of t (...)

(...) a link column   Example of a formula opening a specified page in a new window: 'link:https://www.webcon.com;displayname:WEBCON WebPage;target:_blank'   Using the bui lt-in formula 'StartElementInNewWindows (),' you can create a link that starts a specific workflow and assigns values in the form. The code below creates a column with a link that starts an (...)

(...) tton can be used to launch a specific WEBCON BPS workflow, which can be a sub workflow of the current Workflow. It can also link to other relevant information, e.g., documentation for the process or gui delines that should be taken into consideration before submitting the form. Workflow automation becomes easy when you use it. The button can be available on all steps of the Workflow or just at the (...)

(...) sed to create the new list. After that, fill in the "Name" and "Description" fields. You can also save the address of the newly created list in a form field and add it to the Qui ck Launch Navigation Menu. Fig.19 Action configuration – “Create a list”   Summary You can use the content from your SharePoint Online to extend the existing (...)

(...) template name. The language identifier is the Windows culture identifier, e.g. 1045 (Polish culture). The site template name is entered in the format # for predefined templates, or in the format {Gui D} # <TEMPLATE NAME>  for templates added by the user.   If you check the “Form field” option to load the template for the site, the form field you select has to meet (...)

(...) rt when an error is found Skip invalid rows - skips rows with errors Import invalid cells as blank - in case of an error, data import is performed and invalid cells are blank d) Requi red values:  Requi re all columns - requi res all columns in the imported file Use step configuration - requi res values that are requi red in the configuration of a given step Requi re (...)

(...) xtension %FileNameDisplay% BarCode %BarCode%   Mode section Start new workflow – starts a new workflow instance, the additional configuration is requi red in the “Workflow StartUp Setings” tab Add attachments based on barcodes – adds an attachment to the workflow instance with 2d code Start new workflow without conversion to PD (...)

(...) dited with PowerShell, CSS styles, or JavaScript. We recommend that you start your customization by making a copy of the default theme, and then we will walk you through the steps to modify it to sui t your needs.   In PowerShell, use the command: New-AdfsWebTheme -Name DefaultAdfs2019 -SourceName MyADFSWebTheme   It will create a copy of the theme name (...)

(...) BPS.   Application export This function allows you to transfer application templates between different WEBCON BPS installations. If you have a development or test environment, you can qui ckly transfer the current version of the application there. Thanks to that, you can make changes and test them in a separate environment without any risk to the production environment.   T (...)

(...)  to the organizational user database, WEBCON BPS allows you to add them from the portal’s administration panel. After adding the user, they must be granted appropriate privileges to the requi red WEBCON BPS processes. To properly understand the operation of the user’s administration panel, two concepts should be introduced: Authentication – the process of verifying a (...)

(...) ill also not be available in the Portal's search engine.  Fig. 2. Button configuration screen.   The "Hide in navigation menu" option allows you to qui ckly disable a button that starts a specific workflow without opening Designer Studio.  Fig. 3. Hiding a button in the navigation menu.   Compact mode  &nb (...)

(...) isplaying these elements in version 2021.    What are Favorites?    As in web browsers, the WEBCON BPS platform has a list of elements that can be qui ckly accessed using the Favorites menu. Each user has the option of bui lding their own list.  Fig. 1. Favorites button (the star) visible in the BPS Portal menu   (...)

(...) form's rules invocations (including all invocations of functions that modify the form),   invocations of rules responsible for visibility, editability and requi redness of form fields,   asynchronous invocations of form fields such as data table, data row, chart, pick box (along with the content of queries),   application r (...)

(...) or group" type (in the “Picker fields” folder). In the attachments section, in the "User photo" category, a graphic file with the user's photo has been attached. The requi rements for graphic files are described later on when we discuss the action’s configuration.    When this form is sent by hitting the “Send to acceptance” button, it (...)

(...) assign it to the approver based on any condition you define.   Business case To present this action’s configuration and operation, we have created a workflow for declaring the requi sition for office supplies. Fig. 1 Sample workflow   The start step is completing a requi sition form on which the user indicates who should be the approver, what item is request (...)

(...) troduction A dashboard is a panel that allows you to prepare a dedicated page where you can add various elements (called widgets) such as reports, task counters, or HTML code. Widgets are used to bui ld a personalized application page in WEBCON BPS Portal. The ability to create your dashboards by using 10 widgets has been introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019. In version 2020, the list of available wi (...)