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for AD

(...) Hello, we have switched webconBPS to standalone in the last day, everything works so far but the Word AD d-in reports a "401" when logging into the portal. Does anyone have an idea why the user has permissions for everything but when logging in via the AD d-in supposedly has no permissions? thanks in AD vance

(...) Hi, would it be possible to have an option for rAD io buttons to be formatted to appear horizontally on the form insteAD of vertically? Would be a good AD dition to help save space on a form. kind regards, Dean

(...) The solution is to manually create the "application files" directory in the source. After that, the vsto file is imported correctly, but I open outlook and there is an inactive element in the AD dins - "Failed to loAD . A startup error occurred while loAD ing the COM architecture plugin." Where can there be a mistake? thank you, mv

Hi, from time to time we have the use case that an item list row may not be delete under specific circumstances by the user. Currently there's no easy way to prevent this. One option could be to display "virtual" columns for these actions in the item list, so that one could make use of the existing functionality "column edit restriction". With this we could define whether the action should b

(...) Hi, I'm sure the „AD ditional navigation link“ is used in different ways. In our case, we reference an information portal. But if the user want to use this sites, he/she/it will lost the webcon form... Suggestion: 1. AD d a checkbox for html-attribute „target“ to set target="_blank | _self" 2. AD d a textbox to set the html-attribute „title“ -> the title-Attribute is important for screenreAD (...)

(...) eated by an outside system and can only be identified by the path in which they are stored and the creation date of the file. I can find these files with a PowerShell action but i have no clue how to AD d them as attachments to my workflow. At the point in time the files are created by the 3rd part system my workflow is not yet running so i cannot attach an instance identifier to the files which woul (...)

(...) oesn't contain any information about the database column. I agree in most cases this is of no use and would only create unnecessary traffic. There's one use case though were one needs it. When you reAD the metAD ata information so that you can provide a configuration option in another system to start a workflow using the URL parameters: ...?com_id=1&AttText1=Value1&AttText4=Value2 In this case w (...)

(...) te straight forward. However to check to look of the final document you have to run the action somewhere in the process. So this can be quite time consuming. Having a preview functionality would AD d a great value to WEBCON BPS. As we alreAD y have the option to loAD the form values from a workflow instance, the next step would be hitting the preview button to have a look at the filled template i (...)

(...) : 1) Scenario A hot mailbox creates a new instance within the process and from there WEBCON BPS sends an email out. The user replies to this second email and the hotmailbox has been configured to AD d this reply into the original instance as attachment. This is done by AD ding the instance ID into the mail body and works without issues. 2) Request The body of the second email, the reply of the (...)

(...) Hello, ho can You install Webcon BPS AD d-in for word on a computer without Internet Explorer i.e Windows 11 ?

(...) Hi! Has enyone encouontered errors with AD ding entries to Exchange callendars through action and e-mail sending? Recently Microsoft stopped support of basic auth... Oh, I forgot to mention: I have reactivated Basic Auth for all the protocols available in the article https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/basic-authentication-deprecation-in-exchange-online-september/ba-p/36094 (...)

(...) Dear Community, how about AD ding an icon to path button? Something similar to AD ding an icon to menu button. I think it could be very useful and could improve user experience in this matter. Best.

(...) flow itself. I wanted to change the term "Save" to "Apply" using the translations but I'm stuck because the save button doesn't have an own translation. I hope that an own translation could be AD ded and/or a less confusing term could be used by default. Best regards, Daniel

(...) the current one (the one on which the action is) to the indicated one "copy to" this would solve problems in situations where we need to use a timeout to copy something. An example would be files loAD ed from a hot folder that are AD ded to a process. We want to copy such attachments to the indicated items and not copy them from hotfolder processes.

(...) Hi all, I hAD recently an upgrAD e on the Webcon BPS POrtal but it looks like the studio was not upgrAD ed for the same version. I was trying to open the studio to work and I get the message on the screenshot. I'm afraid to click on the yes as I don't know if I will revert the upgrAD e on the portal or damage anything on the app. Does anyone hAD a similar situation? Thank you!

(...) Hello, I have a question. I'm a Webcon AD min. I am trying to test API and I get this error response from Webcon API: { "type": "InsufficientAccountPermissions", "description": "Global AD min permissions required", "errorGuid": "54d9ccb7-183e-484f-ba73-7f1d0d8ec794" } my endpoint in request via POSTMAN /api/data/beta/AD min/db/1/businessentities my Webcon verion is: 2021.1. (...)

(...) Is there a way to make a newly AD ded line on the itemlist appear at the top insteAD of the bottom? Last AD ded first in edit mode?

(...) I need to AD d custom heAD er to the soap message, e.g. i need to pass formfield value to the heAD er section. How can it be done? Thanks in AD vance. W

(...) Automatic tool to check compatibility after upgrAD e to new version and reporting potential issue on new version. Steps how it could work: 1. UpgrAD e DEV to new version (small or big version) 2. Pick list of IDs from PROD (global AD min or app AD min). 3. Tool is reAD ing all attributes and follow on production processes to recreate all steps as user did (including changing user and their privile (...)

(...) Hello, is there possible to choose attachment version in AD d attachment action? I AD ded action and this is working but always choose the newest version of attachment