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(...) Hello, I have created a Choice field that allows multiple values. I noticed that the 'wfd_attchoose' column saves both the ID and Name, while the 'wfd_attchoose1_id' column only stores the first ID. I am wondering why I cannot see all the IDs and how I can extract each value individually. Can you help me with a suggestion? Thank you.

(...) Hello, I have 4 HTML field s (Categories) and one Choice field (Projects), and I would like to place some hyperlinks on HTML field s that start a new instance. Can I set 'StartElement' function on this HTML field so it can define other parameters that should auto-fill in the instance? For example: I choose a project, then press a 'Category' button (one HTML field ) that will start an instance, and (...)

(...) Hi A useful option would be to add the ability to set the horizontal layout of attributes directly in the tab. The same as now it is possible in the group of form field s. Regards.

(...) Hi all! I want to hide / show / mark as required some form field s based on field Guid. Is there a way to do this easily? When I look at the signature of e.g. Hide function it just seems to take some shrinked DB name (e.g. AttText35) or field id (integer), which is different between environments. Appreciate any hint into right direction. Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hi there, I have following idea and search for a solution: I have an items list; now in case a certain field is changed, I want to write the "old" value before the change into a different column of this itemlist row. Any ideas? Kind regards, Klaus

(...) Hello, I have a process (start - finish) that creates an instance and remains in the "Finish" state. Here, I have the following form field s: "Quantity TOTAL" (Floating-point number) and "Quantity" (Data table). In that data table, I have other instances from a different process, and in one column (Quantity Requested), I calculate the sum. How could I save that sum in Quantity TOTAL and have it c (...)

(...) Hey. We've ran into an issue with the Drop-down choice field within an Item List. Simple way to get the error: Clone a row with some data -> Try to modify the drop-down attribute value in the newly created row This results with a checksum error pointing at the choice field (see picture provided with the thread). It has happened in different applications/processes before too. We're using ver (...)

(...) It would make sense if newly added form field s to a group of field s would inherit form types assignment from the group. Now, if you assign a group to let's say one of 3 available form types, when you add a form field to this group, it is automatically assigned to all 3 form field s, with no inheritance.

(...) response and description. In some questions I have only response called '(n/a). While the n/a answer is applicable I want to enable the description column. However, I cannot use the enable on choice field . I have tried to put condtions in a 'column edit restricion' but this does not work as it would require add another response and that is not what buisness would like.

(...) ual behavior that an acceptance via MailApproval is rejected with a validation error. If I carry out the acceptance in the same process (same instance) in the application, it works. The option “Form field validation” is checked on the paths. If i deselect, it works. This is what MailApproval returns: ################# Path transition operation failed: Operation on element: DEV/WAVE/2024/556 fai (...)

I have problem - in dictionary I have companies with have got: name like: "ABC " - Factory Company in name is quote sign on beginning (data from polish national VAT/NIP databese) I was testing: if in string is " or ' all time I have got error if I remove from string [name] " or ' - then workflow is working [code] Dodaj Sprzedawcę / Kontakt [/code] error: url: https://w

(...) Hi everyone, it would be great if there would be some option to show the id of a choose field in the browser. Maybe in the history or history in admin mode? Use case: Two users with the same display name and there's currently no option to identify which user was selected without relying on the database. Best regards, Daniel

(...) It happens quite often, that the length of a textfield has to be limited. This can easily be achieved by a reqular expression. However, input field s with inputmode text allow the usage of the maxlength attribute. It would by much nicer to restrict the user to type in more than the defined letters rather than showing a red error message. Therefore, it would be great to introduce a max length prop (...)

(...) Hi, could we have an option to define global HTML field s? This would allow us to define the HTML field ones instead of multiple times in multiple process. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi, I encountered the following error. I have an action that sets a value in a choice field . I set the choice field through the value of the ID. When I enter the form, the value is correctly set, and it displays the name corresponding to the set ID. However, when I enter the report, in that column, I see the value of the ID instead of the name. I tested by setting the value in the choice field (...)

(...) Hello, in the 2023.1.3.29 version, we have apparently identified a reproducible bug. In our case we are using a text field to store a time value. The goal is for this to automatically replace a period ('.') with a colon (':') after input (Style and behavior). The error occurs when we attempt to replace every period ('.') with another character using STRING REPLACE, specifically in the case of (...)

(...) stem fill table with invoice items (eg. cost allocation ). But in this version i get error that: "No exact match was found for:..." ("Nie znaleziono dokładnego dopasowania:...") for attribute Choice field . In previous version this work fine. And there is no pattern in this action because some of this data match and system had no problem (in first row "MPK", and in third row "Alokacja" - but in other (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have to generate a Choice field based on a Query that have an aditional filter. The filter should only allow entries that are higher than a Decimal field in the Form. Somthing like in the Picture. But this did not work.... Has someone an Idea?

(...) Hello Experts, We're currently on BPS version 2021.1.2.143 (getting ready for upgrade) I try to invoke a REST API to update form field s, and I get a proper response from the service, however, it doesn't update the field s. I'm using OData Query to filter and expand the data, and load the response definition from the service. The action configuration and action log with response are on my pictures. (...)

(...) Hi everybody, has anybody an idea how I could manage to make (copy) out of a base64 type picture field an attachment for a bunch of instances? I.e. I have an QR code within my workflow instance as picture field . But I need to export it for external use. Kind regards Klaus