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for Processes

(...) Hi everyone! Does anyone know how difficult is to upgrade Webcon from Express to Enterprise AND at the same time set up the test environment with all existing Processes (that were developed on the Express version)? Is it even possible? I'd like to be sure that there will be no problems later with the import-export mechanism for the existing Processes . TIA, Martin

(...) xceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) bei WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.Processes Manager.d__18.MoveNext() --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() (...)

(...) Hello all, Not sure if you might know the answer but it's possible that Dictionary Processes do not allow to have attachments? In the form configuration, the attachment's preview is there but the field attachments is not visible. I need to create a directory so a dictionary would be create but some of the lines might have attachments. Thank you!

(...) a timeout to copy something. An example would be files loaded from a hot folder that are added to a process. We want to copy such attachments to the indicated items and not copy them from hotfolder Processes .

(...) VersionInfoProvider stableVersionInfoProvider, ISupportedLanguages supportedLanguages, ITranslationsHashProvider translationsHashProvider, IVersionProvider versionProvider, IDeskInfoGetter deskInfo, IProcesses AttachmentMaxSizeProvider Processes AttachmentMaxSizeProvider, IAttachmentsRestrictionsProvider attachmentsRestrictionsProvider, IAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider, IDeskSecurity deskSecuri (...)

(...) F for a process. But sometimes SF is updated (for example, an opportunity is cancelled), and there is no reflection of that in Webcon. My idea was to have that information and automatically cancel Processes that were connected with SF for that opportunity. Does anyone have something like this? Thank you!

(...) Steps how it could work: 1. Upgrade DEV to new version (small or big version) 2. Pick list of IDs from PROD (global admin or app admin). 3. Tool is reading all attributes and follow on production Processes to recreate all steps as user did (including changing user and their privileges). Starting all parent and child workflows as it was on production. 4. Reporting differences if it gets any errors duri (...)

(...) wsDocxGenerator.GenerateWorkFlowsDocx() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.DocumentationDocxAsposeManager.GenerateDocumentationDocx(Process process, List`1 allProcesses , String path, List`1 plugins, List`1 allRules, List`1 dataSourcesList, List`1 dataConnectionsList, Func`5 bmpGenAction) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleReports.Documentation.ProcessDocument (...)

(...) omers. Each customer has different persons with individual logins (BPSId). This list of persons can change from time to time, so we need to adjust rights on certain workflow elements (in different Processes ) to this specific list of persons. I am wondering if it is possible (with Webcon Standard actions) to replace privileges on certain workflow elements in different Processes . Selection of workfl (...)

(...) Hi, After updating BPS to version 2022.1.4.111, I can't see the data source columns for dictionary Processes . This applies to creating filters. Fixed value lists do not have this problem. What is causing this problem or change in behavior?

(...) Hi, We have been getting more and more timeouts in our Processes lately. For example, we are getting Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException: The server request timed out. What could be possible reasons? Where can I start researching? Thank you!

(...) d "Control not found ('SubElems_257')WFD_ID=21065". I don't have any page loading rules and there are no actions performed on this item list in the current step. It occurs in various applications and Processes that I have. The event viewer does not provide any additional information. Does anyone have a similar situation? What is the issue? Kind regards, Bartek

(...) Hi, is it possible to manage colors in the graphic - Gantt chart? My "holiday schedule" data source retrieves data from two Processes (remote work at the initiative of the employee and occasional remote work). By inserting the source into the process, all elements are marked with the same color. I would like elements from two Processes to be colored separately with a color of my choice.

(...) Dear All, maybe in Studio there could be a check option if signature format is used by any other process or form type? When you have many Processes it gets harder to keep all acronyms unique. What do you think?

(...) Hello, in the "Absences" application I have two Processes : Employee file, Holiday request. I wanted to ask you, how do you organize data sources for such a process? 1. Should the source of data be an employee's file with a list of items that reflects holiday leave limits? In this case, each submitted application should update the parent workflow (Employee file), but I am afraid that over time the (...)

(...) Hi all. I have the requirement to create a report that aggregates process columns from multiple workflows. In the portal report configuration menu from the source tab I can choose multiple Processes ->workflows. However, doing so wil only allow me to pick system columns and not process related ones. Is there a way to surface process columns from across multiple workflows to build the report? Thanks (...)

(...) After updating to version 2023.1.1.41, errors are occurring on the portal. All Processes are working correctly, did any of you have a similar problem? After analyzing the errors in GUID, I got a log as below. url: http://lowcode/api/nav/applications/mostused | action: GetMostUsed ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT (...)

(...) a process for overtime registration and I want to block the user to add a new instance with dates that were already added for the same person in webcon. I've created a control field but now all the Processes are moved to cancel even if the values are different. Can you help? Thank you

(...) on.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.UsagesGenerator.TransformToFlatUsagesList(ISearchableEntity searchable, Int32 processID, Boolean processUsagesOnly, Boolean filterOtherProcesses ) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.DataSourcesDocumentationGenerator.PopulateUsages(Int32 processID) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocu (...)

(...) rrectly. Did you encounter such a problem in version 2023? I don't know whether to look for the cause in the environment configuration or if it's a general problem. The problem occurs on different Processes and different content databases. Thanks for any information.