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for task

(...) ranslations are displayed in the language selected in the User profile in Portal. Values selected on the form for a Choice list that are available in other parts of the system (e.g. in Reports, My task s, Rules, and Mass notifications) are also displayed in the language currently set in Portal. However, this does not apply to previously saved instances – once the translations have been configu (...)

(...) rofile. However, here you can only edit the device data or remove it as a trusted device.   PUSH notifications The application supports PUSH notifications that inform about creating new task s for users. They are displayed within bubbles and, additionally, as a small application icon in the device status bar.   In the iOS system devices, the notifications are displayed addi (...)

(...) with all Applications by default. It is used in the following places: Person or group fields Item list columns that Use people field data source The Any person option in predefined task assignment Delegating task s on Portal Adding privileges through admin action on Portal Business rule functions in the “Users” node, e.g. CURRENT USER IS ONE OF, USER IS ONE OF, etc. (...)

(...) e Designer Studio to create fully functional and useful business applications for various departments of the company. Their work is overseen by the Department Manager who coordinates the execution of task s and delegates responsibilities among subordinates. At present, the Department is involved in three projects dedicated to developing applications for the HR Department, Customer Service Departmen (...)

(...) at the Faculty of Engineering Management of Poznan University of Technology for the annual WIZ-BIZ-LOG DAY event. Approximately 100 students participated in this year’s Process Hackathon, task ed with creating prototypes of drawn processes using WEBCON BPS Designer Desk. As with the previous edition, we treated the competition as a learning opportunity, and a strong team of experts from (...)

(...) ons. Why Clients Need More Than a Default Template   The default WEBCON email notification template is by design a "one-checkbox" option to inform users about incoming task s. It offers a sound foundation in terms of functionality, but it significantly lacks in areas crucial for building a unique brand identity and deeper customer engagement. One of its primary limitatio (...)

(...) ayed in a somewhat non-standard WEBCON manner, some interesting details about the employee. Earning XP is an interesting way to offer a little acknowledgment for each accomplished task . However, no one expected that adding the badge functionality would have such a significant impact. Since badges were added as a feature in this gamification process, I can wholeheartedly say that no (...)

(...) d to use JSON as a datasource, as in our opinion it offers the most versatile usage.  For most users, more complex JSON structures, e.g. with one-to-many relations, will be a challenging task . So we decided to add a JSON-builder, that generates the structure based on the form fields. It is quite simple, but it also groups fields to its nearest grouping element (group, tab). Also, ite (...)

(...) ranslates into the paralysis of certain popular functionalities, such as HotMailBoxes or MailApproval, as well as the inability to execute actions within the Exchange group (Exchange events, Exchange task s, and Out of office autoreply). Hence, compromised access to these functionalities can present a significant challenge for many WEBCON BPS users.   Disabling the Extended Protection funct (...)

(...) sources to make our system configuration “airtight”. Part of good process design is planning out what resources and data should be available to each user – not only to complete task s in workflows, but also in reporting tools like Reports and Dashboards. If we limit what the user can see to only the most crucial data, it will not only look neater but also protects sensitive data. (...)

(...) osoft Outlook is one of the basic tools used by office workers. Outlook Classic and Outlook Modern add-ins are responsible for its integration with WEBCON BPS Portal. They allow users to access their task s, view the contents of selected forms, and use many other Portal features from within their e-mail correspondence, without having to close the e-mail application. This article describes the method (...)

(...) 1.) Delegated task s or task s received because of substitution rules are always shown as "Substitution". This confuses people sometimes, because they then might think they will receive all of the delegators task s. It would be better to show delegated task s as Delegated. 2.) Since we updated to Version 2019 and 2020 we lost the functionality for users to create substitutions for other colleagues. They (...)

(...) In many task s we need the same info from the current user. So it would be nice, the user have to write down this only once. Preferred into an additional and self-configurable dictionary, that's called via user-icon. In this way the user can run only one instance.

(...) Hi everyone, is someone here how understands power query? I got a task to retrieve data from a BPS report in excel to use it for additional analysis. I was able to retrieve the data but transforming the json response to a table is beyond me. Just in case there's someone who would be able to do it but doesn't know how to retrieve the data I add the logic below which can be put into the advanced edit (...)

(...) all our contract based payments and the steps "financing check", "paid", "not paid" which use different fields and need to be kept in a different report - it might look like this: + Invoices My task s (17) My Invoices (120) Factual check Financing check Accounting + Contract based payments My task s (3) My CBP Financing check Paid Not paid and so on. (...)

(...) Hi all! I need to create an email alert that will be triggered if a task Assignment Workflow is created for a specific user. My goal is to check if that user is a User Cal (has a Webcon licence) and if not send me an email so I can give the user the access required. I've created a Send custom email and I'm trying to define the execution rule that will be checking the previous statement. My quer (...)

(...) '{USERLAN}',0,2)) where WFH_OrgID = '{WFD_ID}' and STP_typeid 7 and WFH_IsLastVersionInCurrentStep = 1 union SELECT WFD_STPID, WFD_ID, WFD_COMID, '' as finished_by, '' as path, 'Current task ' as Left_Step_at, TRans_name, STP_TypeId, NULL as WFH_LeaveCurrentStepDate, 2 as SortCategory FROM WFElements left outer join WFSteps on WFD_STPID = STP_ID left outer join translates on STP_ID = (...)

(...) Is there a way to have a task that uses a majority approval vs a single or all?

(...) Hi. I'm looking for a solution to hide rows of a list element depending on the value of a list element column. I.e. for a task list I would like to have the row visible for everyone, until the checkbox "done" ist set "true". I tried with the "Acceptance" function (see Acceptance.png), but the issue is that I can make the column visible for a (single) defined user, but not for multiple users. Any ide (...)

(...) Hi everyone, maybe I'm missing something, but is there an option to create multilingual custom emails? Example: A task is assigned to three users, one of them has set the portal language to English the other ones are using German. If we are using the "standard mail action" or activate the corresponding checkbox two mails will be send. One in English for the first one and another one in German for the (...)