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for rest

(...) y email clients do not support external or even internal stylesheets reliably. By placing your styles directly within your HTML elements, you reduce the risk of styles not being applied due to client rest rictions. 2. Keep the Layout Simple: Simplifying your email design can not only enhance readability but also improve compatibility. Use a single-column layout as much as possible, as it works best (...)

(...) their XP or badges that they can later boast about. In their profile, we added an HTML field where, using a few business rules, we easily displayed in a somewhat non-standard WEBCON manner, some interest ing details about the employee. This would have been substantially more challenging without the new performance indicators functionality. Thank you WEBCON for the new features that come (...)

(...) ny relations, will be a challenging task. So we decided to add a JSON-builder, that generates the structure based on the form fields. It is quite simple, but it also groups fields to its nearest grouping element (group, tab). Also, item lists, data tables, and data rows are supported. For most scenarios, this should be sufficient. In addition, you can still create your own JSON, by whatever (...)

(...) ad the ExchangeExtendedProtectionManagement script available here; launch the Exchange Management Shell console with elevated privileges; retrieve all the IP addresses for which it is possible to rest rict access to the virtual directory by entering the following command in the console:  .ExchangeExtendedProtectionManagement.ps1 -FindExchangeServerIPAddresses -OutputFilePath "C:tempE (...)

(...) April 18, 2024 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de Did you ever wanted, to navigate up to a parent or grant parent workflow instance? Then you may find the linked post interest ing. READ MORE: HERE

(...) of the previous versions of our applications, should we need to return to them.   E-mail contents We can strictly control what is sent in e-mails (standard and custom). There is an interest ing option in the configuration of form fields: Never show in e-mail notifications. It’s worth noting that technical fields also won’t be included in e-mails. In the template config (...)

(...) d to be transferred   The blog post provides information about the available options and sometime other helpful information. READ MORE: here.   In case you are interest ed in copying a content database you find more information: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/mirroring-environments-for-2023-standalone/427/3 https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/co (...)

(...) window   It allows users to quickly change the Portal theme to WEBCON Contrast Black Yellow or any other custom theme marked as contrast. After deselecting the theme, the default theme is rest ored. The window also has an educational function: there are universal prompts for the user to resize the screen using the mouse or keyboard, which vary depending on the operating system used. To d (...)

(...) ngual user interfaces this post can provide you with little helpers to generate SQL statements: For multilingual choose fields. Multilingual icons   If you aren’t interest ed in these then you can still take a look at the SQL command stubs: Get workflow data Get item list data Join workflow element and item list Get attachments of the workflow Get emails o (...)

(...) sp; In the installer, during system verification, it is also possible to install Java.   Steps II, III, and IV – Updating WEBCON BPS and creating a backup copy, then rest oring the backup after the update. Before beginning to update WEBCON BPS to version 2024 R1, identify which of the three installation variants is on your environment – and then proceed accord (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; August, 2022 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de   If you are working with web services data sources like rest then you will have noticed that you can't view the outgoing request. This is also true, if you have a problem, when the instances hasn't been saved yet. All in all this can be quite annoying, if there' (...)

(...) d rules. You also agree to keep forum discussion limited to topics best suited for this type of medium. We wish for this forum to be a place where our partners, clients, acquaintances, and anyone interest ed in WEBCON BPS can connect with their peers, solicit advice, share experiences, and add to conversations. Please take a moment to read and understand the rules. To maintain an atmosphere that encou (...)

(...) Hi all! I am new to WebCon BPS. I wonder if it is possible to get all items of a process or a datasource/dictionary defined in BPS from client side via rest API. In SharePoint I did something like this: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('MyList')/items?select=Title... This does not seem to be possible with BPS rest API or at least I did not find it ;-) I am thankful for every hint pushing me into the ri (...)

(...) llo, I am trying to send a custom mail via the action. In the direct recipients I need to have a hardcoded e-mail address and in the CC I have to have another hardcoded e-mail address. This is not a rest riction, but it's the way I firstly tried. It came as a surprise when for each e-mail address a separate mail was sent. For the example above, a mail is sent for the direct recipient and another mail (...)

(...) Due to a mistake, migration scripts for version 2021 R3 (2021.1.3.136; 2021.1.3.178) do not take into account changes in rest data source configuration. After updating to version 2021 R3, all rest data sources configured in versions older than 2021 R1 will cease to function. Data sources configured in 2021 R1/R2 will only return columns from a collection that have been manually selected, whereas pre (...)

(...) ng the JavaScript 3: Selecting the path with which the results should start, whole community or only forum entries. 4: Entering search phrase 5: Results are displayed in a new tab If someone is interest ed, here are the details how to set this up and decide which search engine should be used.: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/quickly-search-current-website Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hello Community, Does anyone established the connection between Sales Force and Webcon? I have all the documentation on the Webcon side for the rest API but I'm finding some difficulties on the Sales Force side as I'm not sure on where and how to configure the necessary steps to get the connection between the 2 systems. Thank you all for the attention!

(...) field. The first field a category has to be selected (1-5), and when someone selects Category 1, the second field should appear dynamically to make a selection. Now I added a rule in "Visibility rest riction in form", see picture. I runs but it seems only on form load and not dynamically.

(...) Webcon BPS 2021.1.3.205 Express After an unexpected rest art of the SOLR server it shows the error: Error in SolrActivity Search. Identyfikator błędu: 610fd0f1-0c4b-4234-aefe-df17ef065005 ServiceLocationProvider must be set. In event log: Message=SOLR not initialized Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr StackTrace= w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr.BPSSolrServerProxy.GetInstance[T]() w WebCon.WorkFlow.Da (...)

(...) Hello, I want to download data from rest Web service, which has collection type, but I can't map it because there is no type of attribute like that in Webcon. Can it be handled comehow?